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Dragon's Lair Kickstarter


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I don't know if I could get behind this. I love Dragon's Lair. It is a great game. It was also a lousy cartoon.

I envision an hour and 45 minutes of a fantasy genre movie about a knight storming the castle, overcoming obstacles and rescuing the princess from a dragon. Just because it is stamped with "Dragon's Lair" name branding does not mean it will be any good. Hell hasn't this been done repeatedly?

More power to him if he gets his backing. I wouldn't knock anyone trying to bring their vision to reality but I can't back this.

Sorry just my $0.02... :unsure:

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I wasn't that big on Dragon's Lair. I remember it being hellish expensive for 1 go (was it 50p? or maybe even a whole pound!) and the gameplay being crap ("push left at 4.3 seconds, or cut to you falling into a hole..").

The characters were cool, though - maybe it should have started as a film and ended as a cell-shaded PS2 title?

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I wasn't that big on Dragon's Lair. I remember it being hellish expensive for 1 go (was it 50p? or maybe even a whole pound!) and the gameplay being crap ("push left at 4.3 seconds, or cut to you falling into a hole..").

This is pretty much my perspective as well. It's one of those games that is amazingly significant from a historical perspective, but it's vision was well beyond what was technologically achievable at the time. The characters, the aesthetic, and the animation are top notch though. Really I think the goal of this Kickstarter was already partially accomplished when Digital Leisure introduced "Watch Mode" to the DVD versions of the game in which you can simply sit back and watch the game as an animated movie with no game play input required.

Watch mode -- Sit back and watch the beautiful animation unfold before your eyes

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I think you guys are taking it the wrong way (not the fat princess way either). I image they're planning on actually developing a story and going through the motions of reanimating. If it really is just a cut/paste job of the game I'm all with you guys. But I hardly doubt they are looking to acquire funding so they can do that.

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If you think of it just as a name for a movie, it is a pretty cool Title; DRAGON'S LAIR!. Frankly, I might go see it if it were a full blown motion pic with actors and CGI. I'd rather they just take the name and write a good tail then make an animated remake of the game. IDK, dragon themed movies always seem blaa to me. So maybe I would wait until I could rent on netflix.

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On the serious side, my take has to lean towards the belief that it could be very cool, not some rehash of the game animations.

The game; regardless of what anyone thought about it, was completely uncharted territory when it was released. I found the cartoons entertaining then, and I still like them today :D Yeah, it's probably nostalgia......

The game was mind numbing for me at the arcades, there was just nothing at all like it, period. I'd love to see what magic Don may still have, but I do have some reservations with kickstarter being the chosen path to attempt a relaunch of the franchise.

I wish the project the best of luck, and if it becomes reality, I'll go see it to show my support.

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