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[RESOLVED] gameex doesen' start


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You're choice. I don't recommend skipping them. You asked for advice and advice was given. This is not a hobby for the faint of heart and requires some hard work and sometimes there is a bit of heavy lifting that has to be done before you can get things as ideal as possible for your setup. Good luck!

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Hi. Windows 7, desktop 800*600 or 13xx/xxx ( don t remember) gameex doesen't change video res. Intel dual core 3 ghz. 6 gb fammi. Video card gt 730

Thank you for the additional info.

It helps to know that you have a platform that should work.

As far as updating, Draco is spot on. Sometimes when troubleshooting, the fix is not obvious, so the next thing to do is to rule out other possibilities. One of those possibilities is that your Windows files have a conflict because they are NOT up to date or are missing a component that GameEx expects it to have. For example, I believe that GameEx uses .net files. If you don't have the right ones, who knows what the result will be, so we want to be sure that you have .net files up to the latest version.

Yes, updating is a pain if you have not done it for a while...it can take hours and hours.

Also, we do assume you are installing the latest Gamex. If that is not the case, you should switch to the newest version.

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I just reinstalled 7 recently and took the option to put the free 10 upgrade on it, which didn't require any updating. Not sure if that's plausible for you.

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Well it was a clean install on a new HDD, but it was actually 8.1 and it asked right away if I wanted to upgrade to 10 for free before 8.1 even launched.

My bad on that post, it was initially a W7 machine, the free upgrade to 10 destroyed it and I had a copy of 8.1 Pro so I used that instead of the OEM key.

It happened during the 'checking online for updates' process of the install.

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sorry another problem. re installed windows so make this

1 - Extract the contents of your folder to d:\ (my gameex folder on previous install)
2 - Download GameEx from gamex.com and run the installation over the contents you extracted to d:\ in step 1.

it starts .. but there s nothing of my old setup

i use an old gameex . ini but doesent start..

i attached the two files that i used and that gamex don t like



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Did you reinstall all emulators, ROMS, snaps, etc. to the same paths that were showing in your original gameex.ini file? Also, do you have gameex.exe set to Run as Administrator? Installed the Shark007 codecs that you were referenced to in a prior post or thread?

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hi. i ve installed the codec. as i wrote i zipped the old folder gameex with all inside. i un zipped and then installed directly gameex in that folder... it seems gameex erase some of my file. no i have not installed my emulators... ins't sufficent cut and past of the folder? thanks

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You will need to download and install each manually or, yes, it will overwrite the entry in the gameex.ini. Either way, you will need to reinstall the emulators, copy your ROMS and snaps to match the entries in the gameex.ini.

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I do not believe so. I think copying the entire GameEx folder will 'break' your install (I may have tried that once too).

I do know that if your set up is simple, you can copy over some old files and folders. For instance, I don't use any plugins, so my setup IS simple. If I want to set GameEx back up, all I need is to do a fresh install and then copy my GameEx.ini to the CONFIG folder and my theme to the THEME folder. Then, the first time GameEx runs, it compiles all the data files it needs to run (assuming all my assets are in the same directory as the last install). If you have other things set up, you may or may not be able to do this.

If your install is really new and you have not really configured much of anything, you may be able to do something like that.

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I have to say this, but a GameEx backup will only work properly IF you replace everything in the exact same place that it was when you made the backup.

This includes GameEx paths, command lines, Emu paths, rom paths - everything!

If you only ever use the root drive, then you will have to mimic your previous system, exactly. If you use a separate partition for your roms/media then you will need to make sure that AFTER you reinstall your OS that the same partition has the same drive letter. If not you will need to force it to.

For instance: let's say that when you made the backup, all your roms were on a drive named X:

Then, you reinstall your OS and it names X: as E:

GameEx is looking for X: because you are using a backup, but there is no X:! Only E:.

For GameEx to know what the hell you are talking about, you need to change E: to X:

Because that is what it is looking for!

A lot of these "backup" problems derive from the same fundemental flaw

You can use a GameEx backup quite easily, but only if you are organized enough in the first place =)

In all honesty i would advise starting again. You'll grasp many more things the second time around. How d'you think we know what we're doing? :P

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You can fix the drive letter and/or paths easily enough with a Notepad++ Replace. It is a text file after all! :)

Didn't the last step of Setup Wizard also verify your paths? It's been a while since I've had to do this but IIRC it alerts you to problems if you have them.

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I was trying to provoke a thought process with my response ;) To trigger a chain reaction of not "fix it", but "how can I fix it". People don't think for themselves anymore and want instant satisfaction. You ain't gonna get it in this game! Someone needs to tell 'em.

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While GameEx is the best and easiest frontend to setup "out of the box" it still requires some work and thought, and more work and thought... especially when something goes south. Carry on, guys!

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My bad, thinking like a programmer is my downfall. ;)

I'm really more of a 'do it myself and share so others benefit' type, so I probably contribute more to the 'do it for me' mentality than I probably realize.

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Consider though that if your preserve your GameEx folder, when you jump into the config wizard, all your old paths should be right there for your review, you just need to ensure paths are as listed. That should eliminate any guess work concerning the paths, you just have to hammer through all of them to check them for accuracy.

I can see the advantage of doing it again to learn, and in all honesty sometimes with major updates, say 10 or more mame releases, it's just about as easy IMO. The numerous console emulators (which I don't run) seem to be what causes a lot of hair pulling, so I can see the flip side of that coin too.

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I think a new thread needs to be started for the database and other issues if someone would be so inclined as to split them out to a new thread aND close this one as resolved.

The issue which was reported in the OP has been resolved per Pisuke's response to my earlier query. Thanks guys.

Edited by nullPointer
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