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An application to manage game related image sets. Specifically designed for collaborative efforts via cloud services, but can also be used individually with local folders only.

Basically, it parses info from any game .dat/.xml/.db3 files, pulls a specified field for game/image names in your assets folder then presents a GUI to compare and move around images matched to the games between 3 folders



Screenshot - 05_06_2016 , 18_07_06.pngScreenshot - 05_06_2016 , 18_10_12.pngScreenshot - 05_06_2016 , 18_08_57.pngScreenshot - 05_06_2016 , 18_09_17.png





Hoping it makes the whole business of image sets a bit more manageable. Tthurman, dude - hopefully the end of messing about with that horrendous spreadsheet! We should just plug in Flash's list and should be golden :)

Just gotta bug-shoot GE db3 files now. Reading them fine on my local machine, but something gets lost in deployment. Sure it won't be a biggie...

Hope of use....

  • Like 3
  On 11/9/2015 at 1:01 AM, stigzler said:

Just gotta bug-shoot GE db3 files now. Reading them fine on my local machine, but something gets lost in deployment. Sure it won't be a biggie...

Me and my big mouth! That was a PITA to fix. Was all around the SQLite.dll, nuget and clickonce. :(

However, all fixed now and you can use GSM fully with the GameEx databases now. Point GSM to a GE db file (in GameEx>DATA>EMULATORS) then choose a field to process images by. I'm still not clear on how GameEx and EmuMovies interface when dowloading/renaming/saving images, so not sure which convention or gamename are used when saving auto-downloaded images. Also, what format emu movies stores its images in (I'm suspecting various depending on system).

You can either do it by trial and error (just select different standards and click go), or examine the db3 files directly, using this nice app:


Example working setup below:


Have fun. :)

  • Like 1

Cool app Stigz! Looks really interesting, and it's really awesome that it interfaces with the GameEx databases. Bang-up job. You're quite the busy worker bee lately!


Thanks Null. Hopefully, that should be the last bit of coding for a while. It's taken me a year to get the things I needed up and running (dynamic game-specific controls and marquees) and also the support apps behind them to make it worthwhile.

I haven't been outside for a year, I'm the colour or porcelain (pushing pewter) and I have permanently red eyes (the latter being an actual fact!). I'm starting to scare people at work :D (a non-IT profession!)

Hopefully now the nice business of sourcing and co-coordinating assets to get the cab all 'bostin'

I'll start some separate threads in the Media forum if anyone wants to help out with image-set a-making.


Just think, soon you'll be able to sit by the fire with a spiked cup of eggnog, where you can relax and enjoy the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays! :P

All kidding aside, you've been on a mission for months on end now, you're clearly not afraid to just jump in and go for it. Pretty amazing you have the fortitude to just write your own software.

So, when you starting that pincab?


..you might want to readdress your priorities... sabbatical, pincab, wife. She is less likely to make you get rid of it if you already have it than she will be to let you build one if you don't.

  • 6 months later...

Major Update

Overhaul of Image Matching:
 - Remove bracketed text from Image filename (e.g. "(USA)")
Option to save image (on move from one folder to another) as:
 - Original Filename
 - Database Game Name
 - Database RomName (e.g. as per differetn sets - Goodname, NoIntro, Hyperlist etc)
 Fuzzy Search using Levenshtein and simple substring finding. This allows you to find images that the search via the chosen RomName format (e.g. NoInto, GoodName etc) may miss. 
 Big speedup of loading db and images
 Choice of what format to save moved images in - The DB Game or filename or as the original filename (in the source folder)
 Defaults to DB GameName format if no DB Filename found
 Any DB Gamenames made filesafe (e.g. ":"s stripped from filenames - replaced with " -")

See vid in 1st post for this version up and running.

  • Like 2


 Added facilitiy for Hyperlist parsing
 Added faciltiy to remove tags (bracketd text) from Database filenames and Gamenames (only in HS at the moment - not needed in GE?)
 Added open folders buttons to main edit window.

Will auto-update on app launch.


Lol. That it is, Draco. But the functionality of that in both are really quite separate. In this app - it's more for matching images to database names. That's a bit like saying both cars and bikes have wheels. Sorry, but just found your post curious. Unless I'm missing your meaning...


I was just saying that there are setting in GameEx to display the names without bracketed text when displaying the game name in the lists. I don't know if that will have any impact on the end result of what your application does when the games are displayed within GameEx so far as image display is concerned. Nothing meant to disparage the app and your efforts. I am a fan!


Naw - don't think it'll have any impact at all, although I do keep meaning to ask about how GameEx matches rom names to images....

+ disparage away, man - none of my stuff works anyways - today was launch day getting everything set up + implemented, but now it's more like bug-shoot day. Apologies - maybe I was just coding-cranky. 


Step back away from the code, have a pint or two and get some fresh air. You've been cranking out the goodness. Treat yourself.


Massive update:

 Fixed Select All bug
 Fixed major deal breaker - Other folders not being matched. 
 Added setting to show images that also match the gamename.
 Added overide saveas when moving images between folders - allows manual setting of filename (made safe)
  Added open search result images in image editor for editing before putting image set folders
 Added image search preview
 Added save any images as png when moving/adding/copying - produces unified sets of png images
 Added database backup roller - keeps rolling backup over months, weeks, days - limited to 10 files
 Added open logs/chagelog buttons
 Added manual backup and restore of database.
 Added image webserch function!

Added new features and workings to hopefully make amalgamating/constructing/creating image sets a breeze.

Updated OP with new screenies and Video

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