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Exit Program for PinballX Exit and another one for Windows Shutdown


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Hi all,

I'm really happy with PinballX but I miss a feature:

To be able to launch separate sricpts/programs on PinballX exit and Windows Shutdown.

"Why do you want to do this, you don't need it" -> Yes I do!

When I exit from PinballX to Windows, I have a script to rotate my display (it works fine today)

When I directly shutdown windows, I would like to be able to send IR command to shutdown my screens before. (I can't do it with PinballX today, nor Windows 10 familly)


Do you think this could be an interesting new feature?




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Interesting? Yes. Possible? Only if PinballX had the ability to launch a program upon shutdown. 

Either way, please post this suggestion in the Feature Request forum.


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Hi Draco1962,

of course they had this ability. I don't ask this for any windows shutdown but only for them launch by PinballX. So Pinballx could launch a program/script, wait X ms, and launch the windows shutdown as it do it actually.

Draco, can you move this subject to the Feature Request forum or do you prefer me to do another one?





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Can't you use the exit command line with a batch file to fulfill your needs ?

I thought that has an option to wait for exit. 

Put all in a bat or cmd (or exe) file and pbx will shutdown after.

I have al kind of scripts running to during startup and shutdown 

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How about a hardware solution?

TrickleStar 7 Outlet Advanced PowerStrip

Apparently it detects the power decrease from the device being shutdown and shuts power to the peripherals plugged into specific outlets.

If you search you may find something similar with a USB kill switch that detects the USB signal shutdown to kill power to devices plugged into the strip.

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@Mike_da_Spike: no because this exit command line don't make the difference between "exit pinballx" and "shutdown windows". My scripts are differents in each cases.

If you know how to send this information (exit or shutdown) to a script/batch/program by the command line, I'm interessed in.

@Draco1962: of course there is many hardware solutions. My purpose was to enhance pinballx and do it for free.


Thanks for your interest.



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You might be able to do a shutdown script in windows (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/technet-magazine/dd630947(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN)

But yeah, as far as i know the exit program batch in pinballx won't know if it's just exiting pinballx, or exiting and shutting down. 

Definitely post it as a feature request!

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I don't see it programmatically passing a command to the monitors physically cut power to the monitors.

Windows 10 is limited to leveraging Power Options:

Set your power button to turn off all your PC's displays in the Creators Update

There are cons to using the settings in the article and your mileage may vary.

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2 hours ago, scutters said:

You might be able to do a shutdown script in windows (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/technet-magazine/dd630947(v=msdn.10)?redirectedfrom=MSDN)

But yeah, as far as i know the exit program batch in pinballx won't know if it's just exiting pinballx, or exiting and shutting down. 

Definitely post it as a feature request!

@scutters: You're right, this is working... on windows 10 versions over than the familly one that I have :-(

1 hour ago, Draco1962 said:

I don't see it programmatically passing a command to the monitors physically cut power to the monitors.

Windows 10 is limited to leveraging Power Options:

Set your power button to turn off all your PC's displays in the Creators Update

There are cons to using the settings in the article and your mileage may vary.

@Draco1962: Using Pinscape, I can send an IR command to shutdown my TV screens. It does not physically cut the power but they are shutdown. Otherwise, they still on, with a "no signal" message for some minutes, unless I cut the general power supply. This is what I would improve. I'm affraid that your last suggestion will not work. Thanks anyway for your feedback.



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