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Wolfman and I (GimmeClassics) have held a high score tournament for Shoot Em Up fans !
This team contest started January 6th and the winner was announced at April 8th 2014.

Double elimination Tournament - BIG FINAL > R-Type II (Japan)

After having won the Losers bracket Final Team Legendary Saucy had to compete against the shmup kings of Team Unprecedented Serious Affair who didn't lose as single match qualifying for the WINNERS Bracket Final.

Here are the final results :


TeamUSAb.jpg vs. TeamLSa.jpg

1,738,200 points 1,568,700 points
(754,300 // 983,900) (1,204,400 // 364,300)

Team Unprecedented Serious Affair has won our SHMUP competition. Congratulations !!

Thank you all for participating in our SHMUP competition. I hope you've enjoyed the ride...eh flight !! Until next time :)

For a visual representation of the double elimination tournament bracket please follow this link



# Final results week 1 (Salamander) > link
# Final results week 2 (Nemesis) > link
# Final results week 3 (Flying Shark) > link
# Seeding rounds final results > link
# Final results elimination round 1 (Bat Rider) > link
# Final results elimination round 2 (Gunlock) > link
# Final results elimination round 3 (Mahou Daisakusen) > link
# Final results elimination round 4 (19XX) > link
# Final results elimination round 5 (Darius) > link
# Final results elimination round 6 (Sexy Parodius) > link
# Final results elimination round 7 (1945k III) > link
# Final results elimination round 8 (DoDonPachi) > link
# Final results Losers Bracket Final (Super Cobra) > link
# Final results Winners Bracket Final (R-Type II) > link


Tournament setup and games
It's a double elimination tournament after 3 rounds of seeding. During the seeding rounds all contestants will play the same game

(1 round = 1 week).

# submitting your hi-score: this contest is a multi-website contest. There is a thread of our contest at each of those websites.
We wanted to create a contest which is very easy to join. Therefore each player can submit his of her score on the website of their choice: gameex.info, retrouprising.com, shmups.system11.org, atariage.com and retrogamer.net

Just post a screenshot of your score at the forum of your choice or play your game at RetroUprising.

GameEx is the place where the tournament standings and additional info will be made public !!

# point scoring system: your score and your team mate score gets added together. The TOTAL team hi-score determines the team rank. The amount of contestants will determine how many points you will get.
With 26 teams the no. 1 ranked team gets 26 points etc...

Comparing all the team scores after 3 rounds of seeding will rank each team for the double elimination tournament. Only the top 24 ranked teams will qualify for the double elimination tournament !!

Double Elimination tournament > each team begins in the winners bracket, but with one loss, goes into a losers bracket, where they will have to play their way back. All competitors will have the oppurtunity to play at least twice during the elimination phase.

# Games [please play at default settings]
Week 1 (seeding round 1) = Salamander (version D) > romset = salamand
Week 2 (seeding round 2) = Nemesis > romset = nemesis
Week 3 (seeding round 3) = Flying Shark (World) > romset = fshark

Week 4, 5, 6 etc.: the double elimination tournament will start in week 4. The 8 highest seeded teams will receive a bye for week 4.
After the seeding rounds we will publish the game each team has to play each round. This depends on your rank after the seeding rounds and whether or not staying in the winners bracket or having to fight (...eh play) your way back in the loser's bracket.

The double elimination round games will be - in no particular order:
Armed Police Batrider (Japan, B version) > romset = batriderj
Gunlock (Ver 2.30) > romset = gunlock
Mahou Daisakussen (Japan) > romset = mahoudai
19XX The War Against Destiny (Japan 951225) > romset = 19xxj
Darius (Japan) > romset = dariusj
Sexy Parodius (ver JAA) > romset = sexyparo
1945k III > romset = 1945kiii
Dodonpachi (Japan) > romset = ddonpachj
Super Cobra > romset = scobra [= possible extra game 1]
R-Type II (Japan) > romset = rtype2j [= possible extra game 2]

Again: we will publish the game each team has to play during the double elimination phase.

# A few other rules...
* autofire is allowed
* controller usage is allowed
* continues not allowed
* no cheats or hacks
* ...and most important: have fun !!

[54 players / 27 teams]

Team Ryd n' Awesome - Yazphier, Hiki
Team hideyoshi the 3rd gender - Wolfman24, AlexGunslinger
Team QT Trap Appreciation - Shimatora, Sik-07
Team Homing Shotglass - ACSeraph, shmuppyLove
Team Boomstick Ninjas - GimmeClassics, Rtkiii
Team Blind Siders - Celly, DazzleHP
Team Gaijin Bros - Aleksei, Eaglet
Team Unprecedented Serious Affair - Erppo, Jaimers
Team Dan McGoo - Blinge, JWS
Team 1 - Kernzy, Ballas
Team 2 - Noiseredux, Culdad78
Team 3 - Kong, Stevencassidy13
Team 4 - Exed Exes, Dunpeal2064
Team 5 - M.A.M.E Offender, Cynicaster
Team 6 - Barra, FudgyDRS
Team 7 - Bearhawk72, DrunkN
Team 8 - Sel feena, Kollisionbr
Team 9 - Omegashadow, Sid Seattle
Team 10 - Fallout_002, Hyperboy
Team 11 - Joz, Revj
Team 12 - Jig, TodayIsForgotten
Team 13 - Legendary hoamaru, Sauceykobold
Team 14 - Hagane, Paper/Artillery
Team 15 - Teddy Loc, Roadrunner
Team 16 - Despatche, Edge
Team 17 - Ebinsugewa, Kitaru
Team 18 - Notthewolf, Jibril

Feel free to leave a reply or send a PM to me (GimmeClassics) or Wolfman if you have a question about this contest !!

Thank you,

~GimmeClassics and Wolfman

Last update: 04-08-2014


Hey wolfman - what is this? I can guess its a competition of some sort but from where and run by whom? Could we have some links or other source info ^_^


this contest is a tag team contest that is only going to be shootemup games, the rounds are going to last a week, 3 rounds that are for seeding and then the double elimination will start. The contest is going to be run by me

the link below is a contest i ran back in 2011 that is similar to this.



Sounds good to me! Despite my alias' i'm not a pro - but i am a fan and i'll have a blast competing! So where do i sign up? And if anyone on these boards wants to be my partner you're in! ^_^

So what's the game line-up? Would be nice to get some practice in as i will destroy anyone in my path at a few - but i smell worse than a hobo's trumpet at others :P


you can sign up here i am going to check the forums all the time to keep a list, the games are going to be picked when i almost have the final list of gamers, i am not a pro either but love playing them.


/signed ;)

there is someone else here who might like to get on this - celly - you reading man?

-EDIT- May i make a suggestion? Update your first post with more detailed info to let people know that you are running the competition, to put their name down etc as it wasn't clear to me the 1st time i read it. It looked to me like you pasted a load of info from another site.


I'm sure it will be! I want it to be too now i know what is happening! Did you read my edit in previous post? I can tell you are a no BS kind of guy, but presentation, like it or not is what draws people in to such things and your first post doesn't do that i'm afraid. You could pull some real lurkers out of the wordwork with this using the right persuasion ;)


yeah i am not good with presentation, i was making the rules and info real quick before getting feedback on how to make it look better, this will be the 5th contest i hosted. any tips on what i could do to give it a better look?


Ok i'm not an expert on this kind of stuff either but firstly you could change the topic title to something grabbing like "The Unofficial Shoot Em Up Tag Team Tourney" for example. Then open with a paragraph explaining something like "We are going to be holding a no-holds-barred competition for Shoot Em Up fans, pro's and enthusiasts alike! Grab a friend and sign yourself up..." etc etc. One guy you might want to ask pointers from is GC - our very own HS mod! This guy knows how to get you interested! I don't know whether he has a natural talent or whether he is trained in some way but Dennis definitely has the knack to get people interested ;)

  On 10/19/2013 at 12:12 AM, DazzleHP said:

One guy you might want to ask pointers from is GC - our very own HS mod! This guy knows how to get you interested! I don't know whether he has a natural talent or whether he is trained in some way but Dennis definitely has the knack to get people interested ;)

What a pressure......;) Thank you for kind words. It's nice to hear I can get people interested.....I'm not trained in any way...it's just when I'm excited about something I go all the way ;)

  On 10/19/2013 at 12:24 AM, wolfman24 said:

changed the thread name and asked gc for some pointers

I'll give you some pointers this weekend. It's now 2:30 am in the Netherlands...so....I'll see you guys tomorrow !!


Hi Wolfman,

I have some great ideas to give your contest a better look. But I have been giving it some more thought.....

I think it would be very cool to somehow integrate your contest with our GameEx Hi-score competition.

My BIG question however: where were you planning to host your contest ? Here at GameEx or at Retro Uprising ? Are you using the GameEx forum to merely promote your contest and recruit new players for your contest at Retro Uprising or will this contest be held here at GameEx?

If you're planning to host your contest here at GameEx I would be more than willing to help you out and give the contest a better look and possibly integrate it with our GameEx hi-score competition. I'd love to hear what you're planning to do ? We could then discuss what to do next :)



The plan I was thinking of doing is posting the contest info at retrouprising, here, marp, atariage, shootemup system, retrogamer, and anywhere else i can find, main reason is to find as many players interested as possible. not really sure where to host it, i was think that people can post their scores in the threads on their forum they used to sign up.


Question: how do you know which game settings are being used when you're accepting hi-score submissions from all of these websites ?

For example: Retrouprising uses default settings for each game. When you play Galaga at RU it uses easy difficulty. We at GameEx are using hardest difficulty when playing Galaga. I can't speak for any of the other websites.

When you want to have a fair contest I think everybody should use the same game settings when they want to join your tourney. When you want to accept scores from all of these sites I gues all games should be played at default settings. Right ?


yeah all the games will be on default setting, retrouprising is the only one from the group i listed that has games online, the others play on mame via emulator


Ok. I would very much like you to host your contest at GameEx :) I was already planning to add contests to our GameEx Hi-score competition. Starting with your contest and integrating this with our competition would be very cool :)

If you're willing to host your contest at GameEx I'd very much like to help you out presenting your contest in a cool way. I think this will attract as many contestants as possible.

What does this mean ?

You would be promoting your contest at all of the websites you mentioned (I'll help you presenting it in a cool way). Everybody can submit their scores at the website they normaly submit their scores to. However.....everybody who joins your contest and want to see the tourney standings have to go to GameEx. GameEx will be the one and only place where these standings will be made public. This way we'll be promoting GameEx and under these conditions I'm more than willing to help you out :)

Please let me know what you think.


Ok. Cool. I'll need some time to think this through.

What I'd very much like to know > which games will be part of this shoot em up contest ?


How many games will this contest have ? It would help me out if I know which games will be part of the contest. This way I can decide if the contest can be integrated wit our competition.

Maybe it should just be a single thread and not part of our hi-score competition. It's hard to decide with the info I have right now. Oh well, I'll think about it and come back to you tomorrow or the next few days.

Thanks Wolfman. (btw: who is seahawk ?)

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