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Hey as of pinballx 3.49 a system menu is now supported. You basically have to name the media for system menu  "- system -.extension" it can be movie picture etc and you just have to place them in your usual media folders (not a seperate one)

I created / searched media tonight for the systems i use / have and uploaded them to the gameex ftp under this directory "/-PinballX-/Other Uploads/Joyrider3774/System Media" i placed them in seperate "system media" folder to make clear it's for the new system  menu but you should place them in your existing system folders.

i did not find any logo / splashscreens for visual pinball so i'm using pinuppoper media files for the backglass for this however i did not upload these, you will need to get them somewhere else i did however upload all other things and i even created certain table media for example to show a few tables that can be played if the system is chosen. I used "Openshot" for this. It's a free / opensource video editor where you can easily import pictures and media and add certain effects. I only added a fade in / out effect between tables.

Here's whats included:

  1. Pinball FX3
    1. Backglass image (found on the net)
    2. Table video (created by me based on table video's i had on my system (not created by me)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball FX3", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  2. BigScore Pinball
    1. Backglass (found on the net / bad quality)
    2. table video (created by me, just the single table)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Slamit Pinball - BigScore", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  3. BingoGameroom
    1. Backglass (taken from bingogameroom program itselve)
    2. table video (created by me based on screenshot pictures from tables)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Bingo Game Room", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  4. Malzbies pinball collection
    1. Backglass (found picture on the net)
    2. table video (created by me based on table video's i did already also created by me)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Malzbies Pinball Collection", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  5. Pinball Arcade
    1. Backglass picture (Created by me based on logo + picture i found of pinball tables on the net)
    2. Table video (Created by me based on table video's i had on my system (not created by me)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball Arcade", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  6. Pinball Wicked
    1. Backglass picture (edited logo + picture from their press kit)
    2. Table video (Created by me, just the single table)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Pinball Wicked", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  7. Visual Pinball
    1. Table video (created by me based on vp9 and vpx table video's i had on my system)
    2. Backglass video (star field video taken from here https://pixabay.com/videos/starfield-star-galaxy-background-1209/  with visual pinball logo text i tried to recreate) 
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Visual Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  8. Visual Pinball X
    1. Table video (created by me based on vpx only table video's i had on my system)
    2. Backglass video (star field video taken from here https://pixabay.com/videos/starfield-star-galaxy-background-1209/  with visual pinball X logo text i tried to recreate) 
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Visual Pinball X", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  9. Zaccaria Pinball
    1. Backglass Picture (edited screenshot of the (old ?) splashscreen, i removed the press A button thingie)
    2. Table Video (created by me based on table video's i had on my system)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Zaccaria Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  10. Future Pinball
    1. there is no backglass here, take the one from pinuppopper (not supplied)
    2. Table video (Created by me, based on table video's i had on my system from future pinball)
    3. Table audio (Recorded windows narrator voice saying "Future Pinball", make sure you have latest PBX version installed)
  11. Some system logos, some pulled from the net some basic ones i had on my system and bingogameroom one taken from program itselve


in the video below you can see my system menu, but it does not include all mentioned video's above as i did not finish creating them at the time i created the video



In case anyone already downloaded i just added a fading table video with a few tables for future pinball. No backglass, you can use the one from pinup popper. 

if someone wants to create these fading table video's using openshot themselves, i'm willing to create a video on how i did them. It's not that hard and you can create one quickly with the tables videos you have (so you can choose which tables are displayed in the table video for the system)


Thank Joyrider.

I've only found some nais videos of vpx and fx3 I could use. Will check ftp what you created. Hope that other people get inspired to too create nice videos(and hope someone can create realdmd video's) 

Maybe @ImagineVP can also make some nice videos. Love his work


Hey guys ever since version 3.55 or was it 3.54 system table audio files are supported.

Since system names are not spoken when browsing the system menu using the narrator plugin, i recorded them as system table audio files, i use them on my system. They will briefly pause the background music to say the system name and then go on with the music inside pinball x frontend. I like it and maybe someone else has use for them so i uploaded them to my upload place in ftp in system media folder.

I case anyone else has other systems and would like to record such narrator audio themselves here's a very quick tutorial on how to do this:

  1.  audacity is needed
  2. create a new text file and rename it to speak.vbs (make sure you can see / edit file extentions in windows so your file does not get named speak.vbs.txt), right click the file and choose edit so notepad will open the file and place the line below in it and save the file
    CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak "Visual Pinball X"
  3. when you double click speak.vbs it should now say "Visuall Pinball X" using the setup narrator voice, even when narrator is disabled in ease of acces
  4. run audocity and specify to use windows wasapi and select as recording channel and output channel your speakers (names will differ on your system)
  5. make sure no other audio is playing
  6. Press record button, audiocity will now wait for audio input
  7. goto the location of where you saved speak.vbs and double click it, you will hear the narrartor speak and audacity should have recorded it
  8. press stop in audacity
  9. remove any possible excess of silence in the waveform
  10. choose file -> export -> mp3 and name the file "- system -.mp3"
  11. move the file to your specified system in the table audio folder
  12. run pinball x frontend browse to your system and hear the system name being mentioned when browsing systems.
  13. repeat for other systems each time change the text in speak.vbs to your system name

That's basically how i created these files. Have fun

if you want to change the narrator voice to something else check this topic but be warned changing it also changes it for the narrator pluging inside pinball x frontend

Here are a few sample files:

- system -.mp3 (visual pinball)

- system -.mp3 (pinball fx3)

- system -.mp3 (future pinball)

rest is available on ftp

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  • 2 weeks later...

uploaded a system video for visual pinball x with only vpx tables, the visual pinball one is still a mix of vp 10 and vp 9 tables but the vp 10 (x) one is only 10 tables. I used to have only one visual pinball system with vpx and vp9 tables mixed but seperated them recently. but at least we now have something different to show for vpx system if you have both vp9 and vpx. I might make one with vp9 tables only in the future we'll see


guys if the narrator plugin is enabled it seems pinball x now mentions the system names in one of the more recent versions with me (i'm using 3.66 atm). I have deleted all my recorded system audio table audio files and it still mentioned them. I don't know what version started to support this though, and i can not remove the table audio files from ftp as deleting files is not allowed but it's just to mention they are not needed anymore

  • 1 month later...

Uploaded backglass video's for visual pinball and visual pinball x to ftp for system media. I took this video of a star field "https://pixabay.com/videos/starfield-star-galaxy-background-1209/" and added images with visual pinball (x) logo's in the center of the movie using ffmpeg. The logo i tried to recreate, thanks to scutters for mentioning the font used in the logo's

Here's preview of the visual pinball one, the visual pinball x one is identical but i added and X in the logo. The video is 1920x1080


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  • 1 year later...

Hi there, I'm new to PinballX,  and I'd like to know Is there a way in pinball x to show an option first for systems? Visual Pinball X - Pinball FX3 - Future Pinball and after choosing the system I play the table of this system? I would have a menu with the systems and after I chose the system would appear the wheels of this system, like you did in the video... how can I put the systems to be chosen first? Thanks!

19 minutes ago, Fred Campos said:

Hi there, I'm new to PinballX,  and I'd like to know Is there a way in pinball x to show an option first for systems? Visual Pinball X - Pinball FX3 - Future Pinball and after choosing the system I play the table of this system? I would have a menu with the systems and after I chose the system would appear the wheels of this system, like you did in the video... how can I put the systems to be chosen first? Thanks!

Open settings.exe, go to General Settings and change the values under Systems List section as you want (i.e. change to True)


With system underlays, system playfield, backglass,dmd, topper videos/images you can customize it as you want. Example are on ftp and can be downloaded with Databasemanager as well

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