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  On 10/2/2019 at 2:13 PM, killa7977 said:

In the video above from Mike da Spike, in system menù he has tables videos cycling. How can i do this?


I just took some videos playfield videos, grab the first 4.5 seconds, and put them behind each other with some cheap effects. And as Scutters mentioned, I put it in the tables videos with the name - system -.mp4

I have also created some backgrounds. Will put them on the ftp when all is finished


Updated to V1.2, notes update in first post.

Added option to use images as background (@gluk), centre align text, better high score data from high score files and change to all uppercase display text. Thanks once again to @Mike_da_Spike for giving it a quick once over on his system. If you're updating from a previous version there is a new ini file, so it's probably worth copying your current setting off somewhere before updating so you can change thoose sections back).

Example of new functions (using sans serif shaded font, here the lines will scroll up as the window is not displaying all lines);

Better High Score Data;


Centre aligned;


Adding a background image (note that as it stretches to fit your display area it should normally be sized exactly as your display window height & width), here just a white image with red border;


Will then give;


Probably not the best example of what you can do but might give you some ideas for potential use (topper or virual dmd for something like the above?). If you come up with a great font / background combo for display then please post a pic!

  • Like 1

I knew my not properly ratio'd virtual dmd would come in handy one day! (it's not 4:1 visible area and i stretch it a bit vertically)..

Using the upheaval tt brk font i've squeezed in the stats plugin display underneath the pinballx dmd (resized that down vertically a bit in pinballx, then i resize back to full size in game for SS tables, for EM where i don't hide pinballx dmd i'm happy with black below pbx dmd video/image)... I'm very happy with my two lines of text result (i only want last played, time played and scores in the table menu) :), here's what i see while scrolling through tables now on the virtual dmd, scrolling a couple of tables and then seeing lethal weapon hi-scores;


(ignore the grey lines between dmd and plugin displays, OBS studio put that in when i was recording due to my error, normally black)

  • Like 3

nice plug in great to run on 3rd screen ( DMD )

Thanks for this, Ian

  • Thanks 1

Cheers Ian.. having the Last Played date info on display does give you a little nudge to play a game sometimes - it turns out there were a few tables i'd never actually played!

Displaying on virtual DMD works well for me, but i also like the semi opaque overlay on the backglass too, like in mike da spikes video

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)


Can you give this version a go, it has the option for rotation so should work for your playfield monitor. If i'm honest it's a bit of hack job ..  but it has at least tested ok for me so far (i didn't bother centring at the top it as it won't be my normal position, but you get the idea)...


Make a backup copy of your existing dll & ini files first in case you need to go back. Let me know any issues etc, & message me if you need more info to get it going. I'd suggest you get the text you want working and displaying with font set and any scrolling, back image etc first, and rotate / position last.

If it's all ok i'll update the 1st post notes and attachment.




Edited by scutters
plugin test version removed, code released in v1.3

damnit scutters, sorry but i haven't received any notification, i'm just seeing your post right now.... i will try it in the weekend.

i want  to ask you something anyway.... do you think is there a way to show the chart of most played tables not splitted up by systems? if you get what i mean, i don't like having my tables splitted my systems just to see my charts

something like this

1) 3h medieval madness (vpx)

2) 2h attack from mars (vpx)

3) 1h champion pub (fx3)

and so on....

  • Like 1
  On 11/21/2019 at 7:03 PM, killa7977 said:

damnit scutters, sorry but i haven't received any notification, i'm just seeing your post right now.... i will try it in the weekend.

i want  to ask you something anyway.... do you think is there a way to show the chart of most played tables not splitted up by systems? if you get what i mean, i don't like having my tables splitted my systems just to see my charts

something like this

1) 3h medieval madness (vpx)

2) 2h attack from mars (vpx)

3) 1h champion pub (fx3)

and so on....


No worries.. 

I can have a look at the code and see if i can drop a checkbox in somewhere on the config screen to show stats summarised by system or overall on the systems wheel. Would this just be for the most/least played data, or anything else too while i'm at it?


@scutters thanks for this plugin i just installed it but i have found a problem with it, although i also know the work around thanks to viewing @Mike_da_Spike's ini file. It seems the plugin might have some troubles with regional settings. I have my pc set to belgium / dutch language and keyboard belgian point. If i select a font the plugin was always resetting the font to ms sans serif when running in pinballx. I found out by comparing ini files that on my pc it writes the following:


it uses ";" as seperator and "," as decimal seperator but if it does that it does not work and fonts don't display correctly i also had JIT errors sometimes if i used different fonts. Now the workaround is easy i just have to change those lines manually from "Font=Digital Readout; 26,25pt" to "Font=Digital Readout, 26.25pt" and then it works without crashes and loads the font correctly also.

Just letting you know as this could be a problem for others as well but the workaround is easy enough just have to edit the ini to correct the changes. 

My guess is this is related to regional settings as my country used "," not "." as decimal seperator not sure why it had changed "," to ";" to use a seperator between font name and size


edit: btw the rotation version seems to be working for me. I have placed the table info on my playfield rotated

  • Thanks 2

maybe i explained myself wrong, or not well enough eheh

i would like to get rid of systems main menù, and have all my tables of each system showing up right after pinballx starts. this is the simple part, because i know how to achieve it

here is where you came into play mate.... could the charts of most played games shows up in this way? not just the x table statistic..... maybe in a separate box..... do you get what i mean? 


@joyrider3774 thanks for the test and the info, darn regional settings!!

@killa7977 I understand now.. Off the top of my head a plugin doesn't know when pinballx is in the 'all tables' view though, it's just another table view as far as the plugin is concerned so the plugin isn't in 'system' mode to get the data it would need to display for you. I'll have a think about it.


  • Haha 1
  On 11/22/2019 at 3:57 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:


So, I understand that @killa7977 wants to have a list of most played to be showed ?

If this is correct, maybe we can combine your code with my "recently added/modified" and create a "mostly played" xml


I don't think he wants a most played xml database, but wants the most played tables info currently displayed on the systems menu to be displayed (summarised for all systems) when he's viewing the all tables list.

Edit: @killa7977 i may be able to add something like the above as an option, but only for pinballx attract mode (so normal table data when navigating the wheel manually), when attract mode starts display a summary of system level data across all systems (regardless of what wheel list you're viewing). Any use (if that makes sense)?

  • Like 1

Attachment in first post updated to V1.3

Fixes regional setting issue, thanks @joyrider3774 for reporting that

Adds optional attract mode summary data for all systems ( @killa7977 - i know it might not be ideal, but it's as close as i can get to your request)

Added optional display window rotation. Note, there is more overhead to the plugin if rotation is set <> 0 as the display data is effectively mirrored with rotation.

System data now also refreshed when attract mode starts rather than just on startup


Thanks once again to @Mike_da_Spike for finding the time to test it out on his system :cheers:

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Updated to V1.4 in first post. Includes optional selections to display table author / version and comments.  These fields are not standard in current PinballX database xml so at this time won't display anything.

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 2/16/2020 at 4:19 PM, Mike_da_Spike said:

So a surprise is coming to display author/version and comment?


You called it Mike!,

If you're using PinballX Database Manager as an alternative to the standard Game Manager then for VP tables you can automatically populate some table info for VP (table author and version), and also add your own comments - V1.4 of the statistics plugin can then display that in PinballX along with the high scores etc. It's nice to see the authors names as you scroll through your tables :)


  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
  • Draco1962 pinned this topic
  • 5 months later...

Attachment / notes in first post updated for V1.5

Adds options to display (online) hi score data from PINemHi Leaderboard as well as the previously existing local hi score data for Visual Pinball tables. This allow you to view the data in PinballX as well as in-game.

See PINemHi support thread (https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=44580&hl=) and setup notes (https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/25229-guide-pinemhi-leaderboard-setup-and-use/) if you want to use this functionality.



  • PINemHi challenges and badges are not displayed. These can be viewed using PINemHi keys / buttons.
  • Rom name data needs to be entered for tables in the PinballX database file(s) for this to work. If you're using PinballX Database Manager (https://www.gameex.info/forums/files/file/2499-pinballx-database-manager/) use the 'VP Table Info' button to extract and enter this data for you.
  • Data is refreshed when you play a table and exit.

Thanks @Mike_da_Spike for doing the testing and @Dna Disturber for all the hard work getting the leaderboard going!

  • Like 1

V1.6 released, notes / zip updated in first post. This adds DMD style display options for virtual DMD users (don't select these options is you're using a real DMD - i have nothing to test on so can only believe bad things will happen if you do).

Virtual DMD options will only display one line of data at time so will take longer to scroll through as can be seen in these examples;

Classic Window style option (using Digital Readout font)




FlexDMD (with freezy V1.9)



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For FullDMD users ( @DBrown67) if you have letterbox underlay videos set as DMD videos in PinballX the new DMD display options are ideal, as they can be sized/positioned to appear on top of the letterbox area (where the dmd would appear in game). 

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