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Breaking out teh Iron Maiden!


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I remember when this song came out, everybody was all like "This is too heavy.." Now it's like a classic alternative. There's stuff out there now that is just screaming into the mic and you can't understand a word they're saying. Give it enough time, and what we consider RAP will be old school oldies, and the current oldies will be classical, and the classical will be something entirely new like Orchestral or something.

This song is actually really hard to play on Rock Band if you're in expert.

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I do like the classics :D My old man is what you would call a typical metaller so i grew up listening to Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC all that kinda stuff. I remember being as young as 4-5 and headbanging in the back of my dads car ^_^

This song is actually really hard to play on Rock Band if you're in expert.

It's surprisingly easy if you play it on a real guitar ;)

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  • 2 months later...

I do like the classics :D My old man is what you would call a typical metaller so i grew up listening to Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, AC/DC all that kinda stuff. I remember being as young as 4-5 and headbanging in the back of my dads car ^_^

This me feel sort of old!

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Steve Harris is such a badass bassist. No one else can get that tone out of a set of flat wound strings. I'm going to leave this right here ... guitarist.gif

FRACK YESSS!!! rock_zps20095174.gif

one of my all time faves!

dundundun duuuuun dundundun duuuuun

*breaks out the gueeetar*

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On this topic - null - I saw you play Rocksmith. I checked out the promo vid for this and it looks awesome in theory. Play guitar here and wondering if it's as good in real life as it looks!

Then to deliberate whether I put it on my xbox360... or in my cab! (I think that's prob a no brainer)

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Play guitar here and wondering if it's as good in real life as it looks!

We seem to have a few guitarists here! B) You, me, null, Riffman... is it because guitarists like to game, or because gamers like to rock out?! \m/

oh and in yer cab! obviously:

"erm, cool cab, but why is your guitar plugged into it?"


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On this topic - null - I saw you play Rocksmith. I checked out the promo vid for this and it looks awesome in theory. Play guitar here and wondering if it's as good in real life as it looks!

Then to deliberate whether I put it on my xbox360... or in my cab! (I think that's prob a no brainer)

Well ... I'm afraid I've become a bit of a fanboy, so my opinion might be slightly tainted. ;) First some history though:

I started playing bass during high school (which was sort of the result of being equally enchanted with the raw talent of Les Claypool and the reckless swagger of Sid Vicious - interestingly the longer I've played bass the less enchanted I've become with either one of them, for different reasons). So that's means I've been playing on and off for 20 years and change now. Naturally I've gone through phases where I've played like a madman, and phases where I've not played anything for lengths of time. Having said all of that, Rocksmith has probably kept me more continually energized to play than any other musical teaching aid I've ever come across. UbiSoft has masterfully combined elements of existing rhythm games with actual guitar playing and produced a game that is greater than the sum of it's parts. Old school "scale & chord chart" guys will tell you that nothing will replace having a live teacher or playing with other musicians, and they're right. What Rocksmith does is make you want to practice constantly. As someone who is both a guitar player and a video gamer it's veritable game crack.

In point of fact I've also started playing guitar as a direct result of playing this game. I'm still not really good with it yet, but I'd not even be where I am now if not for Rocksmith (I wouldn't have even bought the guitar).

One word of advice (and/or caution depending on your view point); you do need to buy the specialty instrument cable in order to play the game. No two ways around that, so there is an additional "hidden" cost to the game. short of that pretty much any standard guitar or bass with an output jack should work fine with the game (although the game is understandably targeted at 6 string guitars and 4 string basses). Also be sure to go in for Rocksmith 2014 at this point rather than the original game (they're both good games, but 2014 will give you a lot more bang for your buck)

Also veering wildly back on topic, you really can't go wrong as an Iron Maiden fan. The Trooper is an in-game song and there is an additional Iron Maiden 5 pack DLC available.

Also ... Blood and Thunder is in-game and UbiSoft just released a Mastodon 3 pack DLC last week. (OK so yeah ... I was totally looking for an excuse to post some Mastodon in this heavy metal themed thread :ph34r:)

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We seem to have a few guitarists here! B)

as well as some wanna be's :ph34r:

I played for probably close to 12 years before dropping it for drums. Funny, I sold my drums about 10 years ago, but still have my JCM 900 half stack, one Washburn with a wonderbar, and a Charvel (Do they even make these things anymore?) That wonderbar was hell if you tried to use it as a wammy, but man it holds tune after some vicious treatment!

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as well as some wanna be's :ph34r:

I played for probably close to 12 years before dropping it for drums. Funny, I sold my drums about 10 years ago, but still have my JCM 900 half stack, one Washburn with a wonderbar, and a Charvel (Do they even make these things anymore?) That wonderbar was hell if you tried to use it as a wammy, but man it holds tune after some vicious treatment!

Awesome! The best guitar i ever had was a Charvel! Had to sell it on during tough times though :unsure: I still regret it to this day. It was basically the Candy Red So Cal on this page. My band mate had a Washburn though and man i loved that thing! We would swap at gigs coz i could get up'n'down that neck like a ho on heat :D Can't find a pic of it but the paint job was awesome. It may have been a custom one i don't know but it was blood red with black lightning. (at least i remember it as lightning - might have been simulated cracks ^_^ )

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Nothing like a sweet looking guitar! Those prices are good.

I couldn't bring myself to sell the guitars, but I really need to get them out and give them a good cleaning, and re-stringing. You lose it fast though, or at least I did, I can still play the cords no problem, but any kind of cohesiveness just isn't there anymore. This thread has got me to wondering if I took the 9 volt battery out of them :unsure: The move to the new house ended the garage days which = no room for massive space gobbling drum kit. That made the selling decision for them a bit easier.

Cool stuff!

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"I was barely seventeen and I once killed a boy with a Fender guitar
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster,
but I do remember that it had a heart of chrome and a voice like a horny angel!
I don't remember if it was a Telecaster or a Stratocaster,
but I do remember that it wasn't at all easy.
It required the perfect combination of the correct power chords,
and the precise angle from which to strike.
The guitar bled for a week afterward and the blood was - ooh -
dark and rich like wild berries.
The blood of the guitar was Chuck Berry red..."

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Thread has grown quite diverse, in a good way of course!

It has! And i want to share something with you guys :D We are all gamers right? And we are all rockers (at least in this thread we are) So the theme is "Gaming Rockers", would that be accurate? So, what happens when you combine the C64 SID Chip with a metal band?? These guys! is what happens and i dare you to dislike 'em! Here is two of my faves:

If you want more you can download all of their songs for free at the official website. The reason i know about these guys is because they did the FULL soundtrack to Jets'n'Guns. One of the most impressive shoot em ups ever made! And i've played a lot of them. If you like the soundtrack, and you fancy yourself as a shmup fan, then you should most definitely pick it up! They get a nice royalty for each purchase ;)

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It has! And i want to share something with you guys :D We are all gamers right? And we are all rockers (at least in this thread we are) So the theme is "Gaming Rockers", would that be accurate? So, what happens when you combine the C64 SID Chip with a metal band?? These guys! is what happens and i dare you to dislike 'em! Here is two of my faves:

[removed videos]

If you want more you can download all of their songs for free at the official website. The reason i know about these guys is because they did the FULL soundtrack to Jets'n'Guns. One of the most impressive shoot em ups ever made! And i've played a lot of them. If you like the soundtrack, and you fancy yourself as a shmup fan, then you should most definitely pick it up! They get a nice royalty for each purchase ;)

I like that kind of music. Unless it's a really popular song and you can understand the lyrics, I tend to not listen to much metal stuff because there's always somebody just screaming into the mic or something. Instrumental music is awesome. Ever heard of The Black Mages? They're a band created by the guy who wrote all the older Final Fantasy music, and they play remixed metal versions of some of the more famous tracks (mostly the fight music). It's pretty cool.

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That's awesome Han, I was unaware of that project. Thanks for sharing!

I saw this video tonight and instantly knew I had to share. This kid is a pretty badass shredder on both guitar and bass (as well as ... Ocarina!). Really some pretty neat stuff going on here. Enjoy!

Ending a 3 year project is nothing to go lightly on. I knew that if I were to do something big for the end of this year, it would have to literally be beyond me and my potential and this medley was just that. This medley was begun a week and a day before it was released. I made this during the same week as my last year of college finals and during hell weeks for numerous other projects rendering me very little possible time to work on it. Still the time restraint gave me One day for arranging, one day for drum programming, one day for doing all of the mixing and mastering and one day to edit this beast of a video. This was because recording all of the audio took 4 days of straight recording to finish. Things didn't go to plan, namely I wish I had had more time to practice with the green screen and make sure all the shots would work with it and I wish I had more time to mix and master.

Why would I do that, you may ask. Why would I give myself a week to produce a 17 minute medley with 38 songs and also incorporate techniques like green screening I've never even practiced for video before? Because if there's anything I've tried to do in these past 4 years of being on YouTube and not just with video game covers, it's push myself to my absolute potential. What you're watching is literally the best I can do given a week to put a video together and I'm not sure I can ever top this in that amount of time. Hence why I will be stopping weekly cover thus far. I'll be touching up on that in the update video coming soon.

That out of the way, I had a ridiculously fun time making this. The covers in the style I was doing them started to drain on me and I had to do something different. I've been planning something like this since the very beginning of my YouTube videos as I was greatly inspired by the Mario Paint video Evolution of Video Gaming, not to mention people like Fredde Gredde who put countless songs in one video and still made it enjoyable regardless of the length. I hope this video does everything I hoped it would for you and really take you on a journey through the amazing short life video gaming has had since 1972.

These past 4 years have been a journey for me and this was the best way to repay you guys in my eyes. Because of your support, I have had opportunities to do things I couldn't have ever dreamed of and even when I was worried this video wouldn't get done, or spending countless minutes I didn't have nailing a riff, I knew that this video would be my greatest thank you possible to the worlds most amazing fan base.

There are no words that can possibly express my gratitude so I'll leave it just as I left this video.

Thank you for playing. I'll see you guys sooner than you think. :)

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The Black Mages were awesome. Anybody who's played FF7 knows these:

They really tear the house down around 4:15, and the solo around 5:18 is pretty epic

They also did the the FF7:AC soundtrack and it had a better version of the track and solo here:

(I actually prefer this one)

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