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[RESOLVED] Forum Time Zone Discrepency


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In my general account settings my Timezone is GMT + 1 (I live in the Netherlands)

I noticed since a day or two the time which is shown when I post a reply is GMT - 3 ?

Is this a forum change. Is there now one general Time Zone ?

Just curious :blink:

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You *should* be able to set your time zone in your profile settings I believe.

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You *should* be able to set your time zone in your profile settings I believe.

I've set my Time Zone in my profile settings to GMT +1. When I post at the forum it's showing GMT -3 :wacko:

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I wonder if there may be a change with the time location of the actual server. I will make note of this to Tom as it may have other reprecussions.

EDIT: My actual time for this post is 08:59 EST so a -4 hour difference. Set to GMT -5 hours which is correct.

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My post above says (to me) i posted it at 4:26am:


I didn't wake up till 7:45am lol it was posted @9:26am my time, and i can assure you it is set at GMT, which is my local time:


So it is -5 for me which clearly is wrong. As GC said it started happening a few days ago but couldn't tell you exactly which day. Also you can see in the settings screenshot it says current time is 10:15am, and it was actually 15:15 when i took it. ^_^

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It's actually been wonky for a long time. I just ignored it. I mean, most posts are coming up saying they're were made at like 4-5 in the morning, which I know is probably not true. I just chalked it up to everybody being in different time zones from mine (ie; if it's 9am here, it's really 3 am YOUR time, etc). So I just figured that was accurate. But since it's been brought up, add my name to the list of people who noticed.

EDIT: I posted this as 10:53 (according to my computer clock) but it says it's 6:56am on the server.

EDIT 2: I've noticed also that my computer's internal clock seems to be loosing about a minute every 3-4 weeks. Anybody have any idea what could be causing that? I have the Windows Time set to automatically update, but it doesn't unless I manually go in there and do it myself.

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This is what I see..


My post didn't make sense,

"Seems it is showing GMT correctly, at least for me!" , and not EDT

I thought it simply displayed GMT here all the time, on purpose given we are all from so many different areas. I thought this was to make things less confusing, overall anyway.

You'll have to forgive me, I've been jacked up on steroids for the last several days, and have about 2 hours of sleep combined over the last two nights. :wacko:

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EDIT 2: I've noticed also that my computer's internal clock seems to be loosing about a minute every 3-4 weeks. Anybody have any idea what could be causing that? I have the Windows Time set to automatically update, but it doesn't unless I manually go in there and do it myself.

CMOS battery can cause this but, if only a minute or two then I wouldn't sweat it. PC "real time" clocks are notorious for being off. Verify you have the time server to synch your clock pointing to a valid internet time server, If set to time.microsoft.com, maybe change it to time.nist.gov instead to see if that makes a difference.

You could also set up a scheduled task to do it once a day. Check this site out.

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