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I've thought about these requests for many months and I think many would agree... this is a community of individuals. Everyone would like to customize everything! So here goes,

My Dream Wishlist

1. Be able to move all info down to the bar at the bottom. Fp/vp, descrption (as is) and additional description because I love the 4 fun facts on vpf and there's a lot more out there. Cool to have a tidbit about each table. Or the option to have no bar or info at all!!!

2. The lists! I would like to see all lists under "lists". By year, manufacturer, by ???

3. Attract mode. I wish there were options like random, alphabetical and by year (wouldn't that be cool!?!)

Just 3 little things... :) thx


I would love to see us not have a limit of Tables in a single DB.

And for those of us running Pin2K Style cabinets, The ability to Flip Y On the DMD Monitor. We reflect the DMD Images off the play field glass, so we need to flip the Y axis for it to display right.

For stationary pictures of the DMD, I can just reverse the image.. But it would be nice to be able to display the DMD Videos in the menu properly.

Thank you for your amazing work thus far!


It would be very helpful if you could set the Future Pinball physics version in the game manager.

It could work like this:

--If the game manager notices an xml/zip file with the same name as the fpt it could display the physics version in a drop down

--If there is no xml/zip file associated with the fpt it would allow you to select the physics version and then create the xml/zip file based on the files in the Future Pinbal/BAM/XML folder.

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VG the only limit is in the game manager. If you use the HP editor, you can add as many as you want.

As for the lists, you can make them manually if you want.


I use FS/Cab settings for PinballX.

My preview movies of Visual Pinball and Future Pinball are ok because they are rotated 180 degrees by default.

Now I want to add MAME and I've got 900 portrait games all with preview movies downloaded from Emumovies FTP.

But those movies are made for a landscape view. So now the preview movies of MAME are 90 degrees to much rotated anti-clockwise like this :


Maybe a new settings in the setup wizard of how much rotating you want for the preview movies, 90, 180 or 270 degrees in the next update ?


Itchigo, I know I can use the HP Editor. But compared tot he game manager in PinballX, it quite frankly SUCKS. I would like to be able to use the Game Manager... And have them in a single list.

I am doing some testing with Pind and may wind up using it to make my lists, but the native app is so easy to use. :(

  • 3 weeks later...

Feature request:

got 285 vp tables running with pbx frontend in my cab, it would be nice to see an add table to favorites option in the menu.
I ask this so i dont have to scroll trought the tables or letters
Think a lot of people will find this usefull.


feature request:

Some older vp tables with backglass give script error line 0.

for Hyperpin u can fix this to set B2S as False in script because Hyperpin looks for B2S.exe when starting table, even when it is set to false in the script.

PinballX don't check this so for the moment i got no B2S backglass for some tables like Flash Gordon,...

script example:

ExecuteGlobal GetTextFile("b2s.vbs")
ResetB2SData 0,49,0 'Initialise the b2s data area
LaunchBackGlass "Diner_FS_B2S", False 'True=Launch bg , False=Don't launch bg.

I would like to ask if this B2S.exe check can be integrated when launching a table in PinballX.

Hope u understand what i mean?

Thanks for the support and keep up the good work.


Feature enhancement: Add a 2 minute entry to the "Show Game For" option for the Attract Mode (of if at all possible have an entry screen where you can specify your own length - ie 2:01 for 2 minutes, 1 second). This is for those of us with videos longer than 60 secs :)



Come on! ;)

1) custom lists

2) custom attract. Carrying boxes of Christmas past the cab yesterday for couple hours and saw Demolition Man 3 times! There's over 600 in main list!!! At 1 min each there should be 10 hours of no repeats. Alphabetical, by year etc...

You know you want it...


not sure if this is possible already,

I like to keep my UVP, d2BS and B2S tables in separate folders to keep track of what I have.

is their a feature that supports sub folder or multiple table directory locations.


I added an Adams family mp3 file to my ambient folder.

the file played wile I was going through my tables.

is their a way to have ambient sound per table. I moved this files to the navigation sounds and nothing was played.

I like to have a "table tittle".mp3 file that only plays while the "table tittle" is displayed.

if no "table tittle".mp3 file is found, nothing is played.


Here's another list I'd like to make or see on the bar and be able to scroll and select.. the IPDB top 300 em and ss.

It would also go nicely with the trivia fact kinda tag idea...

Also cool way to scroll through attract mode...

  On 12/11/2013 at 12:59 AM, 32assassin said:

is their a way to have ambient sound per table. I moved this files to the navigation sounds and nothing was played.

I like to have a "table tittle".mp3 file that only plays while the "table tittle" is displayed.

if no "table tittle".mp3 file is found, nothing is played.

Hi, check this thread 32assasin :D


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  • 2 weeks later...

To add in the exit screen :

- Return

- Exit

- Shutdown

- Gameex or an other link which will be define in the setting tool (name, path)

And to make the same in Gameex.

Because when I use exit program, it is not possible to exit, because when you exit the other program linked start.

Because I use PinballX and Gameex in the same arcade/pinball cabinet with 2 screen



I've got limited buttons on my cab a start, exit and launch button. I've been caught out a few times with kids hitting the 'exit' button to enter the pause menu and then accidentally hit enter only to find that Exit Game is at the top of the list and loose my game.

Any chance that the Pause menu can be reordered or an option that Cab users with a limited buttons use the exit button to bring up the Pause menu which has resume game at the top of the list.


Along similar lines, I know PinballX has "Select" key which brings up the Menu where you have to push "Select" a second time to start the table.

Can a "Launch" key be added which starts the table without bringing up the menu?

On my cab, I would have Start button bring up the Select menu, and have the Launch Ball button start the table immediately

  • Like 1
  On 1/6/2014 at 7:42 PM, punter1 said:
Along similar lines, I know PinballX has "Select" key which brings up the Menu where you have to push "Select" a second time to start the table.

Can a "Launch" key be added which starts the table without bringing up the menu?

On my cab, I would have Start button bring up the Select menu, and have the Launch Ball button start the table immediately

Yes! Excellent suggestion.

  • Like 1

As mentioned in another Thread:

Display of the Instruction Card and/or Flyer instead of the Loading screen

So there would be an individual Loading Screen for each table

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

In Game List Manager, when selecting a game, only show items with .vpt and .fpt extensions. I'm sure 99% of the folks have .txt, bios files, etc in their tables dir and the list is littered with non tables.

Or if you want to go the other way hide these extensions:

.directb2s - backglass files

.vbs - bios files

.exe - old B2S backglass files

.txt - misc text files/instructions for tables


edit: Added to version 1.73

  • Like 1

I would like to see this also ... a single press of the exit button pauses the the game/table and holding the exit button down it goes to exit in a countdown like Hyperpin. "Exiting Table in 3 2 1 "

Need this because of less buttons but mostly if someone leans or bumps into buttons on accident you loose your killer score you had going. Also happens to be the perfect height for my 2 year old to push ... lol

Thanks Tom

Edit ... thanks to Zeenon in a different thread ... if you set the exit button to the pause key press you will get a menu popup that will allow you to resume, exit, ect. So that is cool.


Auto Update, like in GameEx would be nice.

Also a way to switch fom PinballX to GameEx would be great (Maybe in the Menu, where you can switch Groups)

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