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Forza Horizon 3 - Early in 1080 - hells yeah


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This is on Xbox One early access, it's not released till Tuesday, using my Elgato HD ;) I literally just recorded my first boot of the game, not having played the demo or any preview, hence why i hit a few of the barriers lol.


Can't wait to get into this, coz yes tthurman, horizon is NFS-esque! i love it coz of that :D Not to mention the art/decal side of things which all forza fans are aware :) Come race me guys!


PS: If you buy the MS Store version of the game, you not only get the XB1 version, but also the W10 version too! I plan on making this game look sweeeet hehehe :P

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This makes me DROOL.  I haven't played a good racing game since Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2 lol.  I actually beta tested that game, so that's why it was the last I played.  Have they come out with a full size steering wheel/pedals/shifters with true force FEEDBACK and not vibration yet?  I know there was a really good one (really expensive too) that came out a few years ago for PC, but my system wasn't up to PAR to be able to run the games the wheel was designed for.  Uhg.. I miss those days greatly.  I'm very very VERY (like somebody better talk me out of it) close to buying an XB1.  I was going to wait till the price came down.  Then I was gonna wait because I heard the latest model isn't worth it (to get that VR stuff) when a new console altogether is coming very soon.  But man.  I'm missing out.  I miss playing on Xbox Live with my friends.  I haven't played Halo 5 yet, and literally hate myself for not playing Star Wars Battlefront yet.  WTF is wrong with me?  Why am I doing this to myself with suffering and torment?  <sigh>  Should I just do it?  I mean, I have finally achieved full-time at work, and in the next few months I'm basically going to get a raise of nearly $6 an hour.  I was capped at part-time and now have to work up to the full-time cap, but I already have the required hours worked, they just can't give it to me all at once.  That's a LOT more money.  We typically get raises twice a year, in the $.05 - $.15 range (unless you're topped out). I could have afforded it before.  But I'm trying to be responsible and save up for a car so I can finally move out.  But man.. I really REALLY wanna do this.  My Kindle died on me so I had to buy a new tablet, and dropped like $600 to Amazon like it was nothing just this last month.  I've already replaced the cash now and have more in Savings now than I did before. 

Should I do it guys?  Come on.. talk me in or out of it!  lol

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As much as I like my original Xbox and the 360, and Halo was my all-time favorite series, I decided to go with a beefier PC. I still have quite a few games for each of the two systems have yet to really play. Same goes for the PC. Add a pincab to the mix, I have more than enough to keep me entertained for this lifetime.

I am trying to break out of the "Pokemon" mindset of "I've got to collect them all!" as I have a car to replace, work to be done on the house, etc.

That said,  you've got a situation at home that you need to get out of in a very bad way. An XBone isn't going to help get you to that goal of a car and place of your own any faster.

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I just picked up a lot more work myself, getting close to an actual Full-time contract (with benefits and such), but I'm already working full-time hours in different Part time jobs around the building. The extra income is welcome and although, like you, I'm tempted by the current generation of consoles and games, I'm on a budget. I set a limit each month of how much I will be allowed to spend on entertainment (which includes netflix, TV, Internet, and etc.). If I'm saving each month out of that budget, then when I have enough I could get an XBone, if I still want one (this forces me to wait until I'm sure it's not an impulse buy). The rest of my income goes into my other budgets (Rent, savings buffer, food, household, and etc.)

I'm scared right now because I just set up a 403(b) TSA and a Roth IRA. I'm differing a large amount of income each month right off the top. So, I'm waiting a few months with the fear of God in me, to see if I can afford my future. With that in mind, I've been focosing on work and rest. I haven't had much time for gaming lately:(. Damn Priorities!


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I'm still waiting on getting a rift. I build a new computer with this in mind back in January. Still haven't taken the plunge. I'm almost glad I waited, because PS VR looks pretty enticing. I may decide to go that rout instead, Like I said, I'm afraid to spend money right now until I'm sure how my budgets line up after I shook things up with retirement savings. Feels precarious giving that much money to a large corporation, especially since they that can't guarantee I'll ever get it back. Gives me a sick feeling. I see the utility of it, but that little voice in the back of my mind is screaming "Don't trust those corporate psychopaths with your money!" I wouldn't have taken such a drastic move if there was any other way to save for retirement. Now I'll constantly be wondering if I sent that money off to work for me, or if it's being seduced by a corporate harlot to commit treachery. I'll keep an eagle eye on my investments to try and peck that greedy hand when it try's to reach in my pocket. ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmedia.riffsy.com%2Fimage

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On 9/23/2016 at 4:53 PM, hansolo77 said:

This makes me DROOL.  I haven't played a good racing game since Gran Turismo 3 on the PS2 lol.  I actually beta tested that game, so that's why it was the last I played...

Did you ever get the S license? That's the only game my dad ever was able to beat me at. He sat there for hours and days at a time trying with that squirrely over powered car on that ridiculous track to get it. He finally did it...twice!!! I came close a few times, but never put in the hours needed to get it. Still haunts me.

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It's been so long ago, I don't know if I did or not.  I suppose I could always load it up and see.  I still have my beta test game (it was the full version, free to testers!) and memory card.  Though I don't have my PS2 controller.  Lost that in the fire.  In fact, I'm surprised I was able to salvage the PS2 and it's power/av cables.  There was so much "fiberglassy" ash inside all the vents, I didn't think it would ever run again.  Then I heard about the soft-mod you could do, and the ability to install games to the internal HDD (phat models).  I decided to clean it up best I could (lots of unscrewing, then overnight soaks in soapy water and alcohol and 3 days of air drying everything), reconnected everything, and to my surprise it still works!  I installed the soft-mod (basically running a modified firmware via an extra memory card) and put in my only remaining IDE drive (120gb).  Installed half a dozen games on it, and it's amazing.  I'm actually impressed by how nice it runs in comparison to emulators because my system is sooo outdated it barely runs PSX games.  That's a joke too, considering my RPi3 runs PSX full speed.  I just recently finished my first ever play through of Kingdom Hearts.  Loved it btw.

When I find some time, and a spare controller, I'll load up GT3 and see where my license is at.

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On 29/09/2016 at 3:42 AM, hansolo77 said:

Yeah my PC is mere 2.1 ghz Core2Duo.  Pretty pathetic by today's standards.  But at the time, it was the best you could get.  My last upgrade was so I could play the original Doom 3 for PC when it first came out.  Those were the days.  :)

Having both, i would say invest in a half decent PC. The current gen consoles (PS4/Xbox One) don't stack up in terms of hardware. In fact they both are quite bad in comparison. I could easily build a rig, at a similar price to these consoles and be at least 2-3 times the power. I would say only buy a console for social reasons, if not either build, or get someone to build a custom PC for you.

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I'm still rockin a core2quad 9650, and although it's not my primary gaming rig since I upgraded over the summer, it still held its own.  If your socket 775 board supports it, you might consider keeping an eye out on a good deal for a Q9650, or for that matter Q9550.  A buddy of mine is still playing current get games on his Q9650 with decent frame rates.


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I'm not much of a gamer anymore, so I can hardly approve the cost to upgrade my system.  Like DazzleHP said, a console would only be enjoyable for me from a social stand point.  Albeit there are some games out that I'd really like to play, if nothing more than to follow the story.  For instance, Halo, Gears of War, Fallout, etc.  Is the latest Final Fantasy coming to Xbox One?  That'd be another reason.  I think what really slapped me in the face was when Destiny came out.  My buddies I played every night with all got it opening night (they had been part of the early access) and told me I needed to get it.  So I bought it blindly.  Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with the game.  I don't like grinds, and that's pretty much what that game was (is?).  Those hours wasted just collecting stuff hoping to upgrade your stats is just boring as hell.  When it was decided they were going to play that and nothing else, I just let my subscription to Live expire, and haven't looked back ever since.  I think I haven't turned on my Xbox in over a year and a half now.  The muted desire is there for the social points and to continue various stories, but I really have no desire to go out and drop hundreds of dollars on upgrading my PC when I don't even play on the Xbox 360 as it is.  To be honest, this has all actually been a huge eye opener for how much lack of gaming I've actually brought myself.  So the fact that I was even asking if I should go out and buy a Slim or just wait seems almost moot.  My only argument at this point would be "When I move out, I'll just be sitting in my place bored with nothing to do".  But that's not really true either.. I have emulators and ROMs, and a home-built server with hundreds of TV shows and movies on it.  I could easily spend the rest of my life watching everything I have....especially with my life existing as "work, 3-4 hours awake, sleep, work". 

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16 hours ago, hansolo77 said:

...I don't like grinds, and that's pretty much what that game was (is?).  Those hours wasted just collecting stuff hoping to upgrade your stats is just boring as hell ...

I take it then you're not an Elder Scrolls fan? You like Final Fantasy though? Hmm...I guess there's enough to do story wise to keep you entertained other than "farming."

I skipped the XBox360 era, so my Halo days expired in 2005 (when I started collage incidentally). While I'm curious to see where the story has gone, I don't want to pay the price of admission or expose myself to the violence anymore, let alone the preteen online interactions - "Shut up you half-witted, sub human, prepubescent, dog whistling, infant! You got pwned fair and square, my x-box is mod chip free. Learn some tactics, practice with your bros, and beg your mom for faster internet before using that squeak-box you call vocal cords to call me a cheater. Sore looser!"

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