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8 hours ago, RIP-Felix said:

China in particular has a such a large population of poor rural farmers and ranchers that need the income they make off wet markets. I mean, you gotta give it to china, they're industrializing and modernizing quick, they just have so many people that the challenge is nearly insurmountable. And it's not like the world is going vegan anytime soon! There are many dirty markets all over the world where conditions could be better, but it's such a difficult thing to crack down on when the most affected people are poor.

In short, it's hard to ensure a pig doesn't mire in bat droppings. It's even harder to give up bacon! We need to be prepared for this to happen again.

They are in every third world country I've been to, so I get that.  The risk of transmission within these though is too great and this event will bankrupt countries and millions upon millions of people.  Doesn't compute, the risk isn't worth the reward.


Addendum to original post:

Includes CEO's where I specifically am not signed up to emails from your business.

PS: As far as I know also illegal in some jurisdictions. Oh wait, its essential to operation of my account and you are not just covering your ass. Of course.


True, the only retail store I want contacting me to tell me they're taking extra steps disinfecting everything is the grocery store, not housewares crap!  While I'm on the grocery store topic, WTF people, stop coughing with a half-hearted "in the sleeve" or no attempt all.  Doing this shit clears the aisles, get a damn clue!


If we ever wanted a watermark for our fellow human beings in terms of who has reached the next step of human evolution and who are the laggards, it is this, boys. 

1 hour ago, tthurman said:

True, the only retail store I want contacting me to tell me they're taking extra steps disinfecting everything is the grocery store, not housewares crap!  


I'm getting 1 or two a day from just about every business I have dealt with in the last 20 years. Supermarket, fair enough, but my ISP and some company I bought a domain off too? Yeah I know your doing what you can and we are prepared for a shit show. I watch the news and you should do your best anyway.

I know in the US you even get physical junk mail by the boatload but I tend not to here and I am not too tolerant of it. Perhaps its just me but it is way more annoying than it is reassuring since I am not subscribed.

If you want to see a genuine meaningful message from a CEO see this:


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So, Youtube's servers are getting hammered with everybody staying at home with nothing better to do.  Their response is to disable the automatic setting to allow high bandwith HD signals.  Ok, you can still override that.  Now today at work I heard a rumor that ISPs are throttling back their speeds because they can't support the bandwith demand.  WTF.  I'm still not getting what they advertise is their baseline speed.  They advertise 100mbit "starting" speeds.  We get 80mbit on perfect days.  A friend of mine said he heard they were going to drop to 20mbit until relief starts.  OMG WTF.


@hansolo77 we are seeing the impacts of increased bandwidth usage with our various cloud apps, VPN, and teleconferencing apps.

Closer to home, my son, nephew, and brother-in-law were laid off due to impacts on their businesses - Network installation for my son, pizza restaurant for my brother-in-law and nephew.

My other children work in essential services (Education, police, county services), as do myself (IT for state property insurer) and my wife (Accounting for gas station maintenance and repair).

If I have learned anything from all of this, it is humility, thankfulness, and patience. It is amazing the power of a smile to someone under siege by general public nastiness, even one from my fugly mug.


It's opportunistic advertising. Throw the word Coronavirus up on your website or in email subject lines and you'll immediately get people's attention. "Look at us, we're doing the right thing! See we're not so bad. We turning a new leaf, a socially responsible one. Oh yeah, that's right, we're hip to the times! And don't forget us when this is all over. We need your business!"

On 3/26/2020 at 1:17 PM, Draco1962 said:

On a nicer note, Nine Inch Nails just released two new albums free!


Instrumental atmospheric music. Put it on in the background and chill. Not really what I associate with NIN but free-is-free.

  • 3 weeks later...

Nobody that I know of has been infected, but given the virulence of this nasty, it has a chance of infecting over 80% of the population.

So far it has forced the closure of the pizza franchise where my brother-in-law and nephew worked permanently.

My son lost his full-time salaried job installing network and WiFi in gyms. His employer told him and his coworkers that, after the shutdowns are lifted, they would be made offers to come back as 1099 employees. So no more employer insurance, paid vacation, sick time, guaranteed hours, etc.

Dirty pool (legal, but still dirty) taking place.

It is even happening in the hospitals. Nurses fired due to dropping of elective procedures, but offers to contract to support emergency COVID-19 rotations at the same hospitals for less than they made as FTEs.


Bastards. I feel for you guys in the states. Our neo liberal free-market psychopaths are nasty, but the states is on a different level.

"Let's make America great again" Sadly more like turkeys voting for Christmas. 

Google Milton Freidman. The 20th century's second biggest psychopath (second only to Kim Kardasian).

Tell yer men to fight. Also an IT professional with network skills in the present time? This could be an opportunity to find a decent employer. 


Unfortunately, the uncertainty of shortfalls over the next fiscal year has employers pinching pennies and cutting throats. There's talk where I work that there will be lay offs next year because of it.

But hey, at least I get a $1200 check with Donald Trumps autograph! Everyones favorite form of placation! You know, "shut up and take your money...back. You'll need it when we can your ass next year."


My daughter lost her job yesterday, so that brings family members financially impacted to 4.5.

So under her roof there are now 2 unemployed and 1 with reduced hours.  This means we will not benefit from the "stimulus" checks ourselves as we will be setting that aside to help them meet rent and utility payments.

I am glad we received it as it will lessen the blow to helping family. But so much we had planned for home repairs & improvements are on indefinite hold.


I'm not a socialist but I have to agree with my fellow Brit on how brutal it is over there on the compassion front compared to here and other first world countries. Hang in there brothers.


Looking forward to retirement. It is a good ways away, but not answering to disconnected, narcissistic asshats is a light at the end of the tunnel.


The writing has been on the wall for a while about how tenuous things are at my wife's company. The major share holder has been overextending his reach for some time, more concerned with securing property and shares from former partners than providing capital needed to repair and refresh existing businesses/properties. To add insult to injury, he has also restricted her company from bidding for 3rd party construction contracts.

Thanks to this and now COVID-19 restrictions, the first round of layoffs begin April 30th. My wife is not in danger as of yet, but Lord it's too close for comfort. Keep us in your prayers that she is not included in the next rounds.


In my experience its a constant threat at corporates and the bigger they get the worse it gets. Little point being loyal or a company man. People should constantly be on the lookout for higher paying jobs in my opinion. And yes, take the money. I would not have said that 20 years ago.

I will certainly be thinking of you but in my opinion your wife should be job hunting and being proactive.

2 hours ago, Tom Speirs said:

I will certainly be thinking of you but in my opinion your wife should be job hunting and being proactive.

I appreciate it. Alicia doesn't wait. She's updated her resume weeks ago and put copies out on the job posting sites. Problem is that most local employers have frozen new hiring and/or furloughing employees themselves.

To use a hunting analogy, it doesn't matter if the dog is ready willing and able to hunt. If the game doesn't exist in the field, that dog don't hunt!

We'll get through this. We always have. 


Another analogy: it's not about the size of the dog in the fight, it's all about the size of the fight in the dog. 

Of course, I am not calling your wife a dog.... oh bloody hell, I always get myself in trouble when I try to be supportive.....

I think we all know deep down that there is an alternative way to live and that modern living is particularity corrupt. I took your earlier point, Tom, and I don't think either of the old models (socialism or neo liberalism/free markets) are the answer. A new progressive and modern model is needed. There's a huge number of good economists and academics out there who know the answers. Unfortunately, the shareholders and boards don't like them. 

I feel for your situation, Draco and it's reminding me of the global economic crash around 2007. Private industries and families were hit hard first (my mate and his wife had a crap time) followed by public sector 3 years later (I lost my career of 15 years due to Cameron and Osborne - I'm back now as a lead in my job, but it took 10 years and a significant failed relationship). 

Stick with it. They're bastards. 



Wan't really referring to you buddy but that its way different in the states. Many there still very conservative and puritanical. Gay marriage and abortion is still a big political issue over there. Thankfully not even on the agenda here where religion actually hurts politicians careers rather than assist. Conservative tends to mean more about that over there rather than not supporting single mums here ;)  I will say that Trump seems a bit removed from that stuff to the usual Republican. He does have his good points relatively.

Still, since I started this thread as a rant on the bullshit and fakeness surrounding the issue. How the hell did everyone forget so fast that the NHS is really not that awesome? I just pray I don't have to go into hospital. Death percentage rate of 10%. WTF. People are delusional! Still, when I die in hospital at least I wont get a big bill!


..and that, Tom, is where true change starts! Daring to have those unspeakable conversations. Good on you + you're right - it's only as good as the context in which it is delivered. It's better than the alternative (read: American model), but it is deeply flawed and politicised. Just look at the state of Chirs Whitty (chief govt medical adviser for non-uk folk); to quote Burcow a real "craven lickspittle" of a man. Your family's health in his hands. 

I've worked across many public sector organisations, including the NHS. All have their faults. The NHS is particularly full of terrible managers who ultimately don't give a shit about their patients. Most of the clinicians do, though; but most services are horrendously underfunded due to sweetheart deals with private companies like Carillion. It genuinely really, really shocking. 

...and the clapping. A good move by a Prime minister who is sending doctors and nurses into hospitals to die due to lack of PPE and testing. Really, it beggars belief that people don't see what's going on. Bad, psychopathic generals have been doing this for time immemorial. 

Sorry to put a downer on things, I've just had a day battling the empire :(

Keep yer chin up fellas and don't let the bastards grind you down.



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