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Status Update


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  • 1 year later...

Click on the dropdown arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner of the forum header, then click Profile. Change your status by typing in the field with the text "What's on your mind..."

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  • 5 months later...

As it stands currently, I don't see what benefit having them is anyway.  The status updates used to appear on the right-hand side along with birthdays and calendars, but with the new board version it brought new features, some that started being used for ways to bypass the forums for support.  It has been disabled for some time now, and even though I just updated my status, nobody would know unless they visited my profile.

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I think that it may have been disabled for those without moderator access or above. I do recall us discussing this when some new users were using it as a means of contacting staff directly for support instead of addressing issues in the forums.

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I miss the status updates. I used to love spreading my misery and frustrations to ever bugger else via them. I'm kind like that. :)

I say bring back the status updates. In all seriousness, if people got into the habit of using them, it'd be dead interesting. One saying "Setting up PCSXR2" another saying "Designing new theme", another "getting lightguns working on cab." Damn.... I have been tooo long in this confounded hobby. :P

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