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an idea for a future update

when selecting a list of games and then you want to select another list, we have to go through the complete list

it would be easier if we could select another play list without having to go through the full list of games

thank you


une idee pour une mise a jour futur

lorsque l'on sélectionne une liste de jeux et qu'ensuite on souhaite sélectionner une autre liste, nous sommes obligé de repasser par la liste complète

ça serait plus simple, si on pourrait selectionner une autre liste de jeu sans être obligé de repasser par la liste complète des jeux


  On 4/18/2014 at 1:03 AM, Itchigo said:

Is there a limit of xml's? My setup won't show one which has been working all along. I'm guessing with all the 70's,80's, etc it got bumped off? I have not added any new lists.

I have xml's for





Cocktail Tables


As a follow on for this it would be great if we could remove the decade, etc lists. If there was an option in the ini to say just 'show user defined lists only' that would be perfect.



  On 4/27/2014 at 7:36 AM, jupiter said:

As a follow on for this it would be great if we could remove the decade, etc lists. If there was an option in the ini to say just 'show user defined lists only' that would be perfect.

I second this.

And Tom, I think Slashbot was talking about if you hit "help" it goes into/connects to a help video or something. In which case you'd need an "official" help video.


I would like to see a audio output normalization for all audio files. I have Zen and VP and a couple FP tables and I notice that the 3 systems tables have different volume levels when being previewed. So all the VP tables have a set volume then a Zen pops up and the sound is way louder ... then the FP tables seems to be the lowest volume.

Thanks Tom

  • 2 weeks later...

It's possible I create a new section in pinballX?

Example: we have Flyers, Modern tables, 80,90, ... And i whant create a new section, DMD or other custom section.


  On 5/21/2014 at 8:32 PM, Manddrakke said:

It's possible I create a new section in pinballX?

Example: we have Flyers, Modern tables, 80,90, ... And i whant create a new section, DMD or other custom section.


Its already possible for game lists, just use the game manager.


Would it be possible to add native support for multiple VP versions?

I know that it's possible through adding different exes as different systems but I'm having some difficulties getting it working properly and it's quite time consuming to keep track of multiple xml files. It will get worse in the future when we may have to run dx7, dx9, physics mod, and vp10 beta versions side by side to get the best out of VP.

My suggestion is to have a new xml tag for VP.

For example to use the default exe defined for VP in the settings (this would be always used if specific exe not defined):


Or if you would like to run a specific table with a physics mod version:





This would provide a really simple solution for using multiple VP exes. No need for multiple xml's or separate text files (like with Hyperpin). This could be easily supported in the game manager as well (I would think).

  • Like 1
  On 8/21/2013 at 9:16 PM, Tom Speirs said:

I never checked that out in HyperSpin but I would think it should allow multiple lists and I think I will implement this as a grouping feature. So you choose multiple lists to be grouped and act as one within the front end.

This would be fantastic! When you do this, could you also make it possible to map those lists to keys? I mean, pressing a certain button would show the games/wheel of that particular list without the need to go through menus?

That would be especially nice now that some of us got Mame games and do not want to see all mixed together. This way with a single press of a certain button you could go to Mame, or VP, or Pinball FX2 etc, directly, without the need to deal with any menus, kinda like a jukebox :)

I built a custom fully functional control panel with suction cups under it and it plays awesome. Having the ability to press a button to go straight to a certain list would make the whole difference in the world. I would also put down a nice donation for that feature :D




  • Like 1
  On 5/23/2014 at 6:50 AM, teppotee said:

Would it be possible to add native support for multiple VP versions?

I know that it's possible through adding different exes as different systems but I'm having some difficulties getting it working properly and it's quite time consuming to keep track of multiple xml files. It will get worse in the future when we may have to run dx7, dx9, physics mod, and vp10 beta versions side by side to get the best out of VP.

My suggestion is to have a new xml tag for VP.

For example to use the default exe defined for VP in the settings (this would be always used if specific exe not defined):


Or if you would like to run a specific table with a physics mod version:





This would provide a really simple solution for using multiple VP exes. No need for multiple xml's or separate text files (like with Hyperpin). This could be easily supported in the game manager as well (I would think).

I just went here to write this post. Looks like you ninja'd me by two days :)

Perhaps it could be more generic, other emulators like FP would benefit from this too.

I'd suggest OverrideExecutable as name instead.

Also, not that important, but they would be nice to have:



  • Like 1


It would be great to hide the wheel. In desktop installations it is infact too big.
The possibility to set hegiht and position of the icons would be super great!


So, more than 85 updates and a year later, I still pine for more menu options/attract mode options. :(

I don't know programming but it doesn't sound that hard.... This is a customizing community!!!

LOOK, I even found a perfect piece of real estate for it :)



Nice drawring, Simon!

So your request is awfully vague, what exactly did you have in mind?


Thanks for appreciating my art! By calling me Simon, you imply the things I draw come true!!! ;)

I want the attract mode to have options such as alphabetical and by year.

I'd like to be able to check or uncheck or add new options to the lists/navigation. Including an option to just select available videos (I LOVE the PAPA tut's).

Stuff like that!


Cool. He can't always be on with requests, but knowing what you want is helpful. ;)

PS: Nice catch on the Simon reference.


While I have your ear, Mr. Greenjeans, I went back through this thread and grabbed my old "begs" THANKS!!!

  On 3/27/2014 at 1:07 PM, dboyrecords said:

Still really, really, really would like to see options for attract mode... alphabetical, chronological and IPDB top 300.
Please, please, please! (If it sounds like I'm begging its because I am!)

  On 11/4/2013 at 4:05 AM, dboyrecords said:

I've thought about these requests for many months and I think many would agree... this is a community of individuals. Everyone would like to customize everything! So here goes,

My Dream Wishlist
1. Be able to move all info down to the bar at the bottom. Fp/vp, descrption (as is) and additional description because I love the 4 fun facts on vpf and there's a lot more out there. Cool to have a tidbit about each table. Or the option to have no bar or info at all!!!

2. The lists! I would like to see all lists under "lists". By year, manufacturer, by ???

3. Attract mode. I wish there were options like random, alphabetical and by year (wouldn't that be cool!?!)

Just 3 little things... :) thx

  On 12/16/2013 at 9:46 PM, dboyrecords said:

Here's another list I'd like to make or see on the bar and be able to scroll and select.. the IPDB top 300 em and ss.
It would also go nicely with the trivia fact kinda tag idea...
Also cool way to scroll through attract mode...

  On 7/16/2013 at 7:05 PM, dboyrecords said:

It would be really cool to have the table appear only once on the master wheel but be able to select fp or vp as default, preferably by table. Then when table is selected have:
Play Table (default)
Table Variations (fp, vp, night, ultra etc..)
Flyer/ins card
By year
By manufacturer

I might be repeating myself... ;)

  On 6/8/2013 at 1:21 PM, dboyrecords said:

Dunno how hard this is but what if instead of "loading" screen you would see that games flyer on playfield and instruction card on bg?

  On 6/19/2013 at 5:29 PM, dboyrecords said:

Small feature request. In attract mode settings I'd like to be able to select random or alphabetical. I'd like to see the tables just tick right up the alphabet for attract.

Still would like to see the bar at the bottom go away. Table title is redundant, year is nice. At least after Speesoft and version number which could just be on pbx startup...

And be able to change menu to "by decade" "by manufacturer" "Originals"

And lastly, for now, it would be supercool to replace " loading" with flyer on pf and instruction card on bg. I got a few "likes" on that one already, holla!

Thx, pbx is awesome!

  On 6/4/2013 at 12:35 AM, dboyrecords said:

How about the GameEx custom menus for pinballx


@dboyrecords - Cute, but, due to the amount of requests, I will request that you don't "bump" your prior requests for enhancements/features. Thanks!


;) sorry, wrist slapped...

In addition to previously (re-)mentioned, I would like to be setup so that to select a game is a single press of start and a long press of start would open customizable menus/sub-menus.

Customizable lists that combine diff systems (combine vp 92, vp 99, fp etc..)

Now, I'll shut up ;)


I made a pincab recently and very happy to use pinballx with visual pinball.

I played a lot flipper when i was younger, so i get all the tables i remember i played on it.

But when you play a pinball for real ... you can't choose so many tables... you go pub to pub to find the one you prefer.

I could be a fun option to have a "Random table selection" with some parameters ... like ... choose randomly X tables and change them each Y time. With maybe some exception on some tables like "Always on" and of course and option to return to the full list.

Thanks for reading


Actually I think a "Random table selection" would be a nice addition.

Probably not hard to do either, I could do it in vp easily. ;) Just like Match coding.

(100 tables numbered in order)

MatchNumber = Int(Rnd(1)*10)*10

Add play command, and make the random choice out of a selected xml.

  • 2 weeks later...

LEDwiz support for PinballX would be nice. I know there are scripts for turning the outputs on and off, but some flashing and solenoid knocking due attract mode for example would be great!

  • 2 weeks later...

I 'd love to see a sound from video option. For the movie themed table, I am planning on having the trailer for the movie playing on the backglass, Doing this though I don't get sound. I am putting the sound with the table video as a workaround but it's very hard to sync.

This might all sound a bit wank, but I really dig the look.

Keep up the great work.


Simple request (unless it was taken out for a reason).......in older versions there were line spaces between each category in the pinballx.ini file. For those of us that liked to edit the file manually, it's a little rough now that it's all clumped together with no breaks.


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  • 2 weeks later...

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