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Winter is Trumping


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He is not my first pick for a candidate, but the rest don't seem to have the gravitas to tap into the electorate that is soured on the conservative politics as usual - which is generally piss and moan about what the Dems are doing but showing that you have neither testicles or spine to stand up for something.


I don't care for the man as I have heard enough horror stories on how he has backed out of deals and left the smaller business stuck with things or take a lesser restructured deal even when the business came through for him in spades. I do admire him in that he speaks his mind and isn't afraid if the truth of what he says pisses someone off.


I can't find much to disagree with him regarding how to handle the immigration and terrorist issues, except for how he says it and approaches the issues. Show some diplomacy and measure your words carefully. You can still say what needs to be said, piss people off that don't like to hear it, yet preserve their respect for you and themselves. Ronald Reagan anyone?

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Admittedly, this probably isn't quite as funny if you're not on my side of the pond, but he's known enough where you can appreciate the humor regardless.  



I'm still reading the Game of Thrones books, and I gotta say... even with the fake cut/paste of Trump's face.. that little teaser still has me excited to watch the show!  Can't wait to get this last book done so I can watch it!  And yes, that's all I got out of that video.  I could care less about Trump.



That music video gave me nightmares when I was a kid and it was on MTV all the time.

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Well, that pretty much sums it up. And now I have a new appreciation for that song! BTW, those puppets were fugly, just like politics. Nightmares? Check. Waking nightmare? Check and check again.


Here's a serious question. Can we build a wall around Washington DC to keep the politicians out of America?

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