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When browsing, I want a "list" of the games, not "tiles"


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When I run Gameex for MAME, when its time to browse and select games, I get graphical "tiles". They are arranged 3X wide by lots of rows deep. I just find it very cumbersome to find the desired game.

I would much prefer to have a simple list of the games, not the tiles. How can I do this?



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Care to post a screen shot?

I'm not using this particular theme of Draco's, but the selection menu appears in this same manner for me. Could just be the theme you're using.

<edit> Learn something new everyday. Thanks Draco!

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Im using this vertical Galaga theme:


Even in the above snapshot, I see the list I want. On my current setup, I have game tiles instead.

If anyone could kindly load this theme and help me determine how to get the list, I would greatly appreciate it. Is there any chance that there is a setting in Gameex MAME settings?



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Hi Bill, you will probably notice an option in the menu bar called Change View. You will need to click on this quite a few times to get it to display the list instead of the tiles.

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That worked. Thanks.

One more question.

When Gameex is booted, I would prefer it to start directly at the screen where you can browswe and select MAME games. Currently when Gameex is booted, I have to select from a single option in the middle of the screen called "All MAME games". It the proceeds to the browsing menu.

Is there a setting I can set that will allow it to boot directly to the MAME browsing menu?


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Are you running GameEx Lite? (Go to Start > All Programs > GameEx > Other Versions > GameEx Lite (MAME Only))? It's been a long time since I ran through GameEx Lite, so I can't quite remember if that gets you where you want to be (and I'm away from my gaming machine to verify). If you've not tried that, it's definitely worth a shot.

If you are already running through GameEx Lite, that's probably the closest you can get at the moment. Possibly a feature request?

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Bill had noted in another thread that he is considering running a custom menu. If he runs the Lite version then he will not be able to use Custom Menus.

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I am running Gameex...not lite. I will look at lite and see if that is what I need. Again I just want to boot Gameex and as soon as its loaded, be able to select games without selecting this and that first.

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@Draco & null: Not to naysay you guys, but I am using Custom Menus and have more emulators set up than just MAME and when I use the GameEx_Lite.exe to start GameEx, my menus and options do not look any different..

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