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To the video... queue Darth Vader "NNNNNooooooooo!" Ok I really hate that line, it totally destroys everything I feel about Darth Vader. Not only did they have that in Episode 3, but then they were so lazy and just cut&pasted it right over the part in Episode 6 when he goes to throw the Emperor over the railing. I mean come on.

To the Leia. That's fake. It's her Empire Strikes Back face pasted on somebody elses body, with a little photoshopped gray hair. Lame.

About George Lucas.. I'm probably the only one here who feels this way, but I'm kinda surprised by this. I agree with a lot of the people in the comments saying George nearly killed the franchise with Episodes 1 through 3. However, he is still the creator. I don't think it's right or proper to tell him thanks and then shove him in a closet somewhere while somebody else takes over. George spent years building up a massive story, complete with backstories and future stories. Everything created that wasn't in a movie was all approved and laid out with George's input. Then all of sudden somebody comes along and decides George doesn't know what he's doing, that he's going senile, and just make up their own story that completely rewrites 30 years of Expanded Universe. I hate that. I hate all of it. Granted, I'm not a Lucas fanboy or anything, but I do love Star Wars, and I really feel like the direction things are going, it's about to get killed and buried and forgotten. Lets not forget that when Episode 4 was about to be made, Lucas TRIED to sell it to Disney but they said NO, so he went to 20th Century Fox. To me, that says Disney had their chance.

  On 5/13/2015 at 2:54 PM, hansolo77 said:

To the Leia. That's fake. It's her Empire Strikes Back face pasted on somebody elses body, with a little photoshopped gray hair. Lame.

Yeah, no way her face could return to that youthful appearance, but it could be the sketch at the bottom is the new uniform so to speak, complete with the Han Solo vest.


I think the title is more fitting of this version of Leia - hopefully we do not see her in slave garb in the next flick.


  On 5/13/2015 at 3:27 PM, tthurman said:

Yeah, no way her face could return to that youthful appearance, but it could be the sketch at the bottom is the new uniform so to speak, complete with the Han Solo vest.

You know what's really interesting? Now that Disney has announced that any and all expanded universe is all fanfiction and will not have anything to do with future movies, that means they CAN'T have Han and Leia get married. It was so evident in the existing movies that they love each other and of course were destined to become married. But now they can't because of their announcement. Will be interesting to see how this pans out. In fact, I suspect Han gets killed. Harrison Ford is sick of the franchise anyway and didn't want to have any more to do with it. The plan was for him to get killed off in Episode 5, but they brought him back. So they may just give him his wish, and that will remove the "foot in mouth" position they've put themselves in.


Being that Disney owns the intellectual property, I think they can pretty much do whatever they like in terms of story (so long as it doesn't infringe on the intelectual property of outside creators). It's not that they wrote the entire concept of the marriage of Han and Leia out of canon, but rather they wrote that version of the concept out of canon (along with their specific offspring resulting form their union and whatnot). I'll be pretty disappointed if they let the whole idea of the romance between Han and Leia drop, or brush it under the carpet or whatevs. I've been trying to stay relatively spoiler free though, so I really have no idea what their plans are there.

Granted, I think they would lose some credibility if they started "borrowing" elements (even in a vague sense) from the EU that they were so dismissive of. Additionally if they did ever want to bring back specific details of the EU in an official sense I'm guessing there would probably be additional IP rights to work out with respective authors and so forth.

  • 2 weeks later...

Man, I wish I had a better job. Who would just drop money like that? I'd love that Darth Vader one though. Still, 3X the cost? I'd rather just get the regular one.

  • 3 weeks later...


I don't have a next gen console, I won't be able to play this. :( Anybody out there wanna buy me a XBONE?


My rig doesn't even come close to minimum requirements. But I just heard that the XBONE will now support backwards compatibility to 360, so I'm definitely in the money saving mood. This game don't come out till November so I hope/believe I have plent of time to get it together.


Initially backwards compatible to 100 games this fall. It won't be compatible with all games, however due to licensing. It will also require inserting the disk and downloading the game from Xbox Live and will then run in a virtual machine.


So is it really worth buying an Xbox with the Kinect? I looked at Amazon and Gamestop and it seems like you don't really need it. I remember all the upset from when the console first came out because it came with the Kinect, and it was REQUIRED, and it took a lot of CPU resources. Now that you can get it without, is it worth buying one with it for those games that use it? Or is it better (the way I'm probably going to go) to just buy the console alone and if a game comes out that I really want that uses it I can get it then? The price difference is like +$30 or so.


If you buy Kinect separately I believe you will pay more than if you bought it with the console combined. My son has it and enjoys using the speech recognition to turn it on and make it login and other things.


/me is sticking to the PS4 for now

Begin flame war. :)


To each, Yada Yada Yada. They are both x86 machines and, if Sony paid MS some big bucks, I'm sure they could do the PC sharing of games and cross-platform play as the XB1 will be capable of with Windows 10 machines.


Interesting post. Thanks! Still feel bad about the new bad guy's lightsaber with it's cross beams. I also don't like how they kinda spoiled the reveal with the Finn concept art. Oh well, can't do anything about it now.

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