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Final results elimination round 7 - 1945k III

Kitaru has won Double Elimination Round 7. Congratulations :)

Match AR - Exed Dun (7,187,700) vs Dan McGoo (5,704,600)

Match AS - Despatche Edge (17,758,900) vs Ebin Kitaru (20,571,800)


  1. Kitaru (Team Ebin Kitaru) - 19,571,500
  2. Edge (Team Despatche Edge) - 16,795,200
  3. Blinge (Team Dan McGoo) - 4,957,500
  4. Dunpeal2064 (Team Exed Dun) - 3,747,200
  5. ExedExes (Team Exed Dun) - 3,440,500
  6. Ebinsugewa (Team Ebin Kitaru) - 1,000,300
  7. Despatche (Team Despatche Edge) - 963,700
  8. JWS (Team Dan McGoo) - 747,100

Double Elimination Round 8: DoDonPachi (Japan)

This week the "winners of Elimination Round 6 - Winners Bracket" will play against each other and the "winners of Elimination Round 7 - Losers Bracket" will play against each other. Those teams who have lost their second match during Elimination Round 7 are now out of competition. Thank you for having joined and played in our contest. Maybe until next time :)

Game = DoDonPachi (Japan)
ROMSet = ddonpachj

Countdown link for submitting your hi-score

Please use the following game settings: 1 credit only, all options default (except autofire, which is allowed)

Teams - matches

Legendary Saucey w/a 0
Unprecedented Serious Affair w/b 0

Exed Dun at/a 0
Ebin Kitaru at/b 0

Good luck and happy gaming !!


Tournament standings have been updated (link)

Please look at this post for info about Double Elimination Round 8. I've added some additional things.

Good luck everyone :)


Final results elimination round 8 - DoDonPachi

Erppo has won Double Elimination Round 8. Congratulations :)


Match W - Legendary Saucey (69,132,600) Unprecedented Serious Affair (294,472,950)


Match AT - Exed Dun (46,075,540) vs Ebin Kitaru (31,525,860)


  1. Erppo (Team Unprecedented Serious Afffair) - 294,472,950
  2. Sauceykobold (Team Legendary Saucey) - 54,235,970
  3. ExedExes (Team Exed Dun) - 23,369,360
  4. Dunpeal2064 (Team Exed Dun) - 22,706,180
  5. Kitaru (Team Ebin Kitaru) - 22,285,660
  6. Legendary Hoamaru (Team Legendary Saucey) - 14,896,630
  7. Ebinsugewa (Team Ebin Kitaru) - 9,240,200)
  8. .
Double Elimination - Losers Bracket Final: Super Cobra
This week the Losers Bracket Final is being played. The "winner of Elimination Round 8 - Losers Bracket" will play against the "loser of Elimination Round 8 - Winners Bracket". Those teams who have lost their second match during Elimination Round 8 are now out of competition. Thank you for having joined and played in our contest. Maybe until next time :)
Game = Super Cobra
ROMSet = scobra

Countdown link for submitting your hi-score

Please use the following game settings: default settings, auto fire is allowed

Teams - matches

Legendary Saucey au/a 0
Exed Dun au/b 0
Good luck and happy gaming !!

Tournament standings have been updated (link)

Please look at this post for info about Double Elimination - Losers Bracket Final. I've added some additional things.

Good luck everyone :)


Final results Losers Bracket Final - Super Cobra

Team Legendary Saucey has won the Losers Bracket Final and will compete against Team Unprecedented Serious Affair in the BIG FINAL !!!

Match AU - Legendary Saucey (132,340) vs Exed Dun (33,140)


  1. Sauceykobold - 101,240
  2. ExedExes - 33,140
  3. Legendary Hoamaru - 31,100.
  4. .

Double Elimination - WINNERS Bracket Final: R-TYPE II (Japan)

This week the WINNERS Bracket Final is being played !! Who will be crowned as our big Shoot 'Em Up Champion ?

Team Legendary Saucey has won the Losers Bracket Final and will now compete against the shmup kings of Team Unprecedented Serious Affair who haven't lost a single match ! Good luck everyone !!

Note: Team Legendary Saucey will have to play a second Final Match if they beat Team Unprecedented Serious Affair. In this scenario both teams have lost one match and therefore a second final match will be played.

Game = R-Type II (Japan)
ROMSet = rtype2j

Please use the following game settings: 3 Lives / Normal difficulty

MATCH: Legendary Saucey vs Unprecedented Serious Affair

Countdown link for submitting your hi-score

Thank you Team Exed Dun for competing and congratulations with your third spot !! Maybe until next time :)

Good luck and happy gaming !!


Double elimination Tournament - BIG FINAL > R-Type II (Japan)

This week the WINNERS Bracket Final is being played !! Who will be crowned as our big Shoot 'Em Up Champion ?

TeamUSA.jpg vs. TeamLS.jpg

Team Legendary Saucey has won the Losers Bracket Final and will now compete against the shmup kings of Team Unprecedented Serious Affair who haven't lost a single match ! Good luck everyone !!

Note: Team Legendary Saucey will have to play a second Final Match if they beat Team Unprecedented Serious Affair. In this scenario both teams have lost one match and therefore a second final match will be played.

Thank you Team Exed Dun for competing and congratulations with your third spot !! Maybe until next time :)

For game settings please click here || countdown link WINNERS Bracket Final

Good luck everyone :)

Tournament standings have been updated (link)

Final results Winners Bracket Final - R-Type II

After having won the Losers bracket Final Team Legendary Saucy had to compete against the shmup kings of Team Unprecedented Serious Affair who didn't lose as single match qualifying for the WINNERS Bracket Final.

Match X - Unprecedented Serious Affair (1,738,200) vs Team Legendary Saucy (1,568,700)


  1. Saucy Kobold (Team Legendary Saucy) - 1,204,400
  2. Jaimers (Team Unprecedented Serious Affair) - 983,900
  3. Erppo (Team Unprecedented Serious Affair) - 754,300
  4. Legendary Hoamaru (Team Legendary Saucy) - 364,300

Team Unprecedented Serious Affair has won our SHMUP competition. Congratulations !!


TeamUSAb.jpg vs. TeamLSa.jpg

1,738,200 points 1,568,700 points
(754,300 // 983,900) (1,204,400 // 364,300)

Thank you all for participating in our SHMUP competition. It is the first contest I've hosted and I've learned a lot. I hope you've enjoyed the ride...eh flight !!

Until next time :)

For a visual representation of the double elimination tournament bracket please follow this link

All results > click here

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Congrats to Team USA! Although i got knocked out quite early i still have been following and you guys have been formidable opponents from the start. Easily deserved crown! The rest of us are going to have to step it up a few notches next time :)

I personally would like thank both GC and Wolfman for bringing us this comp! You guys did an outstanding job with this and i really hope you give us more in the future!! B)

And to top it off the comp brought us a couple of great players for our own High Score comp! Good times.

EDIT - Here are the favorites and map files if anyone is interested:



Note: Rename wgc2014.map.txt to wgc2014.map

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