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Windows 10, what's your take on it?



10 members have voted

  1. 1. Windows 10

    • meh
    • Sticking with 7
    • It's just a re-badge of 8/8.1, and I'll be avoiding it as long as possible just the same
    • Plan to update at launch
    • Will camp out with 8/8.1 for at least a while, then make the jump once convinced it was launch ready
    • dude, I'm still on XP
    • I'll not succumb to Microsoft's deceptive practices any longer, I'm riding out what I've got until the end of support!

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My intent was never to jump on it right away, but instead see what happened in the initial couple months. From further reading though, you'd be lucky to get in on it early anyway. The majority of the initial roll out will go to their test group anyway. I suppose this is an effort to catch those last minute problems, and correct them before they reach the masses.

Regardless, my plan is to just wait now. If this is truly going to be like it appears now I "may" get it at some point during the one year window to upgrade for "free", but as it stands now I've cancelled my reservations.

Even that's worded cryptically, "if you cancel now, you may miss your opportunity for this free upgrade". :angry:

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I'm jumping in on two of my systems, my cab and my DJ booth computer. Unfortunately then I'll have 7, 8 and 10 between my various machines. But the impact will be minimal if it doesn't do what I want it to. :)

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Does Kodi have Netflix and Hulu working? Or is it best to use the computer. I loved Gameex Netflix lister that listed the movies I miss that. Will that be brought back in a future Gameex edition? Now I have to rely on instant watcher which isn't much. or is it better to put a roku stick into your computer? My monitor doesn't support it but I have an hdmi port, but is it even worth the trouble?

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Windows 10 lifecycle has been updated on the Windows Lifecyle page. It appears that mainstream support will be through October 13, 2020, with extended support ending October 14, 2025. While a little clearer than mud, that is still better than the 2-4 years of equipment life that was previously being reported, so long as your devices and peripherals can be updated and kept current. Really not much different than previous versions when you get down to it.

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Ok, that's better but I wouldn't get into the clowns van without trepidation just yet.

"Updates are cumulative, with each update built upon all of the updates that preceded it. A device needs to install the latest update to remain supported," the note stated. "A device may not be able to receive updates if the device hardware is incompatible, lacking current drivers, or otherwise outside of the Original Equipment Manufacturer's ('OEM') support period."

..."Windows 10 users must keep the OS up to date or face a shut-off of not only feature updates and upgrades, but also security patches."

Think PS3. The PS3 originally promised to allow you to install other OS's. In an update that was revoked and if you intended to still use other features but wanted to retain the Other OS option, you were screwed. It's an update ultimatum policy that’s problematic, especially for those in the Open source community, homebrew community, and perhaps even the emulation community. That has me a little scared. With one update they could remove support for any app they wanted to (GameEX for example, if they deemed it an IP risk). Of course the PS3 jailbreaks are catching up with the update versions (cat and mouse game), but if you want to continue using it, back to windows for example, you would be forced to update to a version no “workaround" currently exists. This would keep the homebrew/jail breakers one step behind the OS and effectively destroy the enthusiast community that operates in legal grey areas. Remember who wins in the contest of cats and mice! Mice might be stealthy, but cats are ruthless. That's an unfortunate scenario indeed. Even if you hated what Napster did, you have to admit it changed the way music was consumed. Of course, it didn’t work out to well for that pirate legend. This type of boundary pushing is important to breakthrough industrial complacency, bring technological progression, and adjust to changing consumer markets. However, fat cats can’t see that. They just see a mouse to kill.

This type of ongoing, willy-nily, forced updating is the noose that allows the OS industry to regain a strangle hold on the creativity of its users and put the "Fat cat" back into the bag. The question is will they abuse that power? Before you answer that question, remember who we're talking about here, MICROSOFT!!!

My Conspiracy Theory

How can Microsoft afford to release a new OS, provide free updates for ten years as always, and still be a for profit corporation? Answer, they can't without a fundamental change in their business model. So this begs the question, where is the revenue coming from? Apps and advertising? I doubt it. Bing and windows store suck compared to Google and Google Play. Google and apple already have thoes markets cornered.

Now the non-conspiracy theorist in me says they just want to edge into that now proven market. Better late than never. They can always apply their considerable expertise to gathering a larger slice of the pie once they're in. But the conspiracy theorist in me says they wouldn't refuse a huge opportunity to make money, especially when both apple and Google are outcompeting them in the app market. Plus Microsoft is taking a huge risk by releasing windows 10 free of charge. This makes me think they are up to something more, somthing they won't tell us about. At first we though it might be a charge for support every couple of years. But what if they were selling update support to companies?

Imagine you develop software that you want to be compatible with windows. So you follow the development environment standard currently supported by windows, say Dot.Net version whatever. Then in a couple of years Microsoft releases an update that Kills support for your software. You can either, conform your software to the new standard or Microsoft offers to provide a Compatibility update for your software. Perhaps even an assurance that your software won't be excluded in the next update, All for a fee, of course. This type of ongoing, forced updating is tantamount to the mob taxing businesses for the right to operate without punitive action against them. This is not without president. Digitally signed drivers are the same business model. This is just another extension of that type of thinking. And let’s face it; this is the type of behavior we've come to expect from Microsoft. So would it be so far fetched that they are up to something more than generously giving away free windows? Just saying...

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Well, Windows 8.1 introduced this mandatory updating thing, if I'm not mistaken. If I recall correctly, they gave you so long to get on with 8.1 update 1, and after that, no security patches if you hadn't.

I sort of see this like if you don't have the hardware to run this, as in you're hanging on for dear life to that P4, they don't limit updates based on the lowest possible denominator.

Don't mistake this for me trusting them though!

Here's some more info on what comes (or goes in some cases) with the upgrade.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I performed an upgrade nstall and, other than a conflict with the Classic Shell version I had installed which required downloading and installing the latest Win 10 compliant version, all is well.

The Edge browser is fast, but, like Chrome, it does not like Java, so had to install Firefox for those web sites that require a JVM to function. It will be nice when everyone is running HTML5 sties with CSS3 and JavaScript.

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