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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Your first post worked! Thanks again Using Display Fusion you can now display images in png, jpg, bmp, gif on multiple monitors from within GameEx. So you can have a Marquee on one monitor and Instruction Card or another type of images on another one for example. Then when you exit it will switch back to your default profile restoring all the desktop wallpapers back to the default images. So to set it up you need to create profiles in Display Fusion for each of your games with the names to match the zip files (without the extension of course) example: if your game is named pacman.zip create a profile in Display Fusion called pacman. For each profile change the wallpaper for each monitor and then add the comand lines I mentioned previosly (With the help of fRequEnCy who got it working) in your emulator config Launch Before/After and now each time you run the game you will have those images displayed on those monitors. Of course to use this you need to buy the full version for it to work.
  2. Thanks fReq! that fixed the issue. Here is the correct commands for those wanting to do this with Display Fusion: Launch Before: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -wallpaperloadprofile ""[ROM]"" Launch After: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe" -wallpaperloadprofile ""Default Profile""
  3. When using the plugin instead of Launch Before/After I get a black screen on Monitor 2 and 3 and when exiting everything looks fine as the wallpaper on all the monitors goes back to the default. Very strange. Noticed the plugin says it's 2.2 but when you lauch the configure plugin is says it's 2.0 if that means anything at all. Just took notice of that.
  4. I tried single and double quotes and it doesn't work. Outside GameEx it works just fine. The Launch Before works perfect just need the after to work. Looking at the log file shows no launch after happening???? So to me looks like it isn't working correctly in GameEx. I have even tried the PlugIn Launch plugin and it doesn't work either. Yeah to be honest I do believe in the past the Launch After has never worked for me in GameEx thinking about it but it's been awile and figured if Tom has it in there then it should be working cuz what is the point then. If you or anyone else has Display Fusion try it for yourself and let me know.
  5. I think the Launch After may not be working correctly. Reason being is I am using Display Fusion command line to change the desktop wallpapers for each MAME game to display different images on each of my monitors by using the following command prompt: Launch Before: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe -wallpaperloadprofile ""[ROM]"" Launch After: C:\Program Files (x86)\DisplayFusion\DisplayFusionCommand.exe -wallpaperloadprofile ""Default Profile"" Well the launch before works just fine but when I exit the MAME game nothing happens on the desktop or any of the other monitors as it should display the wallpapers I set in the Default Profile. I tested both command lines outside GameEx and it works just fine. Any ideas? I like being able to use Display Fusion to change the wallpapers as essentially it works like GameExtender except I could display different images on every monitor per game.
  6. Not sure if this has been mentioned but the ability to create different background for each menu item. So for example when you create a custom menu and you select between the different systems you can have a background image for each system you switch between this way you can use a graphical menu instead of a text based one (with maybe fade in effects or others possibly) and also maybe a box to play a video if you so choose.
  7. Finally getting my system back to normal as it's been down a few days. The usual boot error when I turned it on ... oh well gave me time to re-format and clean up all the crap on the HD. Good thing for backup's! Anyways I re-did the Liberator, Pong and Yie Ar Kung-Fu themes and added a few new ones!
  8. Getting alot done today! Here comes Shrike Avenger [Prototype].
  9. Try deleting the source folder and re-unzipping the mame source into a new folder and try patching it again. I found that when I deleted the MAME source folder and unzipping the MAME 0.148 source and starting fresh then re-apply the patches works everytime at least for me your case might be different. Maybe try re-installing MinGW if that doesn't work just so you have all the files in place correctly if any are corrupt. Don't know what else to say as it is working for me sorry. I'm pretty new at doing this myself but I followed these steps several times and has worked everytime without issues. The only other thing I noticed is you had the box checked for No Warning As Errors I left this unchecked. Try that. Also I have the Optimize set to Auto Detect where you have it at None if that matters at all.
  10. In what order did you try to apply the patches? U1 first, u2 second then hi-score?
  11. Cosmic Chasm is the first of pack 23 and will include a custom bezel for MAME based on the theme. [uPDATE] I've updated the bezel with an instruction card.
  12. I'm confused to why you have your source as 0.148u2? Shouldn't that be 0.148 not u2 as you are trying to apply the u1 patch then the u2 diff to the 0.148 source.
  13. Check this place out if you like Handheld Remakes!
  14. Why are you trying to compile the old patches to 0.148? You need to use the MAME source 0.148 and apply the new patches 0.148u1/u2 and the u2 high score patches to the current 0.148. You keep mentioning 0.147 when it sounds like you are wanting to compile 0.148u2 if I understand correctly? or am I missing something here? Follow the instructions but use the newer 0.148 diffs patches instead of the 0.147 ones in the instructions.
  15. Theme Pack 22 released! See pics here and here.
  16. It took awhile but glad you got it running so you can enjoy the themes! I know my Gameroom theme is a bit more challenging to setup but as you have seen the results you get are well worth it I do believe. Thanks for hanging in there while we got it setup on your system. Try adding in the Arcade Ambiences (mp4) to the theme to give you more of an arcade feel to the interface.
  17. WWF WrestleFest, Space Zap, Moon War, New York New York, Pong, Seawolf and Chase Bombers!
  18. In the wake of LucasArts closure this week, Raven Software -the devs behind Star Wars Jedi Outcast- have decided to release the source code for the game and its sequel, Jedi Academy. The code released is only for the single-player portion of both games. The games are available under the GPLv2 license. You can grab it below! - Jedi Academy Source Code [sourceforge] - Jedi Outcast Source Code [sourceforge]
  19. Do you have a registered copy of GameEx? or the Demo? I've updated your GameEx.ini try this one. The other config files are ok!
  20. That's right, Disney has shut down LucasArts and cancelled all its current projects, including Star Wars 1313 and Star Wars: First Assault. According to Kotaku, 150 people were laid off in the closure... “After evaluating our position in the games market, we’ve decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company’s risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games," LucasArts parent company LucasFilm said in a statement. "As a result of this change, we’ve had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles.” According to a LucasArts representative, Star Wars 1313 could still be saved through licensing... "It is worth noting that we are looking for proven external partners who can help us provide video games to our fans. We still believe in the video game industry, we still will provide Star Wars games, we're just looking at different models rather than internal production... They're evaluating everything. There's always a possibility that it [star Wars 1313] can still come out via licensing." But, a second source also told Kotaku that the chances of Lucas licensing out 1313 are "very slim". The odds are "effectively zero," the source said. Well, there you have it. Very sad news. Good luck to all the people affected... News taken from MaxConsole!
  21. What happens when you press enter a 3rd time does it run the game? I'm wondering if it has anything to do with you running the theme at a different resolution on your monitor where this theme was designed for 1920x1080 displays. Just a thought .... I was looking over your configs and everything seems fine unless I overlooked something. I was comparing them with mine. Is anyone else having issues setting up my Gameroom theme?
  22. Atomiswave Themes Vol 1 is now ready for downloading! See previous post for the link and snaps of the themes.
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