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I just can't get well.


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Gues what? Now I (may) have Pnuemonia. I was supposed to go in for a physical yesterday for work. I've been ill since around Friday. Went in, and the nurse checked my vitals. The first shock: 102 degree fever. My body is so sore, and I'm feeling like I'm freezing. Fingertips and toes are numb. No appetite at all, haven't eaten anything in 2 days, and only drank a total of about 8oz of water in 2 days too. My nose is completely clogged up, my eyes are dry and itchy, my throat is sore, and I have a nasty painful (unproductive) cough. When I went to update my friends on Facebook, the fever was then at 102.3 degrees. As of about 5 minutes ago though, it's down to 101.8 degrees so it might be dropping. I just wanted to alert all my friends here so you don't begin to worry about where I've been. Hopefully I'll start feeling better soon since I'm on the z-pack (azithromycin) antibiotic. At least I hope I don't get worse.

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I hate to hear you are struggling Han, and having had Pneumonia I can attest that it is no fun. Be sure to keep tight with your doc, that can really do some serious stuff to you if it gets a good hold on you. I'm sure you know this, but try and get as many fluids down as possible to stay hydrated, as being dehydrated about landed me in the ER.

Take care of yourself, and keep us posted!

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Gah! I hope you get to feeling better Han! Take care of your self man. Get some rest and do some low energy things you enjoy. Watch some Star Trek, or maybe now is the time to finally dig into some Doctor Who (start with the 2005 series to see if you enjoy the concept! Classic Who is well classic .... but realize the first episode aired in 1963. If you have a great love of vintage sci-fi, then by all means ... but ... a lot changes over the course of 40 years). At any rate man, do what it takes to get yourself on the mend, and we'll be praying for your speedy recovery!

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Heh funny you should mention Doctor Who. I've been watching from the first episode (1963) and I do actually enjoy it. I'm up to about episode 14 now. I'm not really feeling Star Trek today, but I did watch 2 eps lastnight. I also decided to try and watch the extended Lord of the Rings trilogy. The fellowship is still in Moria. I started watching it and rolled over to fall asleep twice. Can't get out of there. :) Thanks for the kind words guys.

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Get well soon! I suffer from migraines and allergies, and for a few years, the migraines were almost weekly. It feels like your body is in chronic self-assault mode with no end in sight while you are in the thick of it. It will get better. Just keep going at things as best as you can and know we are pulling for you!

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Its a struggle for sure. And I know all about migraines. I've told my doctor that I get them very frequently, 2-3 times a week and sometimes last for days. He hasn't been able to diagnose it much because I don't have them when the tests happen. I went in for an MRI (or CT, not sure which) and the results were negative. I didn't have a headache at the time, so duh. But yeah, I get them so bad I can't open my eyes. I spent a few hours one time with my body in the empty bathtub, lights out, and my forehead smashed against the tub because it was cool to the touch. I've also tried things like pressure by taking a waist belt and straping it against my forehead nice and tight. Of course, nothing really helped except taking a bucket full of Ibuprofen, Tylenol, or Asprin. I used to take 4 Excedrin Migraine pills at once, then wait 45 minutes for the effect to start, just to have the headache back in about 20 minutes. I did have a doctor when I was a teen who prescribed something called Midrin which seemed to help. But by the time my Rx ran out, I had a new doctor, and he said they don't make it anymore. Now I guess they do again, but it's called something different/similar, and he won't prescribe it until he has proof positive I actually suffer from migraines and not just frequent headaches.

Anyway, news update. My fever is down to around 100 now. My cough is really bad now, lots of broken up bits vibrating around in my lungs when I breathe. Unfortunately, they're not coagulated enough to cough up and out yet. My appetite is returning a little, but I couldn't eat a full on meal. More fluids are going down. Now if I can just break that last few degrees of the fever, and maybe get my body to stop feeling so painful, I'll be back up to my usual 75%. :)

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Forced myself to work today. Sinus's are a running bathtub faucet, and I'm still not producing anything from my cough (although it is definately rattling and loose now). Bit of a headache today, probably from the stress of work compounding the pre-existing sinus issues. Fever is gone (for good I hope). I took the last day's worth of antibiotics this morning too, so all that's left for me is OTC stuff. Followup still on Tuesday.

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