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I'm using pinsound which is being launched prior to a visual pinball table in pbx and being closed after. I need to use a different version for differing tables.  Any idea how to do this?  I only seem to be able to do this per emulator not per table.. thanks in advance!


No easy way that i know of, as you suspect you could split off tables to different custom systems in pinballx and launch a different version on each.

I only use one version of pinsound studio, can't remember the version number off the top of my head. Is there a reason for running more than one other than one?

I know there were issues with a version of pinsound studio not working for Data East tables but i thought that had been resolved (although i still use altsound = 1 for pinsound on the DE tables i use rather than pinsound studio and altsound = 2)

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Thanks scutters I didnt know it was resolved.. will try again!  Btw when you launch pinsound studio do you find that it always runs maximized on a seperate screen from PBX?  That's causing me a problem where studio launches on my topper full screen when called from PBX?


Try opening pinsound studio on its own, drag to playfield and close it. It should open on playfield next time then.

To minimise add the /minimized parameter. So in a bat file like;

START /b cmd /c "C:\PinSoundStudio\PinSoundStudio.exe" /minimized

It will still open briefly maximised though.

If the new version of pinsound studio in fact doesn't resolve DE tables then i think you'd have to pass Manufacturer to a batch file and call a pinsound studio exe version based on that. Post back if you need a hand with that.


Hi scutters that's amazing. You solved both my problems. This command executes pinstudio perfectly minimised. My other command must have been wrong. I just run it when Pinballx executes which had just enough delay on startup to get it to work cheers!  


I also picked up you post on pinsound about the DLL change I did that and all the tables work fine except sttng. Which I've just used altsound for.. so thanks heaps you have been a great help!  Very much appreciated!

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Pinsound offers better sound quality than the rom sounds. Some pinsound mixes have changes to music, on others people have updated callouts etc too. Some mixes are better than others but the sound is normally vastly superior to the rom and it doesn't distort like rom sounds can as volume goes up.

Most people use it in place of the rom sounds all the time, i'm slightly different (call me a weirdo! :D) and use it to allow me to play my music in game by removing music from the table in pinsound (but leaving the enhanced callouts and special effects) in one pinballx system and use normal rom sounds for the same table under another system.


It's a whole new world. As scutters said its Basically it's all about improving the audio of the tables. Alot of the older tables carry mono or crackly sound (think guns and Roses) pinsound is an external programme that you can use to take over the audio on certain tables and play remixed higher bit rate sound.  You actually have an ability to do this nativity in visual pinball using the 'altsound' method (which you can google) but it doesnt provide the flexibility of pinsound, where you can Tweek the tracks and also load other non original tracks (i.e I have the new doctor who sound track on bally doctor who.). You can use both methods together to get the best experience.  I use pinsound for cooler tracks,dr who, Indiana Jones, techno getaway and Addams f and I use the altsound method for some data east tables (which are known to be glitchy) and for some stuff that sounds the same... I've just gone through the pain if you need a hand. And scutters has been a great help!



Thanks guys for the info.

Need to think about it.  Still need to finish my cab for the last small things, but all taks a lot of time (most install/update the tables)

But I really enjoy setting al things up and playing arround with it


actually there is a way for per table launch script.

You just pass the tablename to a batch file as parameter and inside the batch file you verify for a certain value that is being passed as that parameter if so do something specific and in all other cases you do the usual things.


i just tried it with this simple batch file example named batchtest.bat 


if "%~1"=="Apache! (Taito 1978).vpx" (
) else ( 
   if "%~1"=="JP's Ghostbusters Slimer v1.2.1.vpx" (
   ) else (
     rem for all other tables

rem line below is always being run
echo "blah"

if i run the apache table mspaint.exe is ran, if i run ghostbusters table notepad.exe is ran for all other tables write.exe is started and echo blah is always run

So what you need to do is make sure pinsound can have multiple installation for your different versions, is replace mspaint.exe notepad.exe and the tablename strings for the specific tables with the pinsound command line and parameters of the version you want to run.  On the place where echo "blah" is you set common programs that should be launched for all tables (so all things not pinsound)

if you need to add more tables just add if / else clause before the last else statement and don't forget to add extra closing bracket / ident the else statement (ideniting is not needed but it will show you where you might have forgotten a bracket).

if "%~1"=="Apache! (Taito 1978).vpx" (
) else ( 
   if "%~1"=="JP's Ghostbusters Slimer v1.2.1.vpx" (
   ) else (
     if "%~1"=="another table.vpx" (
     	echo "ran another table.vpx"
     ) else (
       rem for all other tables

rem line below is always being run
echo "blah"

also echo "XXX" statements won't do anything when being run from pinballx (only in cmd they print the text). Rem statements are just remarks and you can remove those.

so given this system and given you have found a way to install multiple pinsound versions in different folders or using different exe's in same folder you can start different pinsound versions based on table parameter passed to launch before script. Also don't forget to use double quotes for the parameter as shown in first screenshot

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