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[RESOLVED] Unable to Disable the Weather Icon in the Setup Wizard


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When I disable the Enable Weather Icon under HTPC/Multimedia Settings within the Setup wizard, the weather icon continues to be displayed in GameEx.

Note that I am reporting this as a potential bug for the Setup Wizard. I do not actually need help disabling the Weather Icon.

I tested by doing the following:

- Set Enable Weather Icon to No

- Set Enable Weather Page to No

- Cleared the Weather Location information

- Clicked the Weather Location button and cleared the data there

- Changed to another theme and back.

I performed these steps on two Windows 7 PCs.

I was able to confirm that the Weather Icon can successfully be disabled in a specific theme using the Theme Editor.

Attached is the Theme.ini for my theme, my GameEx.ini, and log.txt for reference.

Can someone else confirm?




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I don't know...what would be the purpose of the Weather Icon options within the Setup Wizard then?

I had assumed that most users would not need to use the Theme Editor as the Setup Wizard would be the one-stop-shop for configuring everything...

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Well like Drac said, any override you set in the theme's ini takes over the setup wizard's ini.

What happens is GameEx loads the general settings ini and then loads the themes settings ini after that, which I guess you would say overwrites the values set where applicable (not really exactly but good enough for this example). Most current settings get used. That's just how it works. :)

So you can pretty much set any value in the theme ini that corresponds to the general settings ini and see for yourself.

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It has always been my assumption that the theme setting will override the setting via the wizard.

This is true.

I don't know...what would be the purpose of the Weather Icon options within the Setup Wizard then?

The reason Theme.ini's override default GameEx settings is because most (non-default) themes are designed for a specific purpose, and need to have certain things placed in certain ways regardless of user config, to make the theme work. If not, the themes could "break".

To give you a really simple example: You design a theme where the clock is in the top right, but you design this theme assuming everyone is using the 24 hour clock (because this is what YOU are using). You spend days/weeks, may be even months perfecting your theme, only to realize that anyone using the 12 hour clock has it in completely the wrong place! The "AM" or "PM" is offscreen or obscured!

What do you do? Do you start again from the beginning? Or do you force anyone that uses your Theme into 24 hour mode? I know what i would do :P

This is a simplified problem, but hopefully it demonstrates why Theme creators might want to override your settings :)

Likewise if a Theme is meant to be media intensive, it will probobaly override your own settings to make it consistent and cohesive, and true for the opposite - if you load a Theme that is designed to be gaming only, then much of the media aspects of GameEx might be disabled.

Pretty much every aspect of GameEx can be influenced or manipulated by a well made Theme.ini :)

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