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[RESOLVED] Problem exiting tables in VP/Future Pinball back to PinballX


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I would appreciate help in resolving an issue I'm experiencing when exiting VP and Future Pinball back to PinballX. I've found several threads related to this issue and have tried the suggested fixes, but continue to have the same issue. When exiting a emulator by pressing escape, it not only exits the emulator, but PinballX as well. I understand there can be a conflict with PinballX and FP as they both use "escape" to exit and shut down. I'm wondering if the problem may be with the user profile that is launching PinballX. I've tried running it with a profile that has Administrator privileges but that didn't resolve the issue. There is a setting under the user profile which may limit the functionality of programs, see picture. I've tried running PinballX with this setting unchecked and get the same results. Is there a difference running PinballX as Administrator versus a user profile that has administrator privileges? Attached are my config and log files.






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You have a conflict. PinballX keyboard setting is set in your ini to use Esc to quit the emulator. Try setting the Exit Emulator setting to use the the default which is Q.

Then when you are in FP, pressing Q will allow PinballX to close FP for you. Only use Esc when you are ready to close PinballX.

Also, always run PinballX as administrator.

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Carny_Priest, thank you very much for your suggestions. I'll make the changes and let you know how it works. Do I need to make any changes to the JoyCodes?

Thanks again


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Yes, just like keys you will want to avoid mapping Quit and Exit Emulator to the same joystick button. I have a pinball cabinet with buttons wired to a controller that emulates a joystick. I wound up clearing the JoyCodes for Quit and Exit entirely in the ini to avoid any conflicts with the commercial programs, Pinball FX2 and The Pinball Arcade. Where I can't configure an Exit Emulator within a program, I map the button to a keypress using AutoHotkey scripts. Future Pinball is the easiest. It almost works out of the box.

Quick question: that Star Wars yoke. Is it a real deal or something you built on your own? I have a salvaged control panel complete with the yoke, but I still need to restore it, figure out how to mount it, and hack the controls. I'm curious how you did yours.

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Carny_Priest, great information, thank you very much!

Yes, I have the real deal. I purchased a USB Star Wars Yoke kit from RAM Controls and it works great. I understand RAM Controls is no longer in business. Attached are a few pictures. I may still have the template I used for constructing the base if you're interested.

I appreciate your help, thanks again.





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Sweet CP you got there kents!

I too have the RAM controls USB controller, one I bought from This Old Game.

At this point I can only assume it was purchased in order to fabricate a more modern alternative, so you're in luck Carny_Priest :D

Check this

My advice....if you're interested, don't wait. This guy shows out of stock all the time on certian items, and when you email, suddenly one goes in stock, and at the same time the price goes up.

In my experience they never answer emails, but their products seem to be of good quality.

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I like plug-and-play, but then again $90 plus shipping. Ugh!

I have an unused U-Hid G that I was going to try. Still need to mount the thing. I have an original CP plus the yoke. Was thinking of keeping it all together.

Anyway, off-topic. I'll PM you.

Hope the tips work for mapping your exit button.

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I appreciate the suggestions, but I continue to experience the same issue when exiting a table back to PinballX. I've tried configuring the exit emulator key to "Q" and even tried "E" with the same results. I've cleared the JoyCodes for Quit and Exit and I've tried re-installing PinballX. I've tried running PInballX as the Admin, My operating system is WindowsXP and my video card is Ultmarc's ArcadeVGA 5000, any known issues with either? Any other suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks for all your help!


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I don't know. Are you running PinballX within another front end? Do you have a conflict with one of the other controllers that are attached? Can you run VP and FP successfully outside of PinballX? Repost your ini and log? It seems like most people using PinballX use Win7. No one supports XP anymore. So doubtful anyone is going to work very hard to ensure backwards compatibility for XP.

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The only other front end I have is GameEx and it's not been open when running PinballX. Both VP and FP work fine outside of PinballX. I tried disconnecting the Star Wars yoke and the OptiPAC and IPAC and used only a regular keyboard and mouse and had the same results. You may be right about Windows XP. I found a few threads with issues with XP but not this exact problem. I plan to upgrade to Windows 7 at some point, but it's not in the budget right now. Would love to figure out a way to make this work. I'm wondering if I should make a separate post regarding running PinballX with XP. Perhaps someone has encountered the same problem and has a solution.

I've attached my log and config files, thank you very much for all your help!



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At the suggestion from a member on the VPforums board, I added "STAYINRAM" to the command line for FP and that seems to have fixed the problem. I've tested it on five or six tables so far and it seems to be working. It's a little slow shutting down FP and returning to PinballX, but I can live with it for now. Thanks again Carny_Priest for all your help!


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  • 3 weeks later...

One thing I may add is that running pinballx in admin mode seems to be detrimental to it working correctly. I was unable to exit a table and go straight back into pinballx. I kept getting the exit menu "return to game, debug, return to editor" and can never get it to skip the editor and go right back to pinballx. I found that this was because it was not running as admin. Furthermore I had to set my system to run in windows 8 compatibility and admin to get it right. From my experience,

Running pinballx as an admin is key

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