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Everything posted by KRC

  1. Happy Birthday Mike, Hope you have a good one, you deserve it !
  2. I had a near perfect library of Media/Artwork with Frodo, I decided to follow my head and upgrade to Gotham, What a mistake that was, as mentioned by you Aaron in a previous post, Importing artwork, thumbs etc... turned into a complete nightmare. I have a lot of directors cut's, fan edit's etc and they all just ended being messed up. (I had to manually name these and add my own artwork) Dont get me wrong I do sort of like Gothams Minimalist changes but wish I hadnt upgraded yet.
  3. I think at the end of the day you should set the competition as you see fit, I'm pretty sure you can work something out.
  4. A sad time indeed. what a great guy! I was a huge fan of Bottom! RIP Edit: I was a huge fan of the TV show Bottom!
  5. Another way to work it is that we could possibly tier for each console competition. Examples: Easy: Super Mario Bros. (NES) Level 1-1 speedrun Medium: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 speedrun Hard: Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis) Metropolis Zone Act 1 speedrun Very Hard: Super Mario Bros. (NES) Level 8-4 speedrun
  6. Nice work Mike, good to see you back at again, and this time making a different approach
  7. I would definitely like to see this come to fruition
  8. Yep, obvious but a top choice, Most of the non MAME competitions will stem from 8-Bit / 16-Bit games. Example Speedrun's Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Sega Genesis/Megadrive) Easy: Emerald Hill Zone Act 1 (Accessible to all) Medium: Casino Night Act 1 (Accessible to some) Hard: Metropolis Act 1 (Accessible to few) With these sort of speedruns I think level select cheats should be allowed because not all people can reach the later levels.
  9. Congratulations Krak !
  10. Thanks for the update Mr. Speirs!
  11. I like the way this is going, I can pretty much come up with hundreds of different competitions with plenty of variety for all players.
  12. Wow, that's a lot of games I used to have a full "Sealed" European Nintendo Gamecube game collection about a year and a half ago, with all of the North American exclusives aswell, it's a pity that I sold them on I wanted to get the Japanese titles as well but it wasn't financially justifiable.
  13. Here's an example Super Mario Bros. (World) System: Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Challenge: Level 1-1 speed run Comments: See how fast you can finish level 1-1, when you hit the flagpole at the end of the level the timer stops, now take a screenshot before the timer starts to reduce to 0 (when it's calculating your score) Time: 301 Remaining
  14. Yep, Ex is right, Nestopia is the best NES Emu out there, no if's no but's.
  15. Thanks for the share Aaron, Free is always good
  16. Also, I would like to see more console based competitions in the near future. eg, Super Mario Bros (Nintendo NES) Level 1-1 speedrun, basically see who can finish in the fastest time etc... Just take a screenshot when Mario hits the Flagpole. There doesnt have to be a leaderboard for this either as its just friendly and not as fierce as the MAME comp. I think these sort of competitions are fresh and are not as time consuming as getting hi-scores on MAME games. What you think?
  17. Happy Birthday Mame Offender. Just wanted to wish you many Happy Returns as I guarantee other Members will do the same. Keep on "Rockin" with those high scores, Hope to be competing with you again soon.
  18. I wouldn't mind a SFIV competition, but to be honest since SSFIV AE no longer uses GFWL and now uses Steamworks the game is kinda broken, ie. very laggy online, random freezes and out of sync sound. Please fix this Steam! Oh and by the way, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is on sale on Steam for £3.74, well it was the last time I checked a couple of days ago.
  19. From my understanding, Gravity and intensity handsets dont exist in the UK, are they network carrier phones only available in the US for networks like Verizon?
  20. Congrats Yung-Jedi!
  21. I'm a little late in replying but it's good to see you taking the leap into the smartphone world. Galaxy S5 is a nice phone to go with, pretty similar to the Galaxy Note 2 I used to have. BTW what phone did you have previously? One Of these?
  22. Cheers Krak!
  23. Yep, sometimes they are a pain in the ass!
  24. It was a graphical issue with my Intel HD Drivers failing to display at certain intervals. Got it sorted, I had to uninstall graphics drivers and then reinstall them, everything is working great now, Thanks for the help buddy!
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