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All my products and services are free. All my costs are met by donations I receive from my users. If you enjoy using any of my products, please donate to support me. Thank you for your support. Tom Speirs



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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. Here is a custom loading screen I made for my pincab.
  2. It's fixed Tom Thanks!!! Loading screen works perfect again!
  3. Ok actually I did get the black lines to go away Tom. Removed the Win 7 Comp. and like you said changed PinballX to Fullscreen and Fullscreen Windowed and no more black lines. I think I need some more coffee it's getting late here and I'm getting tired. Also looks like it fixed the loading issue..... Thanks Tom it's working!!
  4. Be cool if there was an option to play a video mp4 while the table is loading possibly. Sorry got off track just trying to come up with something to possibly fix this issue.
  5. Isn't there a way to make an option to force the display a loading screen for x amount of mins that we could choose and then go away? Seems like the loading screen goes away as soon as VP starts.
  6. Well the problem with windowed mode it doesn't list 1920x1080? Tried it but same thing. Loading only displays for like 2 sec.s then the VP editor displays fullscreen with it's loading dialog also it doesn't close the B2S Server either as my backglass is showing after I exit when before it doesn't only when it skips the disclaimer the first time on a select table very wierd. WHen I run the same table again it closes everything when I exit PinballX
  7. No Fullscreen only @ 1920x1080x32. Reason for win 7 comp. is because I get black lines in PinballX menu when scrolling thru the tables. If I check Win 7 Comp. then I don't get those black lines. Not sure what causes it maybe my video card which is ATI 7850HD on a Dell S2340T touch screen monitor
  8. no nothing changes same thing. VP Editor still showing.
  9. Yeah I dunno Tom soon as I tell you it appears working then it doesn't. I re-booted my system and tried it again and it's back to showing the VP editor again.
  10. Nope sorry tried running another table and it's back showing the vp editor. Seems like it's random. Almost like it works for 1 table unless you restart pinballx each time. Well the black lines are fixed when selecting tables when I unchecked run as admin with this version. Also the skip disclaimer feature didn't work correctly on a few tables. I think that doesn't work unless you have run as admin enabled. If I enable run as admin then it works correctly
  11. That almost work perfectly but the windows taskbar shows along with pinballx loading screen. The second time I tried it the taskbar didn't show. Tried another table and the VP editor was back and now it's back to the way it was all the time with the editor showing. Very strange tom it seems when you run a table and you haven't removed the disclaimer yet then the editor will show everytime until you exit pinballx then when you run it again it works perfectly.
  12. Yeah I notice with PinballX and Windows 8.1 you need to run as Admin and check Win 7 compatible for it to work but then you get the loading screen issue by checking run as admin. If that helps at all.
  13. Wow! crash when I tried running it!! My desktop flickered on and off then nothing. I am running Windows 8.1 Pro I unchecked run as admin I get pinballx loading then back to desktop. It doesn't show any error message just goes back to desktop.
  14. Will try it and let you know. Just FYI I have to check Win 7 compatible or else I will get black lines across the screen when selecting tables in PinballX
  15. I am having the same issue and I tried the above update and still I see the VP editor when loading a table. PinballX loading appears for a few secs then the desktop appears with the VP editor loading the table then the table runs. [uPDATE] I fixed it by removing run as admin from PinballX icon but then when I exit it doesn't close VP I have to manually close it then it returns back to PinballX [uPDATE2] I re-checked Run as Admin and now it works perfectly fine. Very strange!
  16. Yes great job! Really makes the PinballX site pop.
  17. Happy New Years to the GameEx community!! Here is to another Great year of retro GameEx goodness. Be safe and happy gaming.
  18. Search feature when you press a letter/number it will goto the tables that start with the letter/number you press.
  19. Christmas has brought me a new touch screen and a upgrade for my pinball pc with win 8.1. So looks like I'll be taking a break from theme making for awhile to work on my pinball system. Will be back next year and resume working on the theme. Have a safe and Happy New Year guys!!
  20. Happy B-Day!! Hope you had a nice day...
  21. Yeah I figured so but thought I better ask. Anyways everything installed ok and running beautifully Tom!! Just installed PinballX on my other computer which I just upgraded to Win 8.1 and really looking forward to working on my new Pinball Cocktail cab. Just installed my first table and was a breeze to setup and get working. Using a touch screen with another monitor for the backglass and it's running nice!! Can't wait to install more tables been running VP and FP in desktop now I can run them FS with PinballX and it's awesome. Thanks Tom for such another great FE!! Any plans for Touch screen support in PinballX? Be nice to scroll thru the tables by just swiping my monitor.
  22. Never mind just installing and will see what happens.
  23. Just a ? regarding installing PinballX on a Win 8.1 Pro x64 setup. When I goto install it ask to install .Net Framework 2.0 but I know Win 8 has .Net 4 installed should I just say ok and install it or will that mess anything up?
  24. Tell you what I have an SSD on my main computer with Win 7 Home x64 and it boots up pretty fast but I just installed Win 8.1 Pro x64 on my other computer without an SSD just a 1.5 HDD and it boots up faster than my SSD believe it or not! Win 8.1 Pro is really nice.
  25. Command line is: Altirra.exe /f "[ROMPath]\[RomFile]" /f = fullscreen *There are a few more command line options but can't remember them at the top of my head. The above thou should get you going.
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