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@scuttersand I found some minor bugs in the previous release and those are fixed now.
Also added the 40 system support that @Tom Speirs added in PinballX release 4.61 (was 25 previously)
Just check out the release notes and have fun with it 

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@scutters and I released a new version with a new feature in it.
You can now download for Visual Pinball tables a POV (point of view) file from all our media locations !
Thanks to @chucky87 from Team PP that we could use his POV files and put it on @Tom Speirs  FTP server.
If you prefer to download files from Mega site, you can add the mega link to the MEGA folders (under settings) and you can download it from Mega as well.
Or just drag and drop to the icon to import the POV file.

By default this option is disabled. Enable it by going to 'Settings' screen and in the 'General' tab, select 'Show POV' to 'Yes'

Have fun with this !
(and thanks @scutters for all your work too ! I should not forget you to thank for all the work with this tool)

If You like PinballX Database Manager, please rate it on the download page (on bottom, give a review an rate it)

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Happen to be getting started since I just setup my own pinball cabinet and love using your manager.  It has definitely made my life a lot easier.    So far everything is working great but seems when I try to import the table info when tapping the VP Table Info button to import it fails right away.

Console shows:

VP Import Started

Action Log Update - VP table information refreshed start for VisualPinballX\PinballX.xml...

ESC Key Pressed - Import Cancelled before completion.   

I only tap on the VP Table Info button nothing else.  So not sure why its being cancelled.  I did look in the logs and it is only showing the same message without any additional information.   Not sure if there is a setting I'm missing.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks


It should not cancell itself. Can you provide the log file (in the pinballx\log directory)

And your ini file from the same folder as Databasemanager is running ?

You can set in the settings an auto update for vp table info as wellThthis will update tables that are changed outside the program (so for an same file name that is updated)

This button itself is mostly only needed once  when you want to do a bulk import. You will do this when you just started using database manager. When you add a new table or change a tables file(by using the 'select file' button), it will populate the data as well



@Sponyx Thanks for the files.

Can you launch the app and select VP Table Info straight away and see if you get the same result? if you do then press the same VP Table Info button a second time. Let us know what happens, and attach the log file again if no success.

(i suspect you previously closed a child form in the app using the Esc key and then when you pressed VP Table Info we actually picked up on that key press again - in which case we have a small bug to fix, but this test should prove it isn't something else)


Posted (edited)
  On 9/11/2020 at 1:36 AM, Sponyx said:

Sadly tried from a cold start as you requested and still no luck.  Hit the VP Table Info button twice and attaching log for your review.


I was sure that must have been it, hmm..

Can you try the Media Audit function - does that exit in the same way immediately after starting? Thanks. 


Edit - Can you also give this test version a go too? (just replace the exe file).


Edited by scutters
Test file removed as fix now in latest version
  • Like 1

Apologies for my delay.   As with most parents my kids just started full remote schooling this week.  : )  I Just tried the test version you attached and that does appear to fix the issue!!   It was able to run through the tables and update the table info for each.  Didn't throw any error about the ESC key being pressed.   

  • Like 1
  On 9/16/2020 at 8:56 PM, Sponyx said:

Apologies for my delay.   As with most parents my kids just started full remote schooling this week.  : )  I Just tried the test version you attached and that does appear to fix the issue!!   It was able to run through the tables and update the table info for each.  Didn't throw any error about the ESC key being pressed.   


No problem. Thanks for letting us know that it worked.

The fix will be included in the next release, so will leave the test version as an attachment for any other users who may come across the issue before then.

  • Thanks 1
  • 1 month later...

I just wanted to highlight a cool feature within Database Manager.
Auto add new tables for Zen Pinball FX3.
If you have bought Zen Pinball FX3 through Steam, and it is updated with new tables, just launch Database manager and go to your FX3 database file
A dialog will appear

If you press "Yes" (or ALT+Y) it will the newly added tables to your Pinball FX3 system list


I have checked the filter "new", to only show the new tables.
As you can see in the action log, 2 out of 3 also did a correct IPDB match
You can add the IPDB for the missing table by clicking on the missed table (Bally_Dr_Dude), and click on the button IPDB List (ort Alt+L)
Type a search command (dude wil show some records), make sure the "Overwrite display name" is checked ! to get the correct display name in PBX, and select the correct entry. You can double click on the entry,  hit the button Select, or use ALT+S to get the information 


Now you got the information for your table very easily and quickly


You can also use other display names than the one from IPDB. Thats a users choice
Don't forget to save the table before you do something else ! 
If media is present on FTP or you have a  Mega upload link, you can adjust your media quickly 
If you create your own media (or downloaded it from another source), you can drag and drop, or right click on the media type to select "Import from file".


If you have all your media that you want imported and you want to create your own video's (as I should prefer)


you can use a per table "Create Videos" button (ALT+C). This option will re-create all existing videos you have for the specific table.
I prefer the "Bulk Videos" (ALT+V)
This will bring up the "Create Videos" dialog as we know the same from Gamemanager


When selecting "Create" or (ALT+R) it will create your missing videos through PBX and you are good to go with the new tables within PBX !

Or you can download Playfield and Backglass from FTP if you have an GameEx  membership :


NOTE:  The dialog  for adding new tables will only appears if you didn't disabled it in the settings (by default it is showed). image.png.7017f5f6e05d543213f64af938afb520.png
The setting above will not show the dialog, but will add it automatically.  If setting is changed to "Add None", automatic table entries will be skipped !

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  • Mike_da_Spike changed the title to [APP] PinballX Database Manager

What do you get when an Englishman has a crazy idea for months and he really want to add it to a program with a Dutch guy ?
The basis of Database Manager version !

This started indeed as a joke and I tried to get it out of @scutters head, but he insisted to make a proof of concept to create a multi language version.
When he made the POC for me, I get enthusiastic as well and we went through the complete code to change all our words/sentences/buttons/tooltips/etc. to make it multi language aware.

It took a lot of time, until the code was changed, but important thing, how do we add another language.
Scutters took care of the English part (B) yes it was already there) 
I (Mike) took care of Dutch and American 
@PcTeknic was asked to do the Spanish part, and within a week he translated all (really appreciate it and thanks again !)
2 people who doesn't have anything to do with pinball took care of German (IJsblokje) and Portuguese (Rute O.) IJsblokje is working at the same company as me, but other team and Rute was a former colleagues of my (also from another team), but left the company to work at AWS 

French is still in progress and will be added when translation is done !
If someone wants to volunteer to translate Italian (or maybe another language), please let us know
Also if you find anything that needs to be changed, or it doesn't look right, let us know !

We also added some new features that @Tom Speirsreleased in the last couple of PinballX versions

A big thanks to @scutterswho started this ML version and what costs us a lot of time (and headaches) to get all to work.

A small feature that I want to show, is the real time translation when a new version is available (need Database manager 20.11.12 or higher for this)
This is for example in Spanish. I really don't know if this is correct (thats why the original release notes is in English below), but it looks nice :P 


So have fun with this release !

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  • Thanks 1

Good job Mike, and sorry for the headaches i caused mate!

Also thanks again to @PcTeknic  for helping us out.


If anyone does notice any strange issues with languages then please let us know in this thread, attaching a screen shot will probably help us if it's a translation error for a language we don't speak (most of them!)


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I am the one who is grateful to the entire team that works continuously to improve or adapt to the needs of PinballX users.
You do a great job and the least I could do is help as little as I can.


Soy yo quien os está agradecido a todo el equipo que trabaja continuamente para mejorar o adaptar a las necesidades de los usuarios PinballX.
Hacéis un gran trabajo y lo mínimo que podía hacer es ayudar en lo poco que pueda.

  • Thanks 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone, and thanks for the database manager. I was playing around for a couple of hours today and a few questions came up:

  • right click on e.g. the table lets you pick media from GameEx, but primarily videos while the bulk import  and media import per table seems to focus on pictures (png). Is my finding correct?
  • when checking everything under settings to download via ftp (videos and images) - which media have priority/ are assigned to backglass and table? E.g. the table video or the table image?

For any hint many thanks in advance!

  On 11/29/2020 at 10:51 PM, fuzhou said:

Hi everyone, and thanks for the database manager. I was playing around for a couple of hours today and a few questions came up:

  • right click on e.g. the table lets you pick media from GameEx, but primarily videos while the bulk import  and media import per table seems to focus on pictures (png). Is my finding correct?

Yes. Thats correct. As you mentioned, you can setup in settings what you want to download and get that download via the download button

Maybe we can make a difference between video and images. I dont use images, so thats maybe that it isnt implemented :P

  On 11/29/2020 at 10:51 PM, fuzhou said:


  • when checking everything under settings to download via ftp (videos and images) - which media have priority/ are assigned to backglass and table? E.g. the table video or the table image?

We just download and put all in the directories. Pinballx  shows videos if it finds and than shows images. 



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Okay, thanks. Implememtation would be nice...

Btw: the German translation in PinballX is bumpy here and there. E.g. if a person is disabled, he or she is "behindert", but if an option is disabled it is deactivated which is "deaktiviert". Also the system "Visual Pinball" is translated which doesn't make sense. With Future Pinball it is especially funny: "Zukunft Flipper"... Let me know if I can help being a German native speaker...

  • Thanks 1
  On 11/30/2020 at 3:47 PM, fuzhou said:

Okay, thanks. Implememtation would be nice...


Let me think of it and will implement it in the next release (if my programming partner @scutters is ok with it.)  

I don't have much time the comming weeks, but pretty busy with work and started to rebuild my mancave. So it will not be finished soon

  On 11/30/2020 at 3:47 PM, fuzhou said:

Btw: the German translation in PinballX is bumpy here and there. E.g. if a person is disabled, he or she is "behindert", but if an option is disabled it is deactivated which is "deaktiviert". Also the system "Visual Pinball" is translated which doesn't make sense. With Future Pinball it is especially funny: "Zukunft Flipper"... Let me know if I can help being a German native speaker...


It was translated by an colleague of my, who doesn't have anything with pinball. But it was a good start :)

if you want I can send you a file with all words/sentences and you can go through it to check if it is ok and modify where needed 

we appreciate all the help we can get !

  On 11/30/2020 at 4:36 PM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Let me think of it and will implement it in the next release (if my programming partner @scutters is ok with it.)  


Yep, it makes sense to me to prioritise videos over images if the filename is the same.

@fuzhou Any help with the German translations will be greatly appreciated, especially from someone who has virtual pinball experience!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently rebuilt my pinball cabinet and are trying to add back in all my old tables.  The problem is that I have my tables organized as individual folders with the table underneath.  This has worked fine in the past with PBX as if you put the folder in the Game manager, it looks in the folder for the first VPT, VPX, FPT, etc. that it finds and uses that.  This way, I can update a table without changing the database and/or frontend files.

I've looked at the PDM and it has some really nice features, but I don't see anyway to enter a folder in for the name of the table.  

Any thoughts?  If not possible, that is okay, as I have started to recreate it manually.  Just thought I would ask.


We  (@scuttersand I) assumed you have all in the same folder, or if you use different folders, you would create different systems.

Because we use auto add function, check for obsolete, media audit, etc, it is hard to use paths in the name.

I never did it, but you can try to add the folder in the filename section. 

I will put it on the "to check"  list. Maybe we can find an easy way to fulfill your needs with subdirs.

Can you maybe send us your old database files, for testing ?

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