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@rothbauerw Your issue may or may not be the same. It sounds like mzube is setting up GameEx Arcade for the first time while yours was running previously; you are running GameEx while he is running GameEx Arcade; and the themes you are using are different. I will ask to have your post moved to it's own thread for now. Thanks for including your files with your post though. :)


@rothbauerw If the solutions provided in this topic don't result in a resolution, please start a new topic.

@RedDog Some time ago I tried splitting a post in an existing topic to its own topic, and the results aren't what you would expect.  This could have changed since the latest board upgrades, but I didn't want to find out the "hard way" again.  :)


@rothbauerw The error log is pointing at the Title Font 'Joystix' not being able to be loaded. The theme you are using, Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768, is not one that is currently available for download through GameEx, so I am unable to test it out with your config. However, I did test out the rest of your config on my Windows 7 machine and I was able to run the config successfully (with a different theme).

Would you try changing your theme to something simple like Default-Default and see if it will start up?


I have tried several other themes with the same error. I don't remember if one of them was default-default.  I'll give that a try this weekend.

I also didn't see which font was causing the error so now that you pointed that out I'll check to make sure it's still installed. 


Still try the theme change if you do not mind, but since you already tried four others the likelyhood that they all had fonts that were not already installed on your system is pretty slim.

Besides the recent GameEx 14.77 update, are there any other changes that took place on your system such as video drivers, reinstalling GameEx, additonal programs installed, etc?

Also, approximately how long have you had GameEx installed? You mentioned that it was working prior to Sunday. Also, have you been using the Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768 for awhile?


I only tried to update GameEx after it stopped working. I've had it installed for several months and it was working fine on Friday night. The only change on my system was a lengthy Windows 10 update on Saturday. 


Thanks for the additional info. Give the theme change to Default-Default a try. If it crashes, please post the GameEx.ini and log.txt file from just after so we can see if it gives anything different.


When you did the reinstall, did you install over the existing GameEx installation or remove and then install? If you removed GameEx and then installed, did you confirm that all of the files in the GameEx folder were removed prior to reinstalling. It would be helpful to know if anything was left over from the original install or if the new install was totally clean.


Thanks tthurman, I will also check that windows update.  I'm away from my machine until this weekend but you all have given me some good things to dig into.   

When I reinstalled, I installed over the existing installation. Is it better to completely remove it first? 

  On 4/20/2017 at 1:20 AM, rothbauerw said:

Thanks tthurman, I will also check that windows update.  I'm away from my machine until this weekend but you all have given me some good things to dig into.   

When I reinstalled, I installed over the existing installation. Is it better to completely remove it first? 


Reinstalling directly over the existing install is usually the way to go. The autoupdate funtionality essentially does the dame thing. Sometimes we might suggest it for oddball issues or if we are running out ot idea. However, a few times, a fresh install has worked when a reinstall had not. However, if you do decide to go this route, make sure you back up your GameEx files. I would hate for you to loose the config files, any important assets, or the theme (unless you know where to get it). This is basically a last resort.

Definately check out tthurman's link to that Windows 10 issue first. I did not recall it myself until he mentioned it. I checked the log.txt file that was submitted there and while there are no mention of font errors, but it's hard to ignore the cooincidence that your Windows 10 update happend no long before.

Another idea that just came to mind is that you could also try changing the Title Font in the Default - BlueEx - MCE1024x768 theme. If you want to give that a try, when opening a theme, browse to the theme and open the Theme.ini. Once the theme is open, go to EDIT>OPTIONS>FONT. Click the TITLE FONT button and choose a different font. Back out and save.


It looks like you have corrupt image cache file. Delete all the png files in the data folder.

Otherwise you are missing a font. A reinstall should fix that. Looks like "joystix"


Thanks for the help.  Looking into fonts, it looks like Windows update may have uninstalled all my fonts.  I reinstalled the fonts and everything is working again.

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