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Happy Birthday, @hansolo77! Hard to imagine that you were born mere days before I walked down the aisle to pick up my high school diploma and began a 5 night round of debauchery. 

Enjoy your day and have fun!

2 hours ago, hansolo77 said:

Thanks buddy.  There's only 2 7's in my name though :P

I forgot to hit enter when I edited earlier. Dammit. :P


Happy birthday home slice! Have a beer on us... Specifically on Stigz! :)


No problem!  At least you guys offered up a Happy Birthday.  My own dad and stepmom I live with didn't even say anything.


That sucks. My mom suffers from dementia. Last year she was in the hospital during one of her spells and on my birthday. Not only did I not get a birthday wish, she didn't even recognize me. I think that my situation is a little worse than yours in the loss of a recognition of a birthday due to someone actually losing it and knowing there is nothing I can do to prevent it vs. parents acting like tools and consciously ignoring it or not caring enough to remember. Regardless of their excuse, you need to get your own place. They will notice whether or not you are around when they lose the free media streaming, etc.


You said it.  I keep telling them they're going to seriously regret it when I do finally move out.  Their attitude is that I can't leave any sooner.  I tell them they're hurting for cash, dependent on my weekly paycheck because they both only get paid monthly.  "Oh no, we'd be fine.. we have to pay for 3 people, not just 2.  Food for 3 people is more expensive."  Well, that's why I buy all my food at work.  The time I made a point to buy my own food for a week just pissed them off even more.  It was an experiment, and of course they went loose with their money and were desperate for my paycheck that week.  Media streaming wouldn't really hurt them though.  Even though I built my own media storage server, Dad doesn't use it anymore.  He didn't like how it wasn't always on when he wanted to watch something.  I told him leaving the server on 24/7 would cost too much money for electricity, and I installed an app for his Kodi box to send a magic packet wake on lan to wake the server up.  But oh no, that's too much work.  So now he just streams on the internet.  Problem with that though, besides the fact that the addon may stop working any day, is that I'm paying for the extra bandwidth.  If I move out, they couldn't afford it.  He'd drop down to bottom tier speed which isn't fast enough for all his HD streaming..  They're all "we'd love to see how we handle it", but in reality, my observations make me feel like they'd be struggling even more than they are now.  The only reason to move out is for my own sanity at this point.

9 hours ago, Kustom Kid said:

Happy late birthday. Just think, you came out a few weeks after the first Star Wars movie.

Not true.. the first one came out in 77, I was born in 80...  But the days are pretty close :)  I'm actually closer to Mount St. Helen's eruption.  Mom said she was in the hospital watching it on the news when she was nearing labor.


Yeah, I know the feeling.  There's these kids at work who just graduated.  Find out they were born the year I graduated.  Only this year makes it 1 year AFTER I graduated.  "Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin.. into the future...."

16 hours ago, DazzleHP said:

Happy Belated Argle Bargle (i stole your beer) Birthday! That makes you almost the same age as me! We get closer every year.

Yeah I wracked my brain for a few years, every now and then when I was in school.  I wanted to find an equation to figure out when I would start getting closer to my Dad's age.  I finally figured it out, although I don't know how to do the equation bit.  Essentially, you become HALF as old as your Dad once you turn the same age as they were when you were born.  So if he was 20, then when YOU turn 20, he'd be 40.  From that moment on, you'll be that number of years apart, but the age gap compared to 0 decreases by 1 year each year.  However, since they age 1 year each year too, you'll never catch up until they pass.

Something else that was cool with the year I was born... 1980.  So in 1981, take the last digit and that's how old I am: 1.  1985, 5.  Then comes 1990.  It's a 0, but that just means I'm 10.  Then comes 2000.  Easy, take the 1st digit and last digit.. so 2000=20.  2008, 28.  Once we hit 2010, it was add the first 2 digits with the last 2 digits.. so 2010, 30.  2017, same thing.. 37.  I got it easy, I'll never have a hard time figuring out how old I am.  2080 would be 100 years.  2090 (like 1990) would be 110.  Just add a 1 to the first number and start again.  So if I live to 2100, it should be 120.  That's where it gets confusing.  because 2105 would only be 125.

On 04/06/2017 at 5:11 PM, hansolo77 said:

Yeah I wracked my brain for a few years, every now and then when I was in school.  I wanted to find an equation to figure out when I would start getting closer to my Dad's age.  I finally figured it out, although I don't know how to do the equation bit.  Essentially, you become HALF as old as your Dad once you turn the same age as they were when you were born.  So if he was 20, then when YOU turn 20, he'd be 40.  From that moment on, you'll be that number of years apart, but the age gap compared to 0 decreases by 1 year each year.  However, since they age 1 year each year too, you'll never catch up until they pass.

Something else that was cool with the year I was born... 1980.  So in 1981, take the last digit and that's how old I am: 1.  1985, 5.  Then comes 1990.  It's a 0, but that just means I'm 10.  Then comes 2000.  Easy, take the 1st digit and last digit.. so 2000=20.  2008, 28.  Once we hit 2010, it was add the first 2 digits with the last 2 digits.. so 2010, 30.  2017, same thing.. 37.  I got it easy, I'll never have a hard time figuring out how old I am.  2080 would be 100 years.  2090 (like 1990) would be 110.  Just add a 1 to the first number and start again.  So if I live to 2100, it should be 120.  That's where it gets confusing.  because 2105 would only be 125.

Hehe, like i said, closer each year ^_^

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