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@Tom Speirs
Could it be added, that the systems 'Launch before' and the 'Launch After' scripts can be overruled per table ?
Not all the settings, but maybe just the Enabled option ?
I like to have a 1 system for VPX, but I have VPX systems, that needs a launch before and/or launch after scripts.
I now have different systems and can combine them via groups, but that doesn't show nicely in the systems menu.
If it could be that "Launch before" and "Launch After" can be overruled by the XML, so it can be set per table, that would make more sense.

 Not sure If I'm the only for this, but I have tables that requires pup packs (and those need extra start and stop scripts), and also for P-roc tables (at this moment just 1 table, and bit of waste to use a complete system for it)


  • 1 month later...

As Visual Pinball is getting more exe files and can have more differrent settings per table, it would be a nice to have to set 'Alternative parameters' per table.

Vpx 10.8 has some big changes and a big change is that they go away from registry settings to an ini file for all the settings. A good change is that you can launch from command line a new option to use an ini file per table as well, so 'trouble' tables that needs just some other settings, can be launched with a custom ini file.

Same as using vr or using bam. 

An option to set ' alternative parameters' in the xml should help to use the new function.

by default the entry will overrule the global system parameters and when also used alternativeexe, it could launch an alternative exe with alternative parameters per table

I hope it is an easy to add in pbx

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

The vpx Banzai Run table now has a pincabview loading alternative. It would be possible to add an alternate.exe to the Visual Pinball system to load this table. Today I have to create a system just for this table. Alternate loading would have to ignore a visual pinball.exe file.

  On 5/24/2023 at 4:58 PM, halen said:

The vpx Banzai Run table now has a pincabview loading alternative. It would be possible to add an alternate.exe to the Visual Pinball system to load this table. Today I have to create a system just for this table. Alternate loading would have to ignore a visual pinball.exe file.


Maybe I don't understand it correctly, but PinballX already has an alternate exe option.

See manual. There is a chapter 'Database files(xml)' and mentioned the alternateexe 



The alternate function in Visual Pinball System is only to load  Visual Pinball.executables. (VPinballX, VPinball995,VPinball99_PhysMod5_Updated). And you tested this function with PincabView and it didn't work. This was discussed in the post "Banzai Run - PinCabViewVPX_Launcher.exe" and you replied:

But it doesn't launch the PincabViewer_launcher at all
Running the line from command line, it is working fine
So thik Alternate exe is not working fine for this

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

I would like to have the lists unique for each system.  ie have  a favorite list but only have it for that particular system.  now lists are shown under all systems.

  • 2 weeks later...

Figured it was time to summarise a lot of this thread as features have been added/fixed in all the years it's been going and some things have been addressed elsewhere (via plugins etc).

So here is my abridged version of the most popular / commonly requested features in roughly descending order..


  •  Add sort option for wheel order (year, manufacturer, install date, emulator name in all tables view etc rather than just alphabetical)
  •  Attract mode order - Similar setting to control attract mode order rather than just random (add alphabetical, year, manufacturer options)

Table Navigation

 Add a method to select a table quicker (rather than just navigate by flipper left right and magna save paging)

    Mentioned suggestions;

  1. Search feature when you press a letter/number it will goto the tables that start with the letter/number you press for keyboards
  2. Bring up a simple window with the alphabet and use flippers to scroll through list and select a letter and then jump to that part of lis

    It would be nice to see the additional typing supported. i.e. typing A, T, T, A quickly would take you to Attack from Mars.

(note there is a plugin available that helps with this but i think(?) is more suitable for desktop users - https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/27744-plugin-search-game-plugin-for-pinballx-front-end/)

System Navigation

Can the "quit" button be used to first go back to the system wheel (when enabled) and only then when in system menu when pressing quit show the 'Exit' menu
    If someone is playing a table, pressing the Exit Button should: 
    1) Exit the Table to the Tables Wheel
    2) Exit the Tables Wheel to the Systems Wheel
    3) Exit the Systems Wheel to the Operating System. 

Menu Items

Make menu lists scrollable (when user has too many active filters to display on screen etc)

Active Filters

Only show filters in the menu for the current system (or 'all' system filters), if system menu is enabled

Launch Parameters

Add custom launch parameters (table level) in database xml, to append to or replace normal system launch parameters on table launch.

Additional Detail Info

Possibility to make PinballX show the additional details area on the Backglass (or other screen)


Make PinballX VR aware by using an standard VR output so that VR glasses can use PinballX as front end as well

Setup / Config

Game Manager and PinballX to preserve additional/custom xml fields when saving


Option for the current selection's wheel art and information to disappear after a being idle for a specified time. Table info & wheel could re-appear on any button press (except Select to play)


Sorry if i missed a feature request or two out (it was a lot to go through). Hopefully i got all the main / popular ones and it's of use @Tom Speirs

  • Like 1
  • Thanks 1
  • 5 months later...

Noticed a couple of wheel images appearing (on other forums) using the webp format.

Can that format be added to PinballX at some stage?

(only seen static webp images but there may also be some animated ones)

  On 2/14/2023 at 2:28 PM, pindapoe said:

I find it more intuitive, most of the frontends around when you press escape if you are inside a system, it goes back to main menu and from main menu it really exits, I think it will be better that way, just a minor change.




yeah, I found it so puzzling that PinballX didn't work like this... would be great to have this, 'coz I could actually use the "systems" menu - currently I just always have it in "all tables" mode.


My workaround: I set PinballX itself as the exit program.

It then relaunches itself back to the systems menu when you exit the program. (The desktop is displayed just a second or two.)

Of course, you have to reboot or use TaskManager to break-out of PinballX.

  • 3 months later...

REQUEST: Add tag [TYPE] there too.


  On 5/13/2023 at 8:13 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Vpx 10.8 has some big changes and a big change is that they go away from registry settings to an ini file for all the settings. A good change is that you can launch from command line a new option to use an ini file per table as well, so 'trouble' tables that needs just some other settings, can be launched with a custom ini file.


Since I don't use the "Ratings" feature, this is my workaround with different INI files:

I copied %appdata%\Roaming\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini to C:\PinballX\Configs\ and renamed it to VPinballX0.ini
I made multiple copies of VPinballX0.ini and renamed them to VPinballX1.ini, VPinballX2.ini ... VPinballX5.ini

Now I open PinballX settings and add this parameter to Visual Pinball

-Ini C:\PinballX\Configs\VPinballX[RATING].ini

I edited the text "Rate Table" to "Choose INI" and "Not Rated" to "Default"

Now when you go table option inside PinballX, you can change the INI by going to "Choose INI" menu and select "Default, 1 / 5,  2 / 5, ... , 5 / 5" anytime you want.

You will see in the "rating stars" which INI that table launches (not showing the stars means it's the default INI (VPinballX0.ini).

  On 4/5/2024 at 1:19 PM, Moritz said:

Since I don't use the "Ratings" feature, this is my workaround with different INI files:

I copied %appdata%\Roaming\VPinballX\VPinballX.ini to C:\PinballX\Configs\ and renamed it to VPinballX0.ini
I made multiple copies of VPinballX0.ini and renamed them to VPinballX1.ini, VPinballX2.ini ... VPinballX5.ini

Now I open PinballX settings and add this parameter to Visual Pinball

-Ini C:\PinballX\Configs\VPinballX[RATING].ini

I edited the text "Rate Table" to "Choose INI" and "Not Rated" to "Default"

Now when you go table option inside PinballX, you can change the INI by going to "Choose INI" menu and select "Default, 1 / 5,  2 / 5, ... , 5 / 5" anytime you want.

You will see in the "rating stars" which INI that table launches (not showing the stars means it's the default INI (VPinballX0.ini).


nice workaround, but stupid question from my site

Why you need multiple ini files for VPX?
just performance reasons, or any other reason ?
(or switching VR, Cabinet, GL anaglyphic ?)

  On 4/7/2024 at 5:02 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

nice workaround, but stupid question from my site

Why you need multiple ini files for VPX?
just performance reasons, or any other reason ?
(or switching VR, Cabinet, GL anaglyphic ?)


In my case, I don't have a launch ball button in my cabinet, only an analog plunger (with Mouse Plunger software), so I need to disable digital plunger button in tables with analog plunger to prevent weird behavior (because when I release the plunger, "enter" key is sent by the Mouse Plunger software), so I made two INIs files for that, and even changed the "rating" star images to show blank for analog plunger tables and a launch button image for launch button tables and I can easily manage to change plunger type direct from the frontend.

launch ball icon.png


Gotcha! You can also make an table ini, so you dont have to switch from the frontend, but directly have all the correct settings when table launches. 

But, i like your work arround 👍

  • 5 weeks later...

Just realized that of course the overlay appears also in the inactive wheels...

Back to my original request :

-Customization of the info box panel with the possibility to change position, size, maybe color\transparency. Could be a plugin where you can use a custom png as background of the panel and where you can choose what elements to show (table name, company, year, system)


I have another request if it's not already implemented (I don't think so...)

Maximus Arcade, even if obsolete, has the double button press key mapping, this is very useful for "quit emulator" since in my pinball cab for example i have the quit button right under the plunger button. Also would be great for extending the mapping in the vpx emulator or anything else.

I'd like to use for example button 1+button 2 in the settings menu.

  • 2 months later...

I want to ask you something as I am a LOYAL PINBALLX user!!!
I'm seeing that in pinup they are being able to play the videos with the table rules... is there any way that in PINBALLX they can add a HELP button to open the rules video??? I tried putting the mp4 in the Instructions folder and it didn't work.
It works if we put it in the DMD VIDEO folder, but it always appears in the wheel, the idea would be to put it with a button like the instructions before.

I appreciate if someone is able to make PINBALLX have this function!!! Thank you all!!

I tried to do it but it remains silent and is only shown on the wheel... it would be better than with a button while playing to be able to see the Mp4 on the FULLDMD screen

  On 7/25/2024 at 3:48 PM, strangeleo72 said:

I want to ask you something as I am a LOYAL PINBALLX user!!!
I'm seeing that in pinup they are being able to play the videos with the table rules... is there any way that in PINBALLX they can add a HELP button to open the rules video??? I tried putting the mp4 in the Instructions folder and it didn't work.
It works if we put it in the DMD VIDEO folder, but it always appears in the wheel, the idea would be to put it with a button like the instructions before.


This does kind of exist already (just not widely used)

Place the video in your PinballX\Media\Tutorial Videos folder, then you should have a 'Tutorial' option in the menu when you launch a game (or pause it).  The menu option won't appear for tables that don't have a matching tutorial video.

There are also some existing videos on the FTP https://ftpbrowse.gameex.com/-PinballX-/Media/Tutorial Videos/

  • Like 1

I've just added this to your original post. It's not a button that can be assigned, but there are three ways to add videos for instructions.

I had a lot of instruction videos on my hard drive that I wanted to upload to FTP (one of the many things on my to-do list), but I just realized that my PC is fixed by the vendor and the put a new image on it, I backed up the wrong drive my self, so my Downloads folder is gone along with all the videos I downloaded. I will re-download them and, as Scutters mentioned, I'll put them on FTP in the near future.

  • Confused 1
  • 1 month later...

I have a feature request I would like to propose.

The request is in regards to how "hide backglass" affects the recording of table videos for the media folders.

Myself and I suspect others, use the backglass videos in the front end wheel and continue to let them play while the selected table is loading.  The result is that the user sees a seamless transition from the wheel to the actual loaded table.  The alternative to this experience is a loss of the selected backglass while the selected table is loading, ruining the illusion of a seamless transition from browsing to playing.  The way this illusion is achieved is by deselecting "hide backglass" for the individual table in Game Manager or Database Manager.  With this method the backglass video from your PinballX media folder plays and then is covered up by the B2S when the table loads.  Be cautious with Pinup Player tables as those videos will conflict with the backglass video and therefore the traditional method of "hiding backglass" must be used in this instance.

The issue arises that when recording table media in Game Manager or Database Manager the "hide backglass" option MUST be checked in Game Manager.  As far as I can tell this is a requirement for me to get a fresh backglass recording.  I have tried several combinations and this is the option that works.  If "hide backglass" is not selected in Game Manager then PinballX will skip the backglass when recording media.  I realize that using the bulk video recording has worked for some but I would rather not use bulk video recording as a habit. 

EDIT AS REQUESTED IN BELOW COMMENT:  Mike_da_Spik points out that Database Manager does work when using Bulk Video Recording method. 

My request is to divorce this backglass selection from the recording code.  It seems that if the user has selected to record the backglass in the general settings then there should not be a secondary consideration.  I realize that I have found a work around but I would like the community and Tom to give consideration to this request in the pursuit of avoiding the work around. 

Thank you for your great work here,



Plesse remove Databasemanager from previous post (orbignore dur8ngvreading :D ). Dbm will record the backglass during bulk videos if hide backglass is not checked and backglass recording is selected. Documentation will be updated. 

  • 3 weeks later...
  On 3/30/2022 at 4:50 AM, Mike_da_Spike said:

Is it possible to make the 'Lists' entry scrollable, if the menu is too long ?
Right now, I loose entries, because I created a lot of filters and custom XML's



Having this as an added feature to be enabled/disabled via Setup Wizard would be great for good user control.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Bit of an old bugbear of mine which i guess is by design rather than a bug.

When exiting a system there seems to be an inbuilt 5 or so seconds delay of black screen before returning to the wheel.

This is still present when the 'Enable game exit images' is set to No. When set to Yes the exit image will only appear after the same seconds of delay / black screen.

Suggestions, either;

  • If the delay is for safety after closing the 'system' using a Sleep type function to ensure a clean exit completes then remove the game exit images as an option and always show the exit image - but do this before the system is closed to avoid the black screen, then wait for the system to exit before returning to the wheel.
  • Or, remove any sleep / waits from code and instead disable user input for a few seconds (if needed). So the wheel is shown immediately while the system cleanly exits in the background

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