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Everything posted by celly

  1. celly

    Red Dragon

    I agree, wicked lame. That Reality Boy emulator any good? I guess I'll try that one next.
  2. celly

    Red Dragon

    Just found a Virtual Boy emulator, Red Dragon. I searched the forum here for a config or any kind of help as to getting the screen centered while in full screen. All attempts that I tried failed with either a screen too big or a screen too small way up in the top left corner. Anybody figure this one out?
  3. Cool man. I'll put the HD aside and try unleaded. I'll turn that acceleration deal off first. Thanks again. EDIT: I went to the GameEx site and found a tutorial for running Daphne with the FE. Once I get Daphne running I should be in good shape.
  4. I was using an X-Arcade 2 player with MAME32. Similar problem and I think the way I fixed it was I opened MAME32, went to the control config and tried all the ones in there. It turned out that the Hot Rod config worked (all buttons including side buttons) and not the X-Arcade one that was preinstalled. Then I updated MAME .130 and haven't had a problem since.
  5. Thanks Jelly. I tinked with it all night and actually managed Daphne to recognize Dragon's Lair. When the loader begins its now giving me errors. Google showed a lot of hits with people having the same issue, dl-slates.m2v. I have all the correct files, idk. Here is a copy of the log anyway - --DAPHNE version 0.101.22 --Command line is: daphne.exe lair vldp -framefile F:\Emulators\daphne\lair_HD\lair_HD.txt -blank_searches -min_seek_delay 1000 -seek_frames_per_ms 20 -homedir . -bank 0 11011001 -bank 1 00100011 -sound_buffer 2048 -x 640 -y 480 --CPU : GenuineIntel 1650 MHz || Mem : 512 megs --OS : Windows XP/.NET || Video : 3DForce MX4000 Series, NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000 Setting alternate home dir: . Setting sound buffer size to 2048 Setting screen width to 640 Setting screen height to 480 Set 640x480 at 32 bpp with flags: 0 Initializing sound system ... GI Sound chip initialized at 2000000 Hz No joysticks detected Remapping input ... dbg: about to call load_roms() Loading ./roms/lair/dl_f2_u1.bin ... 8192 bytes read into memory Loading ./roms/lair/dl_f2_u2.bin ... 8192 bytes read into memory Loading ./roms/lair/dl_f2_u3.bin ... 8192 bytes read into memory Loading ./roms/lair/dl_f2_u4.bin ... 8192 bytes read into memory Framefile parse succeeded. Video/Audio directory is: F:/Emulators/daphne/lair_HD/./Lair_HD/ Could not open file : F:/Emulators/daphne/lair_HD/./Lair_HD/dl-slates.m2v Could not initialize laserdisc player! Shutting down sound system... Shutting down video display...
  6. Ok this Daphne emulator is kicking my ace. Its not working outside of GameEx. I've got the latest copy of it from daphne-emu.com (version 1.0 beta), a Dragon's Lair laserdisk game with all the files, no readme to guide me AND, I can't figure out how to load a game. The forums are down at their site, google has been useless and I just figured you guys might have a better grasp of it. This is the last emulator I'm trying to set up for my cab and its a little frustrating not having it work. Thanks.
  7. You know what, I think we had the same old brown couch! Wow! We were always a system behind, Atari when NES and SMS hit the shelves. NES when SNES, and so on.
  8. Thats a good idea thanks! I'll have to put more music on there, I have only about 6 mp3 on that computer. EDIT: Just found a some good C64 and Amiga ones.
  9. What are you using, if any, for ambient music? When I first got GameEx running I was using the Super Mario Brothers 2 theme by The Minibosses, found here - http://minibosses.com/ . I love it but I've worn it out. Then I used the arcade ambient sounds from the early 90's and that was a headache. Now I'm using the original Halo into music with the Valhalla theme. Starting to get burnt on that too, any suggestions?
  10. Why not? The controls are there, the monitors there, why wouldn't you? A wireless mouse helps play those PC games (don't have a trackball on mine). Puzzle Quest Galactrix *wicked awsome*.
  11. I sent you a PM with a couple links. First you'll want to update your firmware to 5.00 M33 and then fill up your memory card with games and apps.
  12. Works like a champ. Easy fix, at least all the roms wheres still in .zip files. Again, thanks.
  13. Thanks, will do.
  14. Dang. I can't believe I didn't think of that. Thanks Freq, gonna take care of that right now.
  15. Seedbad, wow. Thats some wicked bad skills you have. I can dig it! http://www.soundamerica.com/soundamerica/s...me=impresiv.wav
  16. Things are looking good on my emulator lists. However, those .sav files from certain Nintendo handhelds (DS and GBA) keep showing up on the rom list. I do want to keep my saves, just not in that list. Is there a way to hide these off the rom list? I've searched forum here and goog'd out for a fix with no help. Thanks.
  17. Exactly. Honestly, all you really need is MESS. And NullDC. And ScummVM. Oh and Magic Engine. AND Future Pinball. AND....
  18. Super easy process too. I'm quite fond of the PSP and am active in that scene as well. If you need any help with the process I'd be glad to help.
  19. If you have a friend with custom firmware, you can use their PSP to make a battery "pandora". Then, using some files off the net and a little command prompt, you can make a magic memory stick. All for free. Don't waste your money on b.s. your only going to use once. GameEx won't run on it like DamageCase said but, there is a MAME program that will. I play MAME on the go as well. http://dl.qj.net/PSP-MAME4ALL-v4.9r2-Hires...15143/catid/124
  20. I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys.... ah nevermind. I'm a mid-lifer, and I'm proud.
  21. I had this problem with Magical Drop III & II plus all the NeoGeo ROMS I had when I updated to MAME v0.130. I couldn't fix it so I just went back to the older MAME I was using. I'll try that runitigame.bat and see if that helps with v0.130. These games wouldn't show on the list but if I tried loading them anyway, they worked. The audit wouldn't show them as a working ROM either. Its no worries either way, can still play KOF97 through Kawaks.
  22. Oh gee gooly, wow. Nice. I heart updates. Check it out, thanks!
  23. celly

    ePSXe Problem

    Ok, working now. I used your command line and everythings gravy. Turkey and gravy. Thanks.
  24. celly

    ePSXe Problem

    @ Da Killah - The GameEx log didn't report any errors. I just didn't have a "Titles" folder so that was it. That has nothing to do with the games not opening. @ chriss - Once I get home (at work now) I'll post it up. Thanks for replying guys.
  25. celly

    ePSXe Problem

    Hey whats up everybody. First post here, unfortunatly its a help post. Alright, so I can load an ISO through ePSXe by itself, in Windows. I can change the game, full screen it, map controls, the whole nine. When I run it through GameEx, nada. I get the PSX controller in the right corner and then black screen. I haven't had any real problems with GameEx (well, ScummVM beat the crap outta me honestly) til now. I love this as an FE better than MALA. Anyway, thats my problem. Oh and I am also using ePSXeCutor 1.0.6, if that has or doesn't have anything to do with it. Word.
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