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Thanks for making this program. Its handy for creating whatever dmd videos are missing from Thalamus' files (https://vpinball.com/VPBdownloads/alternative-real-dmd-videos/).

However, it seems to have difficulty picking the company logos from the ones that cover multiple years. In cases like that it either crashes or skips the video creation. My work around has been to remove all the similar logos from the Company Logos folder except the correct one [like Gottlieb (1980-1991).gif].


The years should work, but you used a gif. Not sure if I ever made a gif to work with thid (as gifs are already animated)

Building this, it was just for static images, but wants to update the program for gifs and/or apngs as well



I have company logo's  also with year in it and works perfectly.

I run this everytime when adding new tables.

Maybe post your logfile after a failed run

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Finally updated the code to also support animated media (GIF and (A)PNG's) 
Output are still MP4's 
By default the tool shows the 3 images in 7 seconds (every image shows 7/3 seconds)
Animated media has their own video length. With this tool, I try to check the animation length . if it is less than 7/3 seconds, the tool adds an extra loop. Extra loops will be added until the animation time will be 7/3 seconds or higher.

With @scuttershis animated company logo pack,  thread below , you can make for example 

Real dmd:


dmd overlay medium:969229080_ezgif.com-gif-maker(3).gif.9190092f7e8428621d673a6f5cbc1d10.gif


These are just example, you can off course your own animation for wheel/year company

thanks @scuttersfor testing as well and provided feedback

  • Like 1

I changed the code a bit and now you can use a different path for company logo's or Wheel images
This results that you can use a different set of company logo's/wheel images in your front end , but you generate the DMD and topper videos from another set.

For example. I used @scuttersCompany logo pack, but if you see in the example above, the stern logo will be displayed first completely and after that it will be cleared and add the pixels.
This is to show it correctly in the front end. But the original animation is build like this.
I took Scutters his pack and changed the animations to be showed correctly as a video (and added them to the zip).

See first page how to use enable a different folder for company logo's and for a different path of wheel images.

This is how the real DMD with my changed animated company logo



and this with medium overlay



Thanks to Scutters for letting me to use his company pack and modify them

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

I have problems with Create DMD Videos. I have always used the program to create DMD but now the program freezes and does not terminate the DMD. I have the latest Pinball X 5.46 installed. Well I tried it with the old Create Video 1.3 and Pinball X 5.22 and it worked. I try with the latest Create Videos with Pinball X 5.22 and not working.

  On 7/31/2022 at 12:51 PM, halen said:

I have problems with Create DMD Videos. I have always used the program to create DMD but now the program freezes and does not terminate the DMD. I have the latest Pinball X 5.46 installed. Well I tried it with the old Create Video 1.3 and Pinball X 5.22 and it worked. I try with the latest Create Videos with Pinball X 5.22 and not working.


I'm sorry you experience issues with the latest version. I completely rewrote the code, so it could handle animated png's and gifs as well.

Can you set the logging level to 'nightmare logging' (can be set in the settings program) and rerun the program. When it freezes, stop the program (or reboot your system). 

Please attach the log file and ini file of the createvideo program (so i know your settings what you try to capture).

The nightmare loggong, should show the error, so I can fix it for you.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience 


Thanks for the nightmare logging !.

It is now a step further, but I need to check why that part hangs the program. I don't have time today anymore, but will look at it tomorrow for you


  On 8/1/2022 at 10:53 AM, halen said:

Can you open a command prompt from the machine you run this from and run the next command

D:\Pinball\PinballX\ffmpeg.exe -y -loop 1 -i "D:\Pinball\PinballX\Media\Visual Pinball\Wheel Images\Tropic Fun (Williams 1973).png" -t 00:00:02.33 -filter_complex "color=black,format=rgb24[c];[c][0]scale2ref[c][i];[c][i]overlay=format=auto:shortest=1,setsar=1,pad=width=ceil(iw/2)*2:height=ceil(ih/2)*2" -c:v libx264 -r 60 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f MP4 "C:\Users\halen\AppData\Local\Temp\temp_1.MP4"

I'm curious what will happen


Gotcha!!! Works like a charm now!!! The PNG Wheel picture was download from VPU and i tried to do a DMD from it. Based on the error was showed in the command prompt  i open the picture in Photophiltre and Save as PNG. I run the create video and works now. I think the ffmpeg dont recognize the PNG format. I save the picture with PNG from Photophiltre.

Thanks Mike!!!

  On 8/1/2022 at 7:16 PM, halen said:

Gotcha!!! Works like a charm now!!! The PNG Wheel picture was download from VPU and i tried to do a DMD from it. Based on the error was showed in the command prompt  i open the picture in Photophiltre and Save as PNG. I run the create video and works now. I think the ffmpeg dont recognize the PNG format. I save the picture with PNG from Photophiltre.

Thanks Mike!!!


Good catch !

What version of ffmpeg.exe are you using, and can you post the wrong png as well ? I want to recreate the issue to check if I didn't miss anything

  On 8/2/2022 at 10:48 AM, halen said:

FFmpeg 64-bit static Windows build from www.gyan.dev

Version: 5.1-essentials_build-www.gyan.dev

License: GPL v3

Source Code: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/commit/e0723b7e4e

i thought the problem was ffmpeg and i download the latest version . I tried with the new and the old version and I was not successful.



successful.Tropic Fun (Williams 1973).png


Thanks, and yes, according to FFMpeng something is wrong with that file
"[png @ 00000209fbe77b80] Invalid PNG signature 0x74E5244DD1B764E9."

Can you delete the video that was created, use the invalid PNG again and rerun the script. It now should fail on the file and continue (so will not create the file, but will not hang anymore)

Just want to know if this works

And again, thanks for reporting this and that you send the files



CreateVideos.exeFetching info...


Version 3.3.5 uploaded
Fix some distortion that could happen during conversion of media to new video
Mostly black or transparent could show a bit unclear. 

Also downscaling to real DMD gave distortion.
Hope that it is fixed with this release

  • 7 months later...

The problems with Create DMD Videos return. I tried it with the last Create Video and it´s not working.

The log show Dark Rider (Geiger 1984).jpg] for corruption. Well i try to save the picture again. I open Photophiltre and Save as PNG. I run the create video and  now the problem persists. I think the update fo Windows 11 and the Microsoft Visual C++ crack the exe.

CreateDMDVideos.logFetching info...

  On 3/26/2023 at 1:25 PM, halen said:

The problems with Create DMD Videos return. I tried it with the last Create Video and it´s not working.

The log show Dark Rider (Geiger 1984).jpg] for corruption. Well i try to save the picture again. I open Photophiltre and Save as PNG. I run the create video and  now the problem persists. I think the update fo Windows 11 and the Microsoft Visual C++ crack the exe.

CreateDMDVideos.log 3.8 kB · 0 downloads


Can you set the log file to nightmare logging (within the settings app) ? That should give the exact ffmpeg command that fails

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