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I went to the Galloping Ghost Arcade in Chicago, IL, USA a couple weeks ago while I was in Chicago for a work training.

I couldn't believe how many original arcade games they have. It was something like 450 or so. Their website says they are the largest arcade in the USA.

It was such a thrill to play these games on the real arcades that I haven't touched in 30-35 years.

I spent about 5 hours there in one night. My wrists were hurting when I left. I can't wait to go back there.

It was incredible. Any old school arcade fan has to go there.

It looks like they want to expand and add even more games and pinballs.








  • Like 5

I am green with envy :o

Adultery has let us know he is taking his familly there soon! Man, I can only imgaine how cool that place must be!

Field trip anyone?



I can't wait to go!!!

How many pinball machines do they have? I'm hoping to see either a Street Fighter, Fun House, or a Whirlwind table there!!!

/me is counting the days

  On 4/6/2015 at 11:59 PM, Adultery said:

I can't wait to go!!!

How many pinball machines do they have? I'm hoping to see either a Street Fighter, Fun House, or a Whirlwind table there!!!

/me is counting the days

Rub it in, much?! :o Nah seriously though, send us some pics/vids! Specially if you find some real authentic cabs ;) Pumped for you man (but still way too jealous).


They only have around 5 or so pinballs so not that many now but they are planning expansions so maybe they'll get more.

Yeah, the electric bill is probably big but they don't need to buy much gas for heat. It was around 30F outside but warm inside so they had some fans blowing some air around in various places.

One thing that I really liked but others may not is there is a $15 door fee. For the $15 fee, all games have custom buttons on them to enable freeplay. You can play as many games as you want and can do continues as many times as you want to get to the higher levels. You'll want to plan for more than an hour to get your moneys worth.

The downside to this $15 fee is that you wouldn't want to just pop in for a short time and have to pay $15 each time. I think each person that comes in has to pay this $15 fee also even if they aren't playing. Even for little kids its $15. This might keep the casual gamers away or larger groups away as it might be pricey depending on your budget.

Their website lists weekly, monthly, yearly, and lifetime memberships but I don't know what those fees are. If I lived in Chicago I could see myself getting a yearly or lifetime membership.

I think I saw a Street Fighter or 2 in there but I don't know what Fun House or Whirlwind is so am not sure about those.

Another thing about this place is that this is not a fancy flashy sparkling new style arcade with new machines. This place is about playing 20-35 year old arcade machines. Machines this old are not in the best looking condition and probably take a lot of work keeping them up and running. There were some that weren't powered as they must be working on them. For me, I loved this place, but for others, they may not.


Are there any kinds of arcades in the Netherlands or Europe now? :unsure:

I've seen some postings about Spanish, French, and Italian versions of old arcade boards getting dumped in Mame so I'm guessing Europe must have had some arcades back in the 80s/90s.

By the way GC, my mother's side of my family came from the Netherlands. I used to do genealogy and tracked my "VanWingen" line back to Oudelande, Zeeland Province, Netherlands. My VanWingens's came on a boat to the USA in 1881 from Oudelande. The farthest VanWingen I've tracked was in the 1700's. There are still VanWingen's in that area so I'm sure I'm related to them.


Their website lists a Funhouse Pinball.

They have some Street Fighters but it doesn't show a Street Fighter pinball.

They don't have a Whirlwind pinball listed. :(

I played a couple pinballs when I was there as I love those too. I used to have PinMame setup on my old arcade cabinet but haven't set that up yet on the new cabinet. I wanted to keep it simple this time with my arcade and focus more on gameplaying than setting up every emulator out there.



  On 4/11/2015 at 11:02 PM, hansolo77 said:

Genealogy is always fun, unless your history is full of rednecks and hillbillies. :) My family comes from Wales.

Did you know that the terms "redneck" and "hillbilly" were originally associated with Scots? Redneck was associated with Scottish Presbyterians that settled in the Carolinas, while hillbilly were Protestants that migrated to Ulster in Northern Ireland during the early 1700s and later migrated to the U.S., also refered to as Scotch-Irish. So, if there is a true redneck or hillbilly based upon this information "in the woodpile" of your genealogy, it is nothing to be ashamed of and, indeed, something to be proud of!

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Our plan is to spend a good majority of the day there. ;)

$15 for all you can stand? I'll get my money's worth out of it. :)


They need one of those Star Wars Battle Pods!

Can you imagine running a place like that? I has to be a dream job! You can tell the guy loves what he does, and his passion for arcades is genuine!


I also couldn't help but notice that most of the employees are playing games. I would be pretty much chained to Funhouse, Tron, TMNT, Killer Instinct, F-Zero and Lethal Enforcers all day!!

I was hoping to see Mario Kart GT in there... Maybe someday. :)

  • 3 months later...

Hey Adultery, did you make it there yet? What did you think?


Not yet unfortunately, I get my 40 of PTO in early August. :)

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