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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by deadboy

  1. That version of the client ran like a champ!
  2. Slight correction. The crashes stopped not when I told game extender to not load. They stopped when I told it to stop showing on the second screen. Game Extender was already being told not to load at that point.
  3. Ok, busy weekend. I dug up the error. Side note, since disabling Game Extender I've gotten no crashes. Any help on a fix for this? :
  4. Since I enabled game extender I'm getting crashes saying something to the effect of Game Extender has experienced an unexpected handling error. It's hard to read because it fights with the OS hider. My only option is debug or close. Sometimes I can escape out of it, other times not. Is anyone else getting this? It doesn't have any problems with any other programs or applications. I will post more info on it when I get the chance. I was just thinking about it so I thought I'd post and ask.
  5. Awesome idea. Can't wait to try it out!
  6. Poop... Well when I got home I checked and it's the Commands option which I'd like to have the choice to display. Any ideas?
  7. What is the highest number of graphics you could have associated with a particular game? Marquee Cabinet Controls PCB ... If I make it 4 fighters per frame with each one replacing a particular type of art maybe I could make it work. Which image types will Extender look for?
  8. I realized after a minute that the requirement for a matching file name was why I wanted an animated gif. Taking Street Fighter 3 for example. There are more than 16 fighters with say 4-8 moves each. That means there's no way you could legibly put their moves on a single graphic page. With an animated GIF I could take two fighters per page with the appropriate number of frames and make it a single image/file name. Since Game Extender won't "play" a GIF or any sort of animated file I'm kind of at a loss. Hence my request for a feature that might show the things if they are available for a given game.
  9. You're right. I should be more clear, but there's that aforementioned baby induced lack of sleep. When I say controls I don't mean the button 1 does X, etc. I mean Character Y can be made to the following moves thru this sequence of button presses. It would mostly be for fighting games and the like.
  10. deadboy


    I ran the download utility yesterday and while it did download a bunch of stuff I am still noticing a lot of games that are up on the Games Database site but are not downloading. 720, many of the Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat, Discs of TRON, TRON too for that matter, I'm sure there are others I'm forgeting but my boy was up very early this morning shrieking about his teething so I'm not in the clearest state of mind... ANYWAY If they're pulled from the same database are all the pics on the FTP yet or is there some other way to get them? I thought about just going to the games database site and dl-ing the ones I wanted but I'm not sure how much fiddling I'd have to do with naming and so forth. Plus there's the watermark on all the pics from that site that would be irritating.
  11. Well, maybe I could go about this a different way. Could I request a feature that if there are controls listed that can be seen from the GameEx game info screen there could maybe be an option to display them in Game Extender? I don't know how hard that would be so if it's not possible I'll see what I can figure out with png screenshots or something.
  12. I just missed the registry key at the end of the message. There were those three long strings of HTML for posting your tag and I just stopped reading after the first one. I went ahead and actually looked at it and presto!
  13. Well, it's definitely online. I'm a full subscriber and it tells me everytime when I load up if there's an update. It's connecting to that at least. Is the server in this instance what I set up in the second section in the game extender tab?
  14. Well, not doing GIFs makes it easier, don't have to make the GIF. As for connecting to the server would the GameEx log tell me if it is or isn't connecting?
  15. Now that I'm using the Extender for my second display I was thinking that I'd LOVE to make a GIF or something that would display up there with special moves for fighting games or relevant information. My questions are these: 1) If I make a .GIF image with a 5-10 second per individual layer display time, even with 2 characters worth of moves per screen, it's going to be approximately 2-3 minutes to go start to finish for some of the bigger games. Will the extender accomodate that or will it's system of switching images just move to the next one 10 or so seconds in? 2) I'd like to basically use screen caps from the display of special moves option in GameEx. Is my best bet to just actually do screen caps of that or is there viewer that I could use to translate that information like GameEx is? 3) Has anyone done anything like this that I could steal from/model after? Where might I find it? And secondly, as you can see below, since setting up my GameEx gamer tag it doesn't seem to want to update. Where should I look for settings to fix that? Thanks in advance.
  16. deadboy


    That's great news. I will start the update process as soon as I get home. Thanks
  17. Hooray!!!! Thanks sir for speedy updates on a great program!
  18. deadboy


    Are there any plans on moving some of the files over from Games Database to EmuMovies? There are pictures of cabinets and control panels on one that aren't on the other and it would be nice to be able to get them all from EmuMovies.
  19. I got the same thing when I upgraded to .144. I wound up turning off the bezel option and that made it work OK. You can also downgrade to the .141 that is downloaded by GameEx and get the bezel to work. I assume this is something that's being worked on but as yet...
  20. I have it on the default 127. IP but since it's all on the same system I didn't think the IP address would be nescessary. It's all pointed to a folder on the drive gameex is installed on. But I'll try that when I get home tonight.
  21. I'm just getting black screen. Even on games that have marquees visible in the gameex menu, game extender is pointed to the marquee folder but I still get nada. What should I be looking at in the log.txt or set up to figure this out?
  22. Yeah, It's the whole widescreen thing turned on it's side. I'd rather have black bars over distorting the picture. Especially on a wide screen LCD monitor. That would be a LOT of stretching. And honestly my main reason to post was because the games weren't loading at all. Once I determined that disabling the bezel would let them load it was just a matter of waiting for the inevitable update that recognizes .144 64 bit. Maybe after I get around to the process of telling GameEx to use the correct bezel I'll care more but for now...
  23. I saw the thread on Marquee Magician and thought it was brilliant. I bought an old Golden Tee cabinet for my system and it had a spot between the speakers that fit a 19" LCD I had sitting around in my office PERFECTLY (with some liberal cutting). I was having difficulty figuring out what to put in that spot. It was serendipity to find that thread.
  24. I'm happier just going without the bezel for now. It's not a huge issue. Not to say I wouldn't like to see it resolved but I'm not going to lose any sleep because there are black bars on the side of my games.
  25. This may be the same problem I'm having. In your log.txt is it using the option -artwork_directory instead of -artwork ?
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