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[UPDATE] Crimzon Clover on Steam!


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Thought i'd give an update as i actually purchased this a couple hours ago.

Firstly there have been a few changes. The most obvious to veterans (i'm looking at you Ex) is that Unlimited is available off the bat! Yup, that nightmare mode of sadistic torture is open to you upon purchase. If you think you know what qualifies as a brutal game, think again. Unlimited Mode on Crimzon Clover is the equivalent of having your arms and legs nailed to the wall with a pea shooter in your mouth, while all your enemies fire at you with railguns and rocket launchers. Don't believe me? Try it! Also the Limiter Shop has been dropped - i liked it tbh as it made you work to see and experience the whole game. I guess they decided it would be unsuitable for western audiences and i know why. We are impatient and undisciplined. Nuff said.

Secondly, it has been upgraded in many ways! Apart from a slick new GUI, graphics and online leaderboards (although it seems only the top 100 are being recorded at present) There are 2 new modes: Boost and Time Trial. The first is basically a "Unlimited Break Mode" game that ramps up the difficulty the longer you survive in Break Mode. There is no Double Break here as triggering again will cease Break and let off the standard bomb. This calls for some very tactical gameplay and so far with the limited time i've spent i love it!

The second mode (Time Trial) is a 3minute score attack with the same rules as the original (Double Break permitted) with a crazy map that contains a mish-mash of enemies from the entire original, and yes you have to be efficient with your Breaks to even make it to the boss, let alone destroy it!

Among other changes is that when you enter Break Mode now (in all versions) the enemies go into a 'Hyper Mode' too, firing way more bullets, and a lot faster than usual - straight at you! So, even though it's difficult to believe for those who already love this game - it's now even harder lol

Don't let that put you off though - Crimzon Clover is without a doubt one of the best STG's ever made on any system, and i'll back that up till my dying breath! Get it here (atm with 30% off!):


Original Post:

It was thought that it would never happen, and i never got my hopes up but it was finally announced at StunFest yesterday apparently!

For those without a clue Crimzon Clover is the outright best shoot em up ever made. Period. Argue with me all you want but you'll be wrong. Wrong i tells ya! This game has it all - awesome weps, great scoring mechanics, a pumpin' soundtrack, Break Mode! And above all it is BRUTAL! Even on normal difficulty this game will hand your ass to you, in many tiny pieces.

Needless to say i'm excited about this :D i've wanted this game to get some publicity for a long time and now it's gonna happen. Rumors are it will have chevos and online leaderboards! Man i can't wait! Trivia: My avatar is the Crimzon Clover :)

Right, you wanna see it! Here is a guy absolutely pwning Stage1 on Normal:


You can read a little about it here.

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@Han - I did the voice in my head as i read it anyways :lol:

That's cool that a game you like so much is coming to steam. After reading the article it seems they were crazy to not put out a special edition on disk!

IKR! There are many many shmuppers out there that would insta-buy that disk! No matter how many they printed they would be sold before leaving the warehouse. I've looked for a physical copy for a long time and the only i found was on ebay for like $300 :( Still at least via Steam i can finally donate Yotsubane the money he so deserves! B)

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Damn. How can the human brain even perceive what's going on on that screen!??

Just revisiting the old school classics like R-Type and Salamander, and I'm struggling to get past the early levels....

And games like this... damn! Why didn't I put a rotating monitor in my cab!?

Oh... that's right, coz that would have been a bit too much of a leap! Maybe next-time.

Lovin the schmup updates... keep 'em coming. And cummon Steam - more, more, more...

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Damn. How can the human brain even perceive what's going on on that screen!??

Just revisiting the old school classics like R-Type and Salamander, and I'm struggling to get past the early levels....

And games like this... damn! Why didn't I put a rotating monitor in my cab!?

Heh the thing is the guy in the vid makes it look so easy and i can tell you from many hours playing it you don't even get to witness 90% of the bullets! He kills everything too fast lol If you want i could try a no-fire run on stage1, then you'll see how mental it really is :D

Why on earth didn't you put that rota-mon in?! But then i would say that wouldn't i :P i can only dream of owning my very own vert cab...

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I would have loved a rotating monitor. If I build another I will add one for sure. :)

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Crimzon Clover?

Yeah, I got a bit of experience with it.

In fact, I have it. (pic below)

It was our shmup of the month last April (2013) on the Racketboy forums. We were able to get a volume discount with Rancor, who is well known as a distributor of Japanese shmups. He shipped a ton of copies to us here direct from Japan and we saved a little bit of money. He still has some copies I believe, over here

Now, I haven't played the game in a while, but I'll also include some of my old scores below.




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I'd certainly be down for giving it a shot. Trouble is I SUUUUUUUUCK at shmups ... like out loud. It's actually a major contributing factor to my general arcade game suckage. But hey if only three people were playing I'm a virtual shoe in for 3rd place! Hooray mediocrity!

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LOL well, if you enjoy playing them it's all that matters :) Though you may want to try your hand at BWRP first - this game (Crimzon Clover) really is brutal. I'm not just trying to emphasize that it is hard, it is downright cruel! You know when you see a kid pulling the legs off an insect? Well that's how it makes you feel, only you're the insect, and the kid is called Damien ^_^ I'm sure Ex will back me up, even though it's probably a walk in the park to such a player :P

The thing about most bullet-hells though (this one not included) is that they look a lot harder than they actually are to an inexperienced player :) BWRP especially is very forgiving ;) Give them a chance though and eventually you come to a zen like moment when everything falls into place, and a whole new world will open up to you B)

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Heck, even I enjoyed it, and I was brought up on survival style shmups, where the bullets were manageable and the whole ship was your hitbox. Now we get all sorts of crazy scoring mechanics, pixel wide safe zones, grazing, and all that good stuff. I just loved entering Double Break Mode, and the screen covered in gold stars, green multipliers and pink lock on shots.

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Heck, even I enjoyed it, and I was brought up on survival style shmups, where the bullets were manageable and the whole ship was your hitbox. Now we get all sorts of crazy scoring mechanics, pixel wide safe zones, grazing, and all that good stuff. I just loved entering Double Break Mode, and the screen covered in gold stars, green multipliers and pink lock on shots.

Only someone who has played it will understand, but how mighty does Break Mode, especially Double Break make you feel! As soon as you hear that sound you get shivers down your spine and you feel like a god! i even get it when i watch the vid in OP lol i LOVE it! :P

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