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I posted on this one separately here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/14632-multiple-exe-for-vp/ and ended up using Horsey Horsey script which looks for a <exe>/</exe> switch in the database instead - it's a better solution for now as the tables using an alternate program now close in three seconds. Ideally I would rather go with Tom's native support to cut down on the additional scripting so once the timing is sorted I'll simply use the notepad 'replace all' command to change the tags back to <alternateExe>/</alternateExe> and then switch off the script in the run before option.


I would like a programmable delay for delaying the launch of pinballx with windows startup. I have a machine that loads pinballx too fast and drivers are not fully loaded. I have to script a delay outside pinballx and not use your internal launch with windows feature. Put a blank for seconds to delay launch of pinballx.


Great suggestion! This will be done in a launcher in the same manner GameEx has this feature.


Would like the table audio file to play again once you return to the menu of a game. Currently, it is just silence when you exit a game on return to the pinballx menu


It would be very handy if the Games manager could be modified to stop it stripping out the <AlternateExe>, <SendKeysOnStart> and <SendKeysOnExit> entries which are so useful for those of us who want to simplify and automate the use of multiple program versions and extra script commands.

  On 5/2/2015 at 8:48 AM, mace said:

It would be very handy if the Games manager could be modified to stop it stripping out the <AlternateExe>, <SendKeysOnStart> and <SendKeysOnExit> entries which are so useful for those of us who want to simplify and automate the use of multiple program versions and extra script commands.

You went back to the std game manager?

In the loader script you had been using of mine to increase the speed, you could try adding it to watch for the vpauto.exe and close this when it's run. I don't know if this will bomb you back to the menu or not , it shouldn't do unless the vpauto.exe tells it to.

  On 5/3/2015 at 1:03 PM, horseyhorsey said:

You went back to the std game manager?

In the loader script you had been using of mine to increase the speed, you could try adding it to watch for the vpauto.exe and close this when it's run. I don't know if this will bomb you back to the menu or not , it shouldn't do unless the vpauto.exe tells it to.

Nope I'm still using yours but the Games Manager has no scruples about wiping out <exe>'s too HH. Whenever I have a memory slip and load some instructions or a flyer - bang the whole XML gets trashed.

  • 3 weeks later...

hi is it possible for a search instead of scrolling thro all ur tables to get to the one u want to play.


I just started rating a bunch of my tables. It would be super handy to be able to rate them from the table menu instead of the game manager. By the time I get to game manager, I usually forget what rating I wanted.

  • 2 weeks later...

Please make the table audio loop. It's really annoying that the default audio plays when the mp3 is done :(

Disabled the default (launch) sound, but looping would be still awesome. If you have short table audio files, it's silent afterwards.

  • Like 1

Would it be possible so that WAV music files in the "ambiance" folder could play in a random order? Currently. the order of play is always the same when browsing tables.



When you scroll fast through your tables you don't really know where you are. You could show Letters, when holding the left / right buttons. Like in Steam big picture mode.

Or add a second button to jump through letters, so the magna save buttons could be used for that.

  • Like 2
  • 2 weeks later...

Could we force vertical scale on wheel images? It messes with the scale of the system/manufacturer logos when you have them set to the wheel overlay, and you have a big wheel image (tiny logos) or a tiny wheel image (big logos)


Requests for Game Manager:

1: Auto Rename: I have a lot of tables that don't have accurate names ie: My Description: IronMan, Game Manager Default: Iron Man (Stern 20xx). Add a button in list view (Mass Rename) to take everything matching My Description to either the game managers or a User Specified. I hate renaming png's across alot of folders and this would allow me to standardize it to the game managers quickly. This should be a fairly easy thing to implement as well. Heck I could do it for you.

2: Save Button on top next to xml selection.

3. Preassigned roms to game manager defaults. I just posted the error I found a few minutes ago. Have a button next to the ratings button for roms that will autoselect to match the game manager. If the first feature was implimented it would be easy to program this button as well.



Support for multiple VP installs from one setup.

When you setup VP in the wizard just have options for multiple setups.

Run multiple xml's from the same directory but be able to use the same media folders if desired. I hate have multiplefolders of the same media for 2 installs for VP and VP pm5. It would be easier. Pretty sure thiswould be quite a bit of coding so idk if tis possible for you. thanks


Ok that's a good option. Didn't see it in the xml. . So check that but I want that option in Game Manager so I can do it on the fly instead of opening the xml. .

1 new request.... I want a clock option in the text scroll. Free Play Yada yada. I want a clock in it that shows run time as well as actual time. .

  • 2 weeks later...

Add backglass overlays so that the end-user can create custom speaker/DMD panels that would layer over the background image and virtual DMDs on the backglass display.

EDIT: Here is an example I knocked together in 1920x1080



- Unless I am missing it, multiple sub menus would be nice so you can just have a main entry for each of the pinballs and whatever else you want to run and then it goes into a subentry with all the games.

-Also the ability to remove the scrolling portion at the bottom of the screen.

  • 2 weeks later...

For instruction cards, currently PBX displays SWF files scaled to fit the BG screen while retaining the aspect ratio of the graphic object(s) within the source file. With PNG files, PBX stretches the image to fit full screen. It's not so bad if the instruction card is plain B&W test. But the distortion is noticeable if you are using custom instruction/score cards whose dimensions were designed to match and replace a real card. It would be nice if PNG behaved the same as SWF.

Note: I'd just convert PNG to SWF but I don't have the Adobe tools that can do this without a noticeable degradation in quality. Those online and direct conversion tools don't cut it. Maybe there is another way.


is it possible to add a custom launch sound per table, and just have the standard launch sound play when this file is missing?

would be fun add-on to some of the DMD-tables.

Preferably the file should match the table name. :wub:

The Pinball Arcade have this in their FE if I remeber correctly.


Small request.

I would love to have an extra button in the "Keyboard Input Settings" screen.


As I have an extra button in the front of my cab called Flyer, I would love to have the shortcut key "F" mapped to it.

Thank you.

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