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  On 11/15/2018 at 4:38 PM, DrEvil said:


I am making progress but stuck here:

I have obtained .17 version of Arcooda and the latest version of FCM

However, the .17 version of acrooda does not run, I think because I do not own a KINECT.   Is there a version of FCM fro Arcooda version .14?


You don't need the Kinect to have the version run. What behavior are you  seeing when you try to start the cabinet version?


I figured it out.  I was missing the resource files.  So now I have FCM initiating Arcooda but get a warning box stating I need level .17 of Arcooda, which is what I have.


I just looked now at FCM again (today 11/16) and the latest release is for level 1.71.19 of Arcooda, yet I cannot find a download link to that version of Arcooda.


Thanks for the help, I will keep chugging.  I am actually doing a comprehensive re-configuration of my cabinet, including changing monitor config, keyboard encoder, and complete reinstall of everything including VPX, FP, PinballX and FX3.  Somehow I figure a need to wipe a lot of things to get a fresh start on the latest builds and scripts.

I think my biggest change is to keep my playfield in portrait all the time and now I completely avoid all screen rotation coding.  This actually solves many issues with Pinballx and Arcooda and FX3, plus VPX doesnt really care.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

If you're running arcooda in steam, right click on it and check for updates. It should be automatic. Not sure if you got the standalone software from them or not though.

  On 11/16/2018 at 7:41 PM, DrEvil said:

I figured it out.  I was missing the resource files.  So now I have FCM initiating Arcooda but get a warning box stating I need level .17 of Arcooda, which is what I have.


I just looked now at FCM again (today 11/16) and the latest release is for level 1.71.19 of Arcooda, yet I cannot find a download link to that version of Arcooda.


Thanks for the help, I will keep chugging.  I am actually doing a comprehensive re-configuration of my cabinet, including changing monitor config, keyboard encoder, and complete reinstall of everything including VPX, FP, PinballX and FX3.  Somehow I figure a need to wipe a lot of things to get a fresh start on the latest builds and scripts.

I think my biggest change is to keep my playfield in portrait all the time and now I completely avoid all screen rotation coding.  This actually solves many issues with Pinballx and Arcooda and FX3, plus VPX doesnt really care.




Hi guys,


I'm getting quite a few errors when trying to set this up.

All versions are the latest. I'm trying to just launch stand alone Arcooda not steam version.

I attempted to use a command prompt to launch also - same results.

I've attached several files.

Is there a way to get something like this baked into PBX?

Settings.iniFetching info...

Start_Arcooda.ahkFetching info...

Run_Arcooda.ahkFetching info...

PinballX.iniFetching info...

Screenshot (10).png

Screenshot (11).png


I was told by Arccoda that 1.71.17 is the latest cabinet version.  The .19 and .20 versions apply to steam or other version of Pinball Arcade.


I am running the Steam version of Arcooda so that makes sense.    Best bet woud be to go to PinballArcadeFans.com and post a message in the FreeCamMod group under TPA \ PC.     NoEx (the author) might be able to help.   All you may need is the previous version if you are running the offline Arcooda version.   Most people bought the steam version of Arcooda if they have it.


  • Like 1
  • 4 months later...
  On 11/29/2018 at 3:52 PM, GAH1068 said:

I am running the Steam version of Arcooda so that makes sense.    Best bet woud be to go to PinballArcadeFans.com and post a message in the FreeCamMod group under TPA \ PC.     NoEx (the author) might be able to help.   All you may need is the previous version if you are running the offline Arcooda version.   Most people bought the steam version of Arcooda if they have it.



You may want to check PinballArcadeFans.com as was suggested. I believe that FCM (as of the prior posts) is for the Steam version only but I may be incorrect on this as I do not run it on my rig.

  On 4/5/2019 at 6:04 PM, Draco1962 said:

You may want to check PinballArcadeFans.com as was suggested. I believe that FCM (as of the prior posts) is for the Steam version only but I may be incorrect on this as I do not run it on my rig.


Thanks, I checked over there. No luck but I gave Noex access to files but there was no luck. So I emailed Arcooda about it. Noex said he basically was unable to launch the .exe because of the encryption dongle. Aroocda seemed like they were willing to work with him, so I let him know to email Arcooda they might provide what he needed so hopefully those with stand-alone can enjoy FCM also.


Would love to see a solution for this. Seems like it should be doable via PBX. I wonder if PBX would let you record button presses or something to get you to the right path/ menu?

  • 8 months later...

Doubtful,  I haven't been in Arcooda much since Zen started releasing their versions of the tables.   I never really run in offline mode to begin with.    I will check and fire up Arcooda when I get home tonight and see if things are working.   I do know that for a while people were posting different offline versions in a thread on pinballarcadefans.com .     If you ask NoEx will more than likely post a version too if he can.



  • 3 months later...

GAH 1068 

I have two systems in my pincab. Arcooda and Pinball Arcade. I am working with   AHK script s.  Ghostbusters  Stern table is in Pinball Arcade System and  when i  click in the wheel i have a message that table is not possible to load. Have you this problem?  Do you have a xml of pinball arcade system?

  • 1 year later...
  On 11/11/2021 at 2:53 PM, halen said:

I am having problems with TPA. In Arcooda mode it only loads the program and does not load the table. This issue was described in Arcooda direct Launch for PBX. However I discovered a new app: http://www.emuline.org/topic/1826-tuto-pinball-arcade-loader/. It works great but I'm having trouble getting it to work in Pinball X. Can you help? 


Never seen that tool before, but whats the issue you facing ?

If you have an issue, you must describe what your issue is.

Make sure you can launch a table from the command prompt.

if you got that working, you can add it to PBX.

Please provide your setup (pinballx.ini) and your log file. (Log.txt)


The issue is: 

I should not  be able to launch a table directly outside PinballX. 

                    TPAFreeCamMod.exe -arcooda -table fnhouse

When i use the command -arcooda the PBA open but not in the table. If i use the command without -arcooda the TPAFREECAMMOD works without problem.

I test Pinball Arcade Loader and works better than TPAFREECAM. The table load fast. But i need help to edit the script to use Pinball Arcade Loader only to Arcooda tables.

  On 11/11/2021 at 5:00 PM, halen said:

The issue is: 

I should not  be able to launch a table directly outside PinballX. 

                    TPAFreeCamMod.exe -arcooda -table fnhouse

When i use the command -arcooda the PBA open but not in the table. If i use the command without -arcooda the TPAFREECAMMOD works without problem.

I test Pinball Arcade Loader and works better than TPAFREECAM. The table load fast. But i need help to edit the script to use Pinball Arcade Loader only to Arcooda tables.


Please attach copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt files as requested. 


Its along time I setup tpa arcooda and all. But wasnt it for arcooda mode, that you need to change some files ?

So tpa is almost the same, only less tables and menu different ?

So, is your tpa in "arcooda" mode ? As -arcooda doesnt set it to arcooda.


Checking the tpa loader, it looks pretty straight forward.

Run in command line: PinballArcadeLoader.exe PathToYourExe NameOfYourTable

For example 

PinballArcadeLoader.exe "C:\Pinball Arcade\PinballArcade11.exe" StarTrekTNG


Thee are some parameters as well, for camera lock and players



The pinballArcadeloader is working here. The question is: How i work pinballarcadeloader on pinball x to recognize the parameters [Table] and when i click on the wheel the table open. I have two emulators. The Pinball Arcade that i use to TPAFREECAMMODE (Tables that not working on Arccoda- Stern Table for example) and Arcooda to open the Pinball Arcooda Tables . I have the script and configuration of GAH1068 and was working without issue. But i dont know why the Arcooda is not working more. I said i try to load the table from CMD with the command TPAFreeCamMod.exe -arcooda -table fnhouse and is not working. I think the problem is not pinball X.

PinballX.iniFetching info... log.txtFetching info...


I will make a real install document with settings in a few weeks.
As I said, I didn't use TPA for a long time, and didn't test anything yet (3.2 hours for total play is not much and bought all the packs before the license expired :P ).  


But think this needs to be done :



I hope this works for you and that it does make sense
(I'm not a native English speaker, so apologize for any typo/incorrect sentence or even wrong words)

  • Workingpath : path where you have the pinballarcade loader have installed/placed
    I Have a folder C:\pinball where I install everything (even Steam)
    under this folder I have a scripts for all kind of stuff to help an emulator launch, or startup scripts
  • Executable : PinballArcadeloader.exe
    This is the exe file that needs to be used
  • Parameters : "<path to your executable>" [TABLEFILE]
    In my case :
    "C:\Pinball\steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcadeCabinet.EXE" [TABLEFILE]
    (as I installed steam under c:\pinball)

Within your favourite program to manage the tables, you must make sure all the table names are corresponding to the table to launch


Process to monitor : PinballArcadeCabinet.exe

This is btw my original setup on my cabinet.
Not sure if this is still valid (and yes. I use the -arcooda as well :P )



  • Like 1


Thanks Man!!! Works like a charm!!! 

I rotate the screen with display.exe and add HIDETEXT in the parameters:

"C:\Pinball\steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcadeCabinet.EXE" [TABLEFILE] HIDETEXT

  On 11/12/2021 at 2:02 PM, halen said:


Thanks Man!!! Works like a charm!!! 

I rotate the screen with display.exe and add HIDETEXT in the parameters:

"C:\Pinball\steam\steamapps\common\PinballArcade\PinballArcadeCabinet.EXE" [TABLEFILE] HIDETEXT


Awesome. Maybe you can use @joyrider3774his fx3 launcher to add the parameters via een menu.

I will create complete documentation and if nobody creates something with joyriders his framework, I will putt something together.

Cool that you are happy. I was not able to test it yet

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