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New Star Trek series to premiere Jan 2017


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Dammit! Beat me to it!

I have a few comments to say about it though. Love the idea of a new Star Trek. We need it after Enterprise was was cancelled once it started to get good. I hate the idea of Kurtzman and Orci being anywhere near involvement. Their take on the universe is what killed my enjoyment for the movies. Sure, you can blame Abrams, but the fact is - these guys WROTE it, and Abrams just told the guys where to stand when they say their lines (and paid the bill as a producer). That's why I think Star Wars 7 will be ok - Abrams didn't write it he's just directing. The fault falls on the writers. If the same guys responsible for the reboot movies are involved in the new show, my expectations are below zero. Now when you tie in the "pay to watch" requirement, I feel like this show will get cancelled after 2 episodes. If I have to pay, I should get a free copy of the BluRay release to go along with it. I'm not gonna double dip.

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It's probably going to suck, just like newest movies. Something like Voyager would be nice, except with the Enterprise and without the huge copout of an ending. I've seen every Star Trek Series at least twice over, but I wouldn't consider myself a trekkie because I also love me (The OLD) Star Wars.

I love how vague the series is being described in the op link. It's going to be based off of a movie that's not even out yet. If it's anything like the last movies, something tells me that this series might end up like Star Trek Enterprise, if they don't do it right.

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I happened to like the most recent "reboot" movies very much. I don't feel that they diminished or tarnished the other Star Trek series or movies in the very least. Maybe I am a little more forgiving and not quite the purist. The new Enterprise looked fantastic IMO. And I am OK with JJ Abrams and his use of lense flares.

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The problem I had with the new movies is that they changed the time line. There was no reason for that. They could have just as easily made the movies, called them Star Trek, and just not had the Kirk crew, and I would have loved it. By having the original crew and then completely re-writing the timeline is what killed it. What I would like to see, is for this to all pan out and have it actually be the birth of the Mirror Universe. Then it would all make perfect sense. But I doubt those writers are even aware such a universe exists.

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I happened to like the most recent "reboot" movies very much. I don't feel that they diminished or tarnished the other Star Trek series or movies in the very least. Maybe I am a little more forgiving and not quite the purist. The new Enterprise looked fantastic IMO. And I am OK with JJ Abrams and his use of lense flares.

I have zero issues with Abrams. I just don't think he was good for Star Trek. Much better for Star Wars. The newest movies were the worst Star Trek movies I've seen. So much was wrong with those movies.

The whole alt reality thing is BS because if you're using Time Travel logic they fall flat on their face within the first 5 minutes. Does nobody remember that James T. Kirk had a brother? He would have been born before Kirk and that wasn't even touched on in the movie at all. Making Kirk look like a wild, loose handle, only child the whole time. And nobody ENLISTS in Star Fleet. It's Star Fleet Academy. ACADEMY as in school, not a military organization. And not everyone on a starship needed to go to the Academy. The Academy was for the best of the best. Also, the Enterprise being build on the ground is also retarded what happened to the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards where they build that s**t in space.

The second movie was almost a word for word ripoff of the Wrath of Kahn.

The visuals were nice, but the content was insulting to even the most basic fan of Star Trek.

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But wasn't it supposed to be just a Kahn reboot? That's how I took it anyway....

I watched the new movies with absolutely no expectations, and I just let the artistic licence stuff roll off my back. FWIW, I liked them

I really don't think so. Besides in this "universe" Kirk had never met Kahn like he did in the show. I had to effectively turn my brain off in order to like them. They're definitely watchable, hell probably a great watch to the mongoloids who've never been introduced to Star Trek before. But if you're going to make something new, do it all the way new, not half assed new with the old crew of the Enterprise. Referencing so much old stuff that only hardcore fans will notice; only to piss them off because they're doing it wrong. I would have liked a movie about one of the other Enterprise ships. There's like 5 to choose from all in their own timeperiod that we never really got to see in the shows. 1701, 1701-A, 1701-B, 1701-C, and 1701-D. All with different crews,

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After the events of the first movie, all of the timeline is new and all bets are off. I liked the Kahn story better in the new movie than TOS. Again, my opinion and you obviously have your own! :P

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After the events of the first movie, all of the timeline is new and all bets are off. I liked the Kahn story better in the new movie than TOS. Again, my opinion and you obviously have your own! :P

I'd like to link this video review. It covers most of my gripes. only 7 minutes long. Ah what the hell check out his review of the first film too :P plenty of lulz to be had

Everything just happens sooner, very little is new in the second film. What specifically did you like? :P

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I really don't think so. Besides in this "universe" Kirk had never met Kahn like he did in the show. I had to effectively turn my brain off in order to like them. They're definitely watchable, hell probably a great watch to the mongoloids who've never been introduced to Star Trek before. But if you're going to make something new, do it all the way new, not half assed new with the old crew of the Enterprise. Referencing so much old stuff that only hardcore fans will notice; only to piss them off because they're doing it wrong. I would have liked a movie about one of the other Enterprise ships. There's like 5 to choose from all in their own timeperiod that we never really got to see in the shows. 1701, 1701-A, 1701-B, 1701-C, and 1701-D. All with different crews,

Don't forget the E!! And B was already in Generations.. A movie about C would be cool to watch. Have it pick up right when it goes back through the time vortex from Next Gen, with Tash Yar on board.. then watch how that whole plot line panned out with her Romulan daughter!

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Don't forget the E!! And B was already in Generations.. A movie about C would be cool to watch. Have it pick up right when it goes back through the time vortex from Next Gen, with Tash Yar on board.. then watch how that whole plot line panned out with her Romulan daughter!

I was just thinking that! It'd be cool because it'd be a female captain (to appease the feminists). And to see Tasha Yar go through all that stuff with the Romulans. But Tasha looks pretty gross nowadays lol they'd need new actors. Or hell make a movie about the alt universe where the evil Terran Empire trying to conquer the other universe or something.

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