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The state of the free world.

Tom Speirs

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All in all, its a sad situation when we need censorship to protect fully grown adults from doing stupid things. 

How about we start teaching people what bullshit is and the many forms it comes in rather than protect them from it?

I am a little annoyed I am "protected" from seeing the video in question in the so called free world. 

Our very slowly eroding freedoms is the real conspiracy theory here as non exciting as that is. 

Hope you like the great firewall of China because this is a step towards getting our own.

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Its censorship of freedom of speech buddy, however you want to spin it.

As far as I am aware the video breaks no laws, even civil. Its a fictional work, right? Is there too much name dropping?

To me, its very clear, this is the real scary thing. 

Although, I would really like to see the friggin thing!

But really, technically, how is this different than a Bacha Cohen thing?

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Its not a big deal that I cant see a silly movie. Its what it represents longer term I have an issue with.

Apparently from what I have read its WHO that pushed for this.

For every word of silliness from your guy there's words of great significance too, you know?

Its not like we can bomb anyone or any of that nonsense but there should be a process for financial renumeration in my opinion. I know if BP did it they would be paying for it!


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I think there's more than meets the eye going on here, but that's a rabbit hole all in itself.

I know people that have felt compelled to find alternative sources of news for over a decade now, what's going on now will just  push them further below the surface IMO.  VPN's have become so "normal" now their "trustworthiness" is at best questionable.  That's what I was more or less alluding to previously, I believe there will become an underground against the "agenda" so to speak.  Scary times for sure, but this was exactly the type of event that has provided the catalyst so many where looking for to hammer their point home.  The divide is getting bigger. as is the hatred!



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On a positive note, this hobby still provides the escape I need from everything, even if it's just tinkering with configs and building stuff with the hope of actually playing it someday.  For that, I'm truly thankful :D

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WHO, UN, pick your acronyms, political party, billionaires of choice. There's a growing number that are questioning and seeking the truth behind the current pandemic and other disturbing trends.

Little do they realize that there's something more insidious taking place with the worse to come to keep us in line.


Seriously, there is more going on and you need only follow the money and information (data). 

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