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Battle Damage - Unofficial Star Wars Hype Thread


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Not sure, some of them where on the Special Edition VHS tapes, it's much easier to re-watch them on youtube then hassle with either IMO.  I haven't played those old tapes in years, and the only discs I have of the original three are the initial release of the trilogy on DVD, that's where my double dipping stopped.  I'd buy the un-altered theatrical releases, that is if they are ever made available.

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Wrong hand.  :P

@tthurman - I have those tapes.  Heh.  Trouble now is, I don't own a VCR anymore!  I also only have the original release DVDs (which were the re-edited Special Editions).  I think the re-release DVD's came with both versions but I too decided not to double-dip there.  I probably saw those specials on the DVD.  Though I read somewhere that some special features were cut from various home releases depending on the version you got.  Apparently, depending on what region you live in (1, 2, 3, etc) you would get different special features.  The same would be true for what store you bought them in (Best Buy or Target/Walmart exclusives).  This angered a LOT of people because you spend good money expecting to get EVERYTHING (especially when you buy the Complete Trilogy Box Set) just to find out that you're being shafted content because of where you live/bought it from.  It was (in my opinion) just another marketing ploy thought up by Lucas to bring even MORE money in because people would buy those other versions just for the missing bonus features.  I love Lucas for his creation, but hate him more than the Emperor for the crap he started pulling later in life.  Change the movies for every release even though everybody hated it.  Jerk.  I'm glad Disney bought him out and kicked his butt to the curb.  It's just funny that Lucas originally went to Disney to get producing funds but they turned him down, then 30 years later buy the whole franchise thinking how great it is.  Lucas should have been a jerk to them and not to the loyal fans but no, he's in it for the money.  Not for the art.

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                     (reverberating echo)


You know, I could have downloaded the full ISO image of both BluRay disc's like 2 weeks ago, but I've decided against it.  A pre-order will do me just fine.  I can wait like everybody else.  Although, a bootleg would go great with my other bootleg collections...  :)  Nah not worth it.  I just hope I don't have to double-dip when the 3D version comes out because they'll have more bonus stuff previously unreleased on it.

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I'm already loving the new pissed off female Han Solo.  Star Wars is really going all in on girl power, huh?  I love it; and I know my daughters (or at least one of them) will too.  It's a good time to be a fan, eh?  Forest Whitaker FTW!

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You consider those spoilers?  Everything I was reading there seemed pretty obvious from the last movie, I would have flagged it for potentials if I thought they were super revealing.  Sorry dude!

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SPOILER ALERT for the link below, and the links within that link!  How's that for making you work for spoilers!

Potentially nothing either....but I'd be surprised if this back story doesn't play out as these new movies continue.

Yes, I read it :o

Star Wars: Bloodline


Star Wars: Bloodline contains several huge revelations about the state of the galaxy far, far away just a handful of years before the events of The Force Awakens


Just a warning going in: there will be major spoilers for the events of Bloodlinebelow. Turn back if you’ve not read it yet!


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Novel's contain spoilers?  Nah.. only if they are essential to the movies.  I've not read them, but aren't all of the "new canon" books going to be like that?  I mean, I'm not going to click those links.. but answer me these:  Does it contain absolute identification of who Rey (her parents, etc) is?  Does it explain the gap before Force Awakens that shows where Kylo Ren went evil and Luke's failure at training and going into hiding?  If either of these is true, it shouldn't have even been published yet.  Both of these questions are supposed to be answered in the following movies, and to reveal key plot points early in a novel that is NOT the next movie's novelization is just ignorant.  Now if they talk about stuff say shortly after Return of the Jedi, with Han and Leia perhaps (perhaps not) getting married and then having their son, I'll pass, not interested.  If they reveal something like a secret lover of Luke, who had a child that was hidden from him (perhaps Rey?) then for spoilers sake I'll pass again.  Regardless.. it is my intention to read all the Star Wars books.  I'm thinking I'm going to start with the "new canon" first, and stay on top of it ("I can't!" - Leia/ANH).  Then between publications I'll go back and read through the old "Legends" books.

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Without getting too much into it, it talks about the time after the events of ROTJ, up to and including Leia's falling out with and eventual split from the republic proper (exactly as described in TFA).  Think senate/politics, etc. not Rey or Luke's coming out.  It was obvious in TFA that she and some select followers felt like they had a better handle on the first order than did the prevailing authority, and that she had so little faith in them she took matters into her own hands. 

Just this small bit, gives you an idea of how accurate this is very likely to be.  The events are 10 years prior to TFA.

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Ok.. so it's more a political story more than it is about the mysticism of the force, etc.  That's cool then and not much of a spoiler.  I feel like the base idea of the movies is about the Force and the battle between good and evil.  The Empire and Republic is the more detailed universe as a whole but not where the true story is.  There really wasn't that much political stuff in the movies either, well unless you count all the prequel stuff.  I feel like it was necessary in the prequels simply because of the time span (decades) actually taking place in the 3 movies, and was a major plot point to show how it all assisted in Anakin/Vader's corruption...  Where as in the original trilogy's time span (a matter of (perceivably) weeks), the politics weren't necessary (you had the Empire, they were bad, end of story).  Not knowing how long a span will take place going forward, I think keeping politics as a back or side story is perfectly fine.  I don't consider that book a spoiler then unless they plan on releasing a movie (or other video content (like animated in Rebels or other toon, or in the constantly advertised "eventual" live action series)) that talks about it more in detail.  We'll just have to wait and see.  I like the idea of the political unrest and warring factions, but don't feel it necessary to go into explanatory detail unless that's what the movie is about (or in the prequel case, where it was necessary because it needed to explain how the Empire came to be).  However, I do feel the eventual cut (and then also cut from any bonus features in the home release) of the originally scripted scenes explaining the current state of the universe's politics was a bad move.  There is a good 30 year gap now where we don't know what's going on.  Unless you're truly geeked out and up to date on your nerdness (which I'm NOT now).. you'd have no idea what those planets were that got destroyed by "Starkiller Base".   I only know through leaked online information that the planets were the home of the New Republic and that the planet with the humanoid female and what looks like a Bothan were was the actual SEAT.  But it's not named on screen, nor are those characters.  However they were scripted, had a plot, and the location existed as a key political story.  To completely cut that out for pacing seems a bit of a harsh cut.  And to not include any mention of that in the home release, by either the deleted scenes or even a feature-length commentary, just helps fuel my anger at their incompetence and neglect to the true fans.

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