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Everything posted by simbamame

    Still by far the best frontend for any arcade set-up, I've tried others but keep coming back to gameex as it is so easy to set up and with top-notch support. Im a lifetime user 🙂
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  1. Well thats a no for me i dont even have those options to be honest it an old registered version from Tom that ive had for years, and because it worked ive kinda left it as it is. Not to worry, i suppose once im into fruit machine menu it stays there.
  2. If im honest ive never used customs menus so looks like ill be reading your guide :-) Thanks Mate , Ian.
  3. Hi mike yeah ive just twigged its you, long time no see buddy.
  4. hi guys been outta loop for a while and now im stuck, so im using GameEx just for fruit machines is there a way that GameEx can go straight into the MFME list so i dont to click Emulated games/fruit machines/ 1st? Its been so long i cant remember! Thanks in advance.
  5. i know its of off topic but if like DIgital fruit machines check out https://www.facebook.com/groups/digitalfruits Im using GameEx as the front end its gonna look smart when finished :-) https://www.facebook.com/ian.longstaff.16/videos/3147489215498956
  6. This will help
  7. Totally agree, and good on you for banning it where ever you can Tom, its unfair to see PBX being disturbed on a cab and you dont reap the rewards. :-( And when i said FREE i meant most of the content thats on these image disks can be downloaded but as MDS said people are lazy.
  8. Yes to be fair a lot do run like this but some of the newer released dont... below is what im trying for, i can get this effect in PBX but not when it runs VPX so its not a PBX Problem. I shouldn't really be posting this here as PBX IS doing what ive asked it to do.
  9. Totally agree with you Tom Nobody should supply a full loaded cab with pbx as a front end and a shed load of pre installed tables unless they have written permission from yourself, its the same with Pinup popper and people who supply ( and charge even though all the content is available free ) hard disk images, Pisses me off.
  10. Check out World of VPX for new tables includes links to the tables as well.
  11. ok thanks My idea is I want to run the tables with backglass and DMD all on the 1 screen and I think to be honest VPX is really designed for cabinet use. I know a lot of the older EM tables use the 1 screen and a few people have created FSS tables :-) but not the newer ones, maybe im hoping for too much.
  12. Ok so maybe its just me being thick but is it possible to run Pinballx on a single screen? im thinking of getting a lappy to take away on holiday ( when we are allowed ) and wondered if i could run just VPX via pinballx ? ( it just that vpx allways seems to wont to run full screen and not sure how id set it up to run with playfield down 1 side with the B2s and DMD down the other is it possible? maybe yes in PBX but when it runs VPX? can the same be done... ) your thought and /or advise greatly appreciated. Ian
  13. To be honest depending on the amount of tables you have installed Id be tempted to just do a complete wipe and do a fresh install of windows, vpx and pinballx to make sure all the old crap is gone, and set it exactly as you want it, but thats just me,
  14. Which emulator are you using? Have you tried the developers / ds emulators home page ?
  15. Are you running windows 10? is so make sure Tablet mode isnt on.
  16. simbamame

    FFS tables

    If you like playing FSS ( Full Single screen ) tables Morttis has release a load of them, check out the game play and links here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWH0DTLwUrDzvHbAglV1pg plus loads of CAB videos for use in PBX :-)
  17. This might help or try http://www.xml-converter.com/
  18. Hi Mike_da_Spike, No im afraid i dont, all links are posted with the video, and i dont release a new video if its only a minor update or fix. Its more to let you know when new a new table/mod or major update has been released or converted to VPX. Ian
  19. if you need a cab video go here
  20. simbamame

    World of VPX

    Hi all Just to let you know ive now taken over running World Of VPX https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWH0DTLwUrDzvHbAglV1pg Here you get a preview / video in both Desk Top and Cabinet mode ( ideal for use in the PBX front end ) Also a link to the table and backglass. Please feel free to drop by and subscribe. Ian.
  21. Hi do you ever need to know when new tables are released, i have a you-tube channel when i show a video and links to new tables when released, please take a look. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq42-ddsQyl7cpSXYEQLHcA
  22. simbamame


    Loserman76 has release a bunch of new EM Tables links here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq42-ddsQyl7cpSXYEQLHcA?view_as=subscriber Nip-It (Bally 1973)VPX Teacher's Pet (Williams 1965)VPX Sweet Hearts (Gottlieb 1963)VPX San Francisco (Williams 1964)VPX Queen of Hearts (Gottlieb 1952)VPX Joker (Gottlieb 1950)VPX Hi-Deal (Bally 1975)VPX Hang Glider (Bally 1976)VPX Amigo (Bally 1974)VPX
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