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Star Wars - The Force Awakens trailer


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Grizzled ol' beard... CHECK!

I started about a month or so ago. Long or short, it's got the salt & pepper going naturally, with a heavier dose of the salt. So I just need to find the green light saber and the robes and I will be complete.

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Ok.. First I saw tthurman's teaser from last night. Then I came here to talk about how much I hate the way it's looking, with that god awful lightsaber and the fake looking black guy and the girl riding a wannabe speeder bike yet really cool Millennium Falcon. Then I saw Draco's teaser, with the chrome trooper, more dialog, and Vader/Emperor sound effects, and I'm stuck trying to decide which one is better. In reality, I think the 2nd one much better. But yet, if you go to the source, starwars.com, they show the first as legit. Draco's might be a fan made. I HATE THAT SABER.

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For sure the speeder looks like a deep freezer, which is seemingly odd for something that is 30 years after ROTJ. Perhaps it's a transport type "speeder". Seems JJ has a thing for bringing spaceships into atmosphere's, but the X Wings flying over the water, and of course the Falcon trails, look badass!

At first blush, I can't say the saber is my favorite, but if it's wielded in battle with the skill and precision Darth Maul did with the dual saber, I'll be completely fine with it!

For me it's exciting to see the return of my favorite spaceship to the big screen, along with all the other oldie, but betters too. I'll be going in with low expectations though, and hope to be pleasently surprised. Can't say I hated the prequels, but for me they are not getting replay time, where the first trilogy got tons!

Edited by tthurman
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Indeed the first trailer is a fake, apparently cobbled together from a number of sources.

Fake Star Wars: Force Awakens Trailer Is Most Impressive

Pretty impressive for a fan made endeavor! It's too bad really because I thought that one had some fantastic looking scenes. The 'Luke beard bro-mance" is officially over. :(

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Indeed the first trailer is a fake, apparently cobbled together from a number of sources.

I admit, I bought it!

It was later though that I was reading about the trailer, and what it disclosed. I quickly realized this was not the trailer I had scene.

They did a good job though, for sure!

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