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16:16:40.0 1/30/2016: PinballX - Version 2.12
16:16:40.0 1/30/2016: Windows 8 Pro 64-bit (31.9GB)
16:16:40.0 1/30/2016: Loading Settings
16:16:40.0 1/30/2016: Initialize Component
16:16:40.0 1/30/2016: Initialize Display
16:16:41.0 1/30/2016: Loading PlugIns
16:16:41.1 1/30/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Hiding Cursor
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Hiding Taskbar
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: CPU: Intel® Core i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Displays: 2
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Load Game List
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Pinball FX2
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Pinball Arcade
16:16:41.2 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Future Pinball
16:16:41.3 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Visual Pinball
16:16:41.3 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Visual Pinball X
16:16:41.3 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Visual Pinball PM5
16:16:41.3 1/30/2016: Loading Database: Future Pinball
16:16:41.3 1/30/2016: Finding and matching artwork and videos
16:16:45.6 1/30/2016: Loading Game Statistics and Scores
16:16:45.6 1/30/2016: Main display running full screen windowed.
16:16:45.6 1/30/2016: Loading Surfaces
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: Finished Loading Surfaces
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: Initialize Audio
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: Set Keyboard Controls
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: Initialize Joystick
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: No Joysticks Attached
16:16:45.8 1/30/2016: Started
16:17:01.1 1/30/2016: Launch System
16:17:01.1 1/30/2016: Waiting for threads
16:17:01.1 1/30/2016: Disposing display
16:17:03.2 1/30/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
16:17:03.3 1/30/2016: Main display running full screen windowed.
16:17:16.2 1/30/2016: Launch System
16:17:16.2 1/30/2016: Waiting for threads
16:17:16.2 1/30/2016: Disposing display
16:17:16.3 1/30/2016: C:\The Pinball Arcade\NukeLauncher.exe /play -"\Addams Family"
16:17:21.6 1/30/2016: Created DirectX BackGlass Window
16:17:21.6 1/30/2016: Main display running full screen windowed.
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Exiting
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Showing Taskbar
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Unhiding Mouse Cursor
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Disposing Plugins
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Saving Settings
16:18:35.2 1/30/2016: Waiting for Online Thread
16:18:38.2 1/30/2016: Bye


Hi RIJOSROBERTO, welcome to the PinballX Forums.

Please provide your pinballx.ini as well in order to give everyone some insight as to what you've got going on. See the links in my sig if you need assistance locating these files.



I also recommend that you get one issue resolved at a time if at all possible, then start a new post with new copies of your pinballx.ini and log.txt files for the next issue. Your approach with so many issues to resolve is only going to net you more confusion and frustration. So pick the most pressing issue for this post for us to help you out. Thanks!


Ok cool sounds like a plan , iam going to find the files now definitely would like to start with pinball fx2 and pinball arcade making them launch from pinball x and choosing the correct table and to be able to show the backglass then i would move on to trying to figure out how to make all tables play correctly on visual pinball but like you said on a second post let me post those files give me a sec


Thanks tthurman , I noticed tho for some reason the files look to be linked together so for example if you drop a file into pinball x the same file will apear in visual pinball , so hopefully thats not causing the issues


Line1=Free Play
Line2=Press Start
PlayGame=Play Game
ExitGame=Exit Game
ReturnToGame=Return to Game
WorkingPath=C:\Future Pinball
TablePath=C:\Future Pinball\Tables
Executable=Future Pinball.exe
Parameters=/open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender
FPRAMPath=C:\Future Pinball\fpRAM
WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball
TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
WorkingPath=C:\- EMULATORS -\- MAME -
WorkingPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Studios\Pinball FX2 - Star Wars Pinball The Force Awakens Pack
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
Process=Pinball FX2.exe
WorkingPath=C:\The Pinball Arcade
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
Name=Visual Pinball X
WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball
TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
Name=Visual Pinball PM5
WorkingPath=C:\Visual Pinball
TablePath=C:\Visual Pinball\Tables
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
Name=Future Pinball
WorkingPath=C:\Future Pinball
TablePath=C:\Future Pinball\Tables
Parameters=/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"
Name=The Pinball Arcade
WorkingPath=C:\The Pinball Arcade


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config version="2.3.8" language="English">
<section name="Welcome to the PinballX Setup Wizard" mode="All" description="PinballX written by Tom Speirs.">
<setting name="Notice" type="Label" description="This program should help make setting up PinballX easy. It will guide you through the important features of PinballX and allow you to customise the main functionality. You can run this program at any time and it will not interfere with your current settings. So you can come back at a later date, and don't have to configure everything now." />
<setting name="WizardMode" default="Basic" type="WizardMode" description="Please select your mode:">
<option name="Basic" />
<option name="Advanced" />
<option name="Custom" />
<option name="Search" />
<setting name="PinballX Links" type="Links" description="Relevant Links">
<option name="PinballX Main Site" url="http://www.pinballx.net" />
<option name="PinballX Forum" url="http://gameex.info/" />
<option name="Donate" url="http://www.pinballx.net/donate.aspx" />
<section name="Custom Select" type="Custom" mode="Custom" description="This section allows you to select the options you wish to configure." />
<section name="Search Select" type="Search" mode="Search" description="This section allows you to search the options you wish to configure." />

<section name="General Settings" description="Here you can set various interface and general settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Desktop Mode" type="Title" Description="Desktop mode sets up PinballX for non cabinet usage. When set the Desktop image and video folders will be used and PinballX will run Landscape." />
<setting name="Enable Desktop Mode" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="DesktopModeEnabled" description="Enable Desktop Mode">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="File Matching" type="Title" Description="PinballX can perform additional file matching and searching for artwork, media and tables." />
<setting name="Enable File Matching" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FileSystem" ininame="EnableFileMatching" description="Perform additional searching for files.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Wheel overlay images" type="Title" Description="You can overlay wheel images with the system or company logo if you choose." />
<setting name="Mode" default="Disabled" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="WheelOverlay" description="Choose whether to overlay images onto the wheel image.">
<option name="Disabled" ininame="0" />
<option name="Overlay System Logo" ininame="1" />
<option name="Overlay Company Logo" ininame="2" />
<option name="Overlay Company and System" ininame="3" />

<setting name="Show additional detail" type="Title" Description="When browsing tables additional information can be displayed including system, ratings, manufacturer logos and year." />
<setting name="Enable" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="EnableAdditionalDetail" description="Show the game name, manufacturer logo and year.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Show System" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="ShowSystem" description="Show the system name or logo.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Show Ratings" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="ShowRatings" description="Show game ratings when available.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="One click launch Table" type="Title" Description="This setting allows you to immediately launch a table when selected and not show the menu list. Note: This disables several features." />
<setting name="Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="OneClickLaunch" description="If enabled then immediately launch the table when chosen and not show the launch/info menu.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Default Filters" type="Title" Description="Enable the default search filters in PinballX, including popular decades and manufacturers. Disabling this feature allows more room on the menu for your custom databases but obviously disables functionality." />
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Interface" ininame="EnableDefaultFilters" description="Enable the default search filters in PinballX, including popular decades and manufacturers. Disabling this feature allows more room on the menu for your custom databases but obviously disables functionality.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />


<section name="Display Settings" description="Here you can set various display settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Main Display" default="Display 1" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="Monitor" description="">
<option name="Display 1" ininame="0" />
<option name="Display 2" ininame="1" />
<option name="Display 3" ininame="2" />
<option name="Display 4" ininame="3" />
<option name="Display 5" ininame="4" />
<setting name="Main Display Rotation" default="270 Degrees" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="Rotate" description="">
<option name="270 Degrees" ininame="270" />
<option name="90 Degrees" ininame="90" />
<option name="Horizontal" ininame="0" />

<setting name="Back Glass Display" default="Display 2" type="ComboBox" inisection="BackGlass" ininame="Monitor" description="">
<option name="Display 1" ininame="0" />
<option name="Display 2" ininame="1" />
<option name="Display 3" ininame="2" />
<option name="Display 4" ininame="3" />
<option name="Display 5" ininame="4" />
<setting name="Use DirectB2S in Front End" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Backglass" ininame="UseB2S" description="Actually use the Direct2BS file and display it on your Backglass monitor in PinballX. If a matching direct2bs file is found and the server is installed the file will be displayed.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="DMD Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="Enabled" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="DMD Display" default="Display 3" type="ComboBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="Monitor" description="">
<option name="Display 1" ininame="0" />
<option name="Display 2" ininame="1" />
<option name="Display 3" ininame="2" />
<option name="Display 4" ininame="3" />
<option name="Display 5" ininame="4" />
<setting name="Auto position DMD" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="AutoPositionPinMAME" description="Automatically position the PinMAME window on your DMD monitor when running Visual Pinball and automatically position the DMD window in PinballFX 2 and remove its borders.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Hide PinMAME" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="HidePinMAME" description="Automatically hide the PinMAME window when running Visual Pinball or using the setting below. This setting is for cabinets using real DMD displays and can automatically stop the PinMAME window displaying on the playfield.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Use PinMAME in Front End" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="UsePinMAME" description="Actually use the PinMAME ROM and display it on your DMD monitor or DMD unit when in PinballX.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Window/Full Screen" default="Full Screen" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="Windowed" description="Run PinballX in windowed or full screen mode.">
<option name="Full Screen" ininame="False" />
<option name="Windowed" ininame="True" />
<setting name="Full Screen windowed" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="FullScreenWindowed" description="When running full screen run in windowed non exclusive mode.">
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<setting name="Crop Wheel Images" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="WheelAutoCrop" description="Automatically crop wheel images (remove transparent areas) and show them full size.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />


<setting name="Play Field Brightness" default="230" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="PlayFieldBrightness" description="Play Field Image and Video brightness.">
<option name="250" ininame="250" />
<option name="240" ininame="240" />
<option name="230" ininame="230" />
<option name="220" ininame="220" />
<option name="210" ininame="210" />
<option name="200" ininame="200" />
<option name="190" ininame="190" />
<option name="180" ininame="180" />
<option name="170" ininame="170" />
<option name="160" ininame="160" />
<option name="150" ininame="150" />

<setting name="Enable game exit images" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="ShowExitImage" description="Show exit images when returning to PinballX.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Show exit image for" default="3 Seconds" type="ComboBox" inisection="Display" ininame="ShowExitImageFor" description="Number of seconds to show the exit image for.">
<option name="2 Seconds" ininame="2" />
<option name="3 Seconds" ininame="3" />
<option name="4 Seconds" ininame="4" />
<option name="5 Seconds" ininame="5" />
<option name="6 Seconds" ininame="6" />
<option name="7 Seconds" ininame="7" />
<option name="8 Seconds" ininame="8" />
<option name="9 Seconds" ininame="9" />
<option name="10 Seconds" ininame="10" />

<setting name="Wheel Text Color" default="fffffff" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="WheelTextColor" description="Color of Wheel Text." />
<setting name="Wheel Text Outline Color" default="ff000000" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="WheelTextOutlineColor" description="Color of Wheel Text." />

<setting name="Info Text Color" default="ffffffff" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="InfoTextColor" description="Color of Info Text." />
<setting name="Info Text Outline Color" default="ff000000" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="InfoTextOutlineColor" description="Color of Info Text." />

<setting name="Filter Text Color" default="ffffffff" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="FilterTextColor" description="Color of Filter/Title Text." />
<setting name="Filter Text Outline Color" default="ff000000" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="FilterTextOutlineColor" description="Color of Filter/Title Text." />

<setting name="Menu Color" default="ffffa500" type="Color" inisection="Display" ininame="MenuColor" description="Color of selected menu items and information bar." />

<setting name="Backglass" type="Title" Description="You can specify the backglass positioning here." />
<setting name="X" default="0" type="TextBox" inisection="BackGlass" ininame="x" description="" />
<setting name="Y" default="0" type="TextBox" inisection="BackGlass" ininame="y" description="" />
<setting name="Width" default="1280" type="TextBox" inisection="BackGlass" ininame="width" description="" />
<setting name="Height" default="1024" type="TextBox" inisection="BackGlass" ininame="height" description=" " />

<setting name="DMD" type="Title" Description="You can specify the DMD positioning here." />
<setting name="X" default="0" type="TextBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="x" description="" />
<setting name="Y" default="0" type="TextBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="y" description="" />
<setting name="Width" default="900" type="TextBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="width" description="" />
<setting name="Height" default="300" type="TextBox" inisection="DMD" ininame="height" description=" " />

<section name="Audio Settings" description="Here you can set various audio settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Stream Volume" default="90%" type="ComboBox" inisection="Audio" ininame="StreamVolume" description="Ambiance and startup sound volume.">
<option name="100%" ininame="100" />
<option name="90%" ininame="90" />
<option name="80%" ininame="80" />
<option name="70%" ininame="70" />
<option name="60%" ininame="60" />
<option name="50%" ininame="50" />
<option name="40%" ininame="40" />
<option name="30%" ininame="30" />
<option name="20%" ininame="20" />
<option name="10%" ininame="10" />
<option name="0%" ininame="0" />


<setting name="Sample Volume" default="90%" type="ComboBox" inisection="Audio" ininame="SampleVolume" description="Navigation and sound fx volume.">
<option name="100%" ininame="100" />
<option name="90%" ininame="90" />
<option name="80%" ininame="80" />
<option name="70%" ininame="70" />
<option name="60%" ininame="60" />
<option name="50%" ininame="50" />
<option name="40%" ininame="40" />
<option name="30%" ininame="30" />
<option name="20%" ininame="20" />
<option name="10%" ininame="10" />
<option name="0%" ininame="0" />


<setting name="Sound in Videos" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Audio" ininame="PlaySoundInVideos" description="Play audio if in videos. Otherwise mute any sound in videos.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="GameEx Online" description="GameEx Online allows you to access your game collection online and remotely control PinballX from any web enabled device. This feature also enables the PinballX download service and allows searching and downloading of media in the game list manager.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Login" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable GameEx Online.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Use Lite Media" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="Login" ininame="UseLiteMedia" description="Search for Lite media online when using the Game Manager.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="User ID" default="" type="CurrentUser" inisection="Software\\PinballX" ininame="U" description="" />
<setting name="Password" default="" type="CurrentUser" inisection="Software\\PinballX" ininame="pass" description="" />
<setting name="Links" type="Links" description="Relevant Links">
<option name="GameEx Online" url="http://online.gameex.com" />
<option name="Create an account" url="http://online.gameex.com/signup.aspx" />

<section name="Startup Settings" description="Here you can set various startup settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enable Startup Sound" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Startup" ininame="PlaySound" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Enable Startup Video" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="Startup" ininame="PlayVideo" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Run PinballX when Windows starts" type="Title" Description="This setting will automatically set PinballX to launch when Windows starts up." />
<setting name="Start with Windows" type="LaunchFile" inisection="Startup" ininame="StartWithWindows" description="Set PinballX to launch when Windows starts.">
<option name="FileName" description="[APP]\ToggleStartWithWindows.exe" />

<setting name="Run program on startup" type="Title" Description="Launch a program on startup of PinballX" />
<setting name="Startup Program Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="Enabled" description="Launch Application At Startup">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch on startup." />

<setting name="Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="Executable" description="The executable file to launch at startup" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="Parameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="WaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="StartupProgram" ininame="HideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="Keyboard Input Settings" description="Here you can set various input settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Quit" default="27" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Quit" description="Quit Key" />
<setting name="Left" default="37" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Left" description="Left Key" />
<setting name="Right" default="39" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Right" description="Right Key" />
<setting name="Select" default="13" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Select" description="Select Key" />
<setting name="Rotate" default="82" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Rotate" description="Rotate Key" />
<setting name="Page Left" default="33" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="PageLeft" description="PageLeft Key" />
<setting name="Page Right" default="34" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="PageRight" description="PageRight Key" />
<setting name="Exit Emulator" default="81" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="ExitEmulator" description="ExitEmulator Key" />

<setting name="Playfield Screenshot" default="83" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Screenshot" description="Playfield Screenshot Key" />

<setting name="Backglass Screenshot" default="83" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="ScreenshotBackglass" description="BackGlass Screenshot Key" />

<setting name="Pause/In Game" default="80" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="InGame" description="Pause Key" />

<setting name="Instructions" default="73" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="Instructions" description="Instructions Key" />

<setting name="Volume Down" default="109" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="VolumeDown" description="Volume Down Key" />
<setting name="Volume Up" default="107" type="VKKey" inisection="KeyCodes" ininame="VolumeUp" description="Volume Up Key" />


<section name="Joystick Input Settings" description="Here you can set various input settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Quit" default="10" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Quit" description="Quit Button" />
<setting name="Left" default="0" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Left" description="Left Button" />
<setting name="Right" default="1" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Right" description="Right Button" />
<setting name="Select" default="2" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Select" description="Select Button" />
<setting name="Rotate" default="11" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Rotate" description="Rotate Button" />
<setting name="Page Left" default="3" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="PageLeft" description="PageLeft Button" />
<setting name="Page Right" default="4" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="PageRight" description="PageRight Button" />
<setting name="Exit Emulator" default="12" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="ExitEmulator" description="ExitEmulator Button" />
<setting name="Pause/In Game" default="13" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="InGame" description="Pause Button" />

<setting name="Instructions" default="14" type="JoyButton" inisection="JoyCodes" ininame="Instructions" description="Instructions Button" />

<section name="Text" description="Here you can set the various text settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Line 1" default="Free Play" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Line1" description="" />
<setting name="Line 2" default="Press Start" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Line2" description="" />
<setting name="Featuring" default="Featuring" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Featuring" description="" />
<setting name="Tables" default="Tables" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Tables" description="" />
<setting name="All" default="All" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="All" description="" />
<setting name="Play Game" default="Play Game" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="PlayGame" description="" />
<setting name="Instructions" default="Instructions" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Instructions" description="" />
<setting name="Information" default="Information" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Information" description="" />
<setting name="Flyer" default="Flyer" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Flyer" description="" />
<setting name="Gameplay" default="Gameplay" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Gameplay" description="" />
<setting name="Tutorial" default="Tutorial" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Tutorial" description="" />
<setting name="Exit Game" default="Exit Game" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="ExitGame" description="" />
<setting name="Return to Game" default="Return to Game" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="ReturnToGame" description="" />
<setting name="Return" default="Return" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Return" description="" />
<setting name="Exit" default="Exit" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Exit" description="" />
<setting name="Shutdown" default="Shutdown" type="TextBox" inisection="Text" ininame="Shutdown" description="" />
<section name="Future Pinball" description="Here you can set the various Future Pinball settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable Future Pinball">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="C:\Pinball\FuturePinball" type="Folder" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path of Future Pinball." />
<setting name="Table Path" default="C:\Pinball\Tables" type="Folder" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="TablePath" description="The table path of Future Pinball." />
<setting name="Executable" default="Future Pinball.exe" type="File" filter="Future Pinball Exe (*.exe).|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="Executable" description="The Future Pinball executable file. Usually 'Future Pinball.exe'" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="/open "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]" /play /exit /arcaderender" type="TextBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="Parameters" description="The Future Pinball parameters." />

<setting name="FPRAM Path" default="C:\Pinball\FuturePinball\fpram" type="Folder" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="FPRAMPath" description="The Future Pinball FPRAM path. Required for high score support." />

<setting name="Launch Before" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch before the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch Before" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeEnabled" description="Launch Application Before Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch before." />

<setting name="Launch Before Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeExecutable" description="The executable file to launch before the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch Before Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch Before Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch after the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch After" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterEnabled" description="Launch Application After Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch After." />

<setting name="Launch After Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterExecutable" description="The executable file to launch After the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch After Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch After Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete After proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="FuturePinball" ininame="LaunchAfterHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="Visual Pinball" description="Here you can set the various Visual Pinball settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable Visual Pinball">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="C:\Pinball\VisualPinball" type="Folder" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path of Visual Pinball." />
<setting name="Table Path" default="C:\Pinball\Tables" type="Folder" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="TablePath" description="The table path of Visual Pinball." />
<setting name="Executable" default="VPinball_9_0_2.exe" type="File" filter="Visual Pinball Exe (*.exe).|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="Executable" description="The Visual Pinball executable file. Usually 'Future Pinball.exe'" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="/play -"[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"" type="TextBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="Parameters" description="The Visual Pinball parameters." />

<setting name="Bypass Disclaimers" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="Bypass" description="Bypass ROM disclaimers by sending keys.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch before the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch Before" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeEnabled" description="Launch Application Before Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch before." />

<setting name="Launch Before Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeExecutable" description="The executable file to launch before the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch Before Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch Before Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchBeforeHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch after the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch After" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterEnabled" description="Launch Application After Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch After." />

<setting name="Launch After Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterExecutable" description="The executable file to launch After the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch After Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch After Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete After proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="VisualPinball" ininame="LaunchAfterHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="Pinball FX2" description="Here you can set the various Pinball FX2 settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable Pinball FX2">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam" type="Folder" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path of Steam or Pinball FX2." />

<setting name="Executable" default="steam.exe" type="File" filter="Executable (*.exe).|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="Executable" description="The Steam or Pinball FX2 executable file. Usually 'Steam.exe'" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="-applaunch 226980 "[TABLEFILE]"" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="Parameters" description="The Pinball FX2 or Steam parameters. Use default for Steam" />
<setting name="Process to monitor" default="Pinball FX2.exe" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="Process" description="The Pinball FX2 executable process to monitor. Usually Pinball FX2.exe" />
<setting name="Wait For" default="20 Seconds" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="WaitFor" description="The time in seconds to wait before checking for the Pinball FX2 process and sending keys. On fast systems you may be able to reduce this value and on slower systems you might have to increase it. If using command line support with Pinball FX 2 set this to -1.">

<option name="11 Seconds" ininame="11" />
<option name="12 Seconds" ininame="12" />
<option name="13 Seconds" ininame="13" />
<option name="14 Seconds" ininame="14" />
<option name="15 Seconds" ininame="15" />
<option name="16 Seconds" ininame="16" />
<option name="17 Seconds" ininame="17" />
<option name="18 Seconds" ininame="18" />
<option name="19 Seconds" ininame="19" />
<option name="20 Seconds" ininame="20" />
<option name="21 Seconds" ininame="21" />
<option name="22 Seconds" ininame="22" />
<option name="23 Seconds" ininame="23" />
<option name="24 Seconds" ininame="24" />
<option name="25 Seconds" ininame="25" />
<option name="26 Seconds" ininame="26" />
<option name="27 Seconds" ininame="27" />
<option name="28 Seconds" ininame="28" />
<option name="29 Seconds" ininame="28" />

<setting name="Rotate Display" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="Rotate" description="The option to rotate the scren is not available in all versions of Pinball FX2. If you want PinballX to do it instead, selecte this option.">

<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />


<setting name="Launch Before" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch before the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch Before" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeEnabled" description="Launch Application Before Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch before." />

<setting name="Launch Before Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeExecutable" description="The executable file to launch before the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch Before Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch Before Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchBeforeHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch after the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch After" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterEnabled" description="Launch Application After Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch After." />

<setting name="Launch After Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterExecutable" description="The executable file to launch After the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch After Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch After Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete After proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballFX2" ininame="LaunchAfterHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />


<section name="Pinball Arcade" description="Here you can set the various Pinball Arcade settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable Pinball Arcade">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam" type="Folder" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path of Steam or Pinball Arcade." />

<setting name="Executable" default="steam.exe" type="File" filter="Executable (*.exe).|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="Executable" description="The Steam or Pinball Arcade executable file. Usually 'Steam.exe'" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="-applaunch 238260" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="Parameters" description="The Pinball Arcade or Steam parameters. Use default for Steam" />
<setting name="Process to monitor" default="PinballArcade.exe" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="Process" description="The Pinball Arcade executable process to monitor. Usually PinballArcade.exe" />
<setting name="Wait For" default="12 Seconds" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="WaitFor" description="The time in seconds to wait before checking for the Pinball Arcade process and sending keys. On fast systems you may be able to reduce this value and on slower systems you might have to increase it. ">

<option name="5 Seconds" ininame="5" />
<option name="6 Seconds" ininame="6" />
<option name="7 Seconds" ininame="7" />
<option name="8 Seconds" ininame="8" />
<option name="9 Seconds" ininame="9" />
<option name="10 Seconds" ininame="10" />
<option name="11 Seconds" ininame="11" />
<option name="12 Seconds" ininame="12" />
<option name="13 Seconds" ininame="13" />
<option name="14 Seconds" ininame="14" />
<option name="15 Seconds" ininame="15" />
<option name="16 Seconds" ininame="16" />
<option name="17 Seconds" ininame="17" />
<option name="18 Seconds" ininame="18" />
<option name="19 Seconds" ininame="19" />
<option name="20 Seconds" ininame="20" />
<option name="21 Seconds" ininame="21" />
<option name="22 Seconds" ininame="22" />
<option name="23 Seconds" ininame="23" />
<option name="24 Seconds" ininame="24" />
<option name="25 Seconds" ininame="25" />
<option name="26 Seconds" ininame="26" />
<option name="27 Seconds" ininame="27" />
<option name="28 Seconds" ininame="28" />
<option name="29 Seconds" ininame="28" />

<setting name="Table Select Delay" default="Short" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="WaitForSelect" description="The delay to wait after sending the down key to select the table. For Free Cam Mod or DirectX 11 with big back buffer set to Long or Very Long.">

<option name="Short" ininame="50" />
<option name="Medium" ininame="100" />
<option name="Long" ininame="150" />
<option name="Very Long" ininame="200" />

<setting name="Launch Before" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch before the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch Before" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeEnabled" description="Launch Application Before Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch before." />

<setting name="Launch Before Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeExecutable" description="The executable file to launch before the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch Before Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch Before Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch Before Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchBeforeHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch after the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch After" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterEnabled" description="Launch Application After Emulator">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch After." />

<setting name="Launch After Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterExecutable" description="The executable file to launch After the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch After Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterParameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Launch After Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete After proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Launch After Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="PinballArcade" ininame="LaunchAfterHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />


<section name="Other Systems" type="SystemSetup" description="Here you can set the other system settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Select System" type="SystemSetup" description="Select the system." />
<setting name="Name/Folder" type="TextBox" inisection="System_" ininame="Name" description="The name of the System and the Folder to use." />
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="Enabled" description="Enable Other System">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="System Type" default="Custom" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="SystemType" description="Specify a system type. If other than Custom, PinballX will treat it as the specified in built system and allow features such as high score support.">
<option name="Custom" ininame="0" />
<option name="Visual Pinball" ininame="1" />
<option name="Future Pinball" ininame="2" />
<setting name="Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="System_" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path of Other System." />
<setting name="Table Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="System_" ininame="TablePath" description="The table path of Other System." />
<setting name="Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Other System Exe (*.exe).|*.exe|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="System_" ininame="Executable" description="The Other System executable file. Usually 'Future Pinball.exe'" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="System_" ininame="Parameters" description="The Other System parameters." />
<setting name="Launch Before" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch before the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch Before" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeEnabled" description="Launch Application Before System">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Launch Before Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch before." />
<setting name="Launch Before Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeExecutable" description="The executable file to launch before the emulator" />
<setting name="Launch Before Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeParameters" description="The parameters." />
<setting name="Launch Before Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Launch Before Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchBeforeHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Launch After" type="Title" Description="You can specify a program to launch after the system." />
<setting name="Enable Launch After" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterEnabled" description="Launch Application After System">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Launch After Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterWorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch After." />
<setting name="Launch After Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterExecutable" description="The executable file to launch After the system" />
<setting name="Launch After Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterParameters" description="The parameters." />
<setting name="Launch After Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterWaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete After proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Launch After Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="System_" ininame="LaunchAfterHideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="Attract Mode" description="Here you can set the various attract mode settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="AttractMode" ininame="Enabled" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Mute Audio" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="AttractMode" ininame="MuteAudio" description="Mute audio when attract mode is running.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Timer" default="1 Minute" type="ComboBox" inisection="AttractMode" ininame="Timer" description="">
<option name="1 Minute" ininame="1" />
<option name="2 Minutes" ininame="2" />
<option name="3 Minutes" ininame="3" />
<option name="5 Minutes" ininame="5" />
<option name="10 Minutes" ininame="10" />
<option name="15 Minutes" ininame="15" />
<option name="30 Minutes" ininame="30" />
<option name="60 Minutes" ininame="60" />
<setting name="Show Game For" default="15 Seconds" type="ComboBox" inisection="AttractMode" ininame="ShowFor" description="">
<option name="5 Seconds" ininame="5" />
<option name="10 Seconds" ininame="10" />
<option name="15 Seconds" ininame="15" />
<option name="30 Seconds" ininame="30" />
<option name="45 Seconds" ininame="45" />
<option name="1 Minute" ininame="60" />
<option name="90 Seconds" ininame="90" />
<option name="2 Minutes" ininame="120" />


<section name="Auto Exit" description="You can exit launched games automatically after a period of input inactivity. If enabled and no controls are pressed for the time specified the game will exit and return to the main interface.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="AutoExit" ininame="Enabled" description="">

<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<setting name="Exit After" default="10 Minutes" type="ComboBox" inisection="AutoExit" ininame="Minutes" description="">
<option name="5 Minutes" ininame="5" />
<option name="10 Minutes" ininame="10" />
<option name="15 Minutes" ininame="15" />
<option name="30 Minutes" ininame="30" />
<option name="45 Minutes" ininame="45" />
<option name="60 Minutes" ininame="60" />

<section name="Exit Screen" description="Here you can set the various Exit Screen settings of PinballX.">
<setting name="Enabled" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitScreen" ininame="Enabled" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Enable Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitScreen" ininame="EnableExit" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Enable Shutdown" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitScreen" ininame="EnableShutdown" description="">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />
<setting name="Hold key to exit emulator" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitScreen" ininame="ConfirmExitGameTimer" description="Require exit emulator key to be held down for 6 seconds to exit game. A countdown timer will be shown on screen.">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<section name="Exit Program" description="Here you can set a program to launch on Exit.">

<setting name="Exit Program Enabled" default="No" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="Enabled" description="Launch Application At Exit">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Working Path" default="" type="Folder" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="WorkingPath" description="The working path for the program to launch on Exit." />

<setting name="Executable" default="" type="File" filter="Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|Batch Files (*.bat)|*.bat|All files (*.*)|*.*" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="Executable" description="The executable file to launch at Exit" />
<setting name="Parameters" default="" type="TextBox" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="Parameters" description="The parameters." />

<setting name="Wait For Exit" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="WaitForExit" description="Wait for execution of the application to complete before proceeding">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />

<setting name="Hide Window" default="Yes" type="ComboBox" inisection="ExitProgram" ininame="HideWindow" description="Launch the application with a hidden window">
<option name="Yes" ininame="True" />
<option name="No" ininame="False" />


<section name="Verify Setup" type="VerifySetup" mode="All" description="This part of setup allows you to verify your file paths are correct." />
<section name="Finished Setup Wizard" mode="All" description="That is all there is to it. Thank you for choosing PinballX!">

<setting name="Donate" type="Label" description="To support continued development and availability of all the PinballX sites and future enhancements, you can make a most welcome donation by clicking below." />

<setting name="PinballX Links" type="Links" description="Relevant Links">
<option name="PinballX Main Site" url="http://www.pinballx.net" />
<option name="PinballX Forum" url="http://gameex.info/" />
<option name="Donate" url="http://www.pinballx.net/donate.aspx" />


OK , lets start with why pinball x wont launch all the tables it only launches certain ones like if its trying to be picky ? any suggestions ?


You need to give your post some time to gain some traction. A lot of members here are real pros at running everything you're trying to accomplish, but that doesn't mean they will see your post right off. Be patient and give everyone an opportunity to look over your config and make suggestions.


ok,thank you , I felt abandoned for a second there like all pin life has ceased to exist when I didn't get a response from any one lol


You have quite the last of things to fix and I hope you have days to possibly weeks to work on them.

You don't mention whether or not you are running a pincab or desktop setup, 2 or 3 screens, using handheld controls or built in control panel. Can you answer these?


You have quite the last of things to fix and I hope you have days to possibly weeks to work on them.

You don't mention whether or not you are running a pincab or desktop setup, 2 or 3 screens, using handheld controls or built in control panel. Can you answer these?


Sorry , its for two tvs a 40 inch for playfield and a 32 inch for the backglass ,


For a cabinet i would like to build so my wife and her family can have some entertainment when they come and visit if i can ever get it rigjt been at it for almost a year now ,


The second screen will have the dmd placed in it , i already had visual pinball running smoothly before but i upgraded to windows 10 and it started ro give me issues so i started from scratch on windows 8 i have art work and bg2"s i might be missing some , not sure yet , and i habe pinball fx2 and pinball arcade set up now , Exept fx 2 backglass doesnt show up and it doesnt play the correct game that was picked and pinball arcade doesnt launch from pinball x and iam using only a keyboard for now


Just a keyboard that has a mouse pad on it ,

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Personally, I've tinkered the FX2 in PBX, but not much else. Have you read zeenon's guide?

I'm sure it's behind a few releases, but a lot of the material should still be valid, and it's a good starting point.


For Pinball FX2 - Please see this pinned topic by Jannek for how to setup. Keep in mind that this is for the Steam version. If you are using other than the Steam version, the suggestions will not apply.


Thanks ill be home around 4 so ill check zeenons guide and the other guide as well , yes its for the skid row version


Any ideas what could be causing the visual pinball to be picky on that's tables?


As suggested a few times before, let's get one thing working confirmed, then open a new thread on the next issue, and so on. Right now we are looking into Pinball FX2. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. Your choice. The hard way, however, will net you fewer responses to your plight and more frustration.

Also, what do you mean by "skid row" version? I think I have an idea and, if it is something you acquired by other than purchasing, I am afraid any support for troubleshooting it will end right here.

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