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Posts posted by scutters

  1. @Mike Iacaruso On top of the other Mikes excellent suggestions please also try setting the 'Use Direct B2S in front end' to No in display settings. All of those settings will be easy to re-enable later if needed, so i'd suggest disabling them all and retesting.. if successful re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the issue, if unsuccessful then please re-attach new log and ini files after the test, and let us know if you did any software (or even hardware) changes when the problem first appeared.

    @marcusvpcardoso Please create a new thread for your issue attaching your pinballx.ini and log.txt files and also more info on your issue (is the hang on exit only with Future Pinball, but other emulators exit ok?)

    • Like 2
  2. 17 hours ago, echodun said:

    Updated firmware on my playfield LCD and now I can't see stats on backglass.  Didn't change any of the settings in the ini file, but I think the Windows screen assignments may have been changed from 1 for the playfield to 2.  My ini file for the stats2.0 plugin shows an x axis position of about 5350 which typically put the stats right on the lower right corner of the backglass.  Now, anything over the x axis max of the playfield (i.e., 3840)  doesn't show up at all anywhere. 

    UPDATED:  Fixed by making my playfield the only display.  Apply settings.  Then extending that monitor so that backglass monitor is on the right for "extending the display"  My backglass had moved to the left in Windows Display Settings.

    Thanks for the update with the fix. It makes sense as the plugin works from the relative position of the full desktop (all screens), so would be affected by the screens positions being changed in windows.

  3. 4 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

    When launching PinballX, I only see in the log file the Iris video card, not the rtx. Not sure if this is causing an issue.
    any suggestion would be appreciated !

    My guess is that it's the power/battery saving laptop functions affecting that. Try going into windows 'graphics settings' and setting PinballX to run as high performance (set to use the rtx gpu) and see if that changes anything. If you still get black videos then maybe it's a lav config setting somewhere, but if that fixes it then it's probably an intel gpu driver issue.

    No idea about the flash engine error.

    • Thanks 1
  4. I think all the main front ends recommend having the playfield screen as screen 1 and have it as the leftmost screen and primary screen in the display settings

    I've never tried, but the screen number is probably less important than it being the primary screen and also being the leftmost screen. I'd try dragging screen 2 the left of screen 1 in display settings. But your choice..

  5. 59 minutes ago, Wimpie said:

    Works fine with SetDMD, that's what I've been using before. But why use an external program when PinballX is supposed to do the same?

    If you've run setdmd and set the vpiinmame default position value then you only need to run it once (unless you change your screen order). As it's a set and forget thing with setdmd why have PinballX position the DMD every time you start a SS table?

    • Haha 1
  6. I wouldn't put this down a bug in PinballX, it just windows being windows and making a mess of screen numbers. I use 6 screens and nvidia and windows disagree about the screen numbers so what chance does pbx have?. 

    You have a few options;

    1. Manually edit the pinballx.ini file to try screen ids > 5 
    2. Set the screen id the same as the backglass for the DMD and use the DMD x, y offset values as a relative position from the top left of the backglass
    3. Try and clean the windows registry entries for attached screens as described here - https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=49405&p=501605

    Personally, option 3 would be last resort and only after backing up those registry entries.

  7. @Wimpie If you want to turn off the auto position of DMD in PinballX because it's not working for you and your pinmame registry positions all need updating then SetDMD is probably worth a look, https://www.pinballbulbs.com/files/setdmd.html. It's an old program but should do the trick for setting default position for new roms and also update any existing saved positions.

    Do make a backup of the vpm registry key first though as it suggests in the notes though (just in case).

    • Like 1
  8. 9 minutes ago, benge said:

    But the setup doesn`t see the bat file. It only sees the dmdext.exe file which doesn`t open the dmdext. You have to use the bat file.

    This is in the launch before options?

    When you click the 3 dots for the launch before executable and the dialogue opened did you click the drop down filter and change 'executable files (*.exe)' to 'batch files (*.bat)'?

    Best to attach your pinballx.ini and log.txt files in case it's something else and we have our wires crossed.

  9. Mikes a busy guy so might not have time to have had a look yet.

    As you've had some success with Pinaffinity running then maybe you could play around there... As you don't want Pinaffinity running all the time you could launch and close pinaffinity with FX3 tables only via settings, or start PinballX and see what CPU cores are in use and try changing them there before launching FX3 to see if that changes anything (if it does then you could even create a shortcut for pinballx with cpu affinity set - https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/how-to-permanently-set-priority-affinity-with/e7fe5a46-37c8-4277-9d27-60b537c4780a)

    Or you could just have PinAffinity running all the time ;).  Sorry, i'm out of other ideas.

  10. @MAYAman Search your PC drive for PinballX.exe. This will confirm if you have two instances installed and where (just in case you did install to a new location instead of upgrading the current install as Mike suggested).

    Let us know what you find, and please attach the \log\log.txt and \config\pinballx.ini files from any locations PinballX is installed.

    If you do have only one install and somehow the ini/config was corrupted during the upgrade then all the media files etc should still be in place (again as Mike said), so you may be able to just add & configure whatever systems you had before and then use the 'auto add' tables function to quickly recreate the system xml/database files if they were lost as well (which seems unlikely).

    • Like 1
  11. As far as i know based on log files etc;

    5 hours ago, Carny_Priest said:

    It's not clear from the current documentation. Does PinballX capture/record all screens simultaneously as PBX Recorder does, or does PinballX capture the screens sequentially like Popper and PinballY?


    5 hours ago, Carny_Priest said:

    PBX Recorder uses a two pass approach - first pass for capturing raw frames and second pass for transcoding/compression. Does PinballX use a two pass approach or a single pass approach (i.e., real-time compression)?

    PinballX uses two pass (at least for ffmpeg capture). Pbx recorder can use real time or two pass in a later version (https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/28516-pbx-recorder-captures-playfield-backglass-and-dmd-videos-and-images/?do=findComment&comment=194355)

    5 hours ago, Carny_Priest said:

    PinballX is capable of using ffmpeg for the capture application, but can it use the newer ddagrab filter for potentially capturing FP full desktop screen? The FP port for PBX Recorder replaced ffmpeg with OBS as the capture application but it was a little harder for users as it requires a custom profile input, etc. It would be nice to use ffmpeg for all systems. Yeah, there is capturing through NVidia ShadowPlay but the PinballX documentation says that it is only for playfield capture?

    Would need a change to PinballX to use ddagrab with ffmpeg for FP (and users to update their ffmpeg copies), probably a feature request. Think the shadowplay option is actually for all screens but probably only mentions playfield as that is (was) the problematic screen to capture for opengl apps with ffmpeg, never loaded geforce experience on the cab so don't know for sure ( @Mike_da_Spike can probably answer)

    5 hours ago, Carny_Priest said:

    I don't think I can face updating PBX Recorder at this point because of all of the supported customizations allowed with current front-ends. Screenres.txt allows any number of comments plus separate custom res files. Users can structure tables pretty much however they want. More ini stuff with Visual Pinball and dmdext. It's too difficult for me to allow for all the possibilities. Was hoping for comparable features from any current front-end.

    So long as the default screenres.txt defines the full backglass area etc to match PinballX screens then i don't think the .res files will matter, if a B2S uses only part of a screen due to the .res file then pbxrecorder would still capture the full area - and that it was you'd want to avoid it getting stretched when displayed in PinballX.  But the screenres.txt file could be located somewhere other then the Tables folder now.


    Probably needs @Tom Speirs to confirm most of what i've said above though!


    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, pudie said:

    Does anyone know why I get a blank notepad when I start PBX?
    I also get one for every different table I start.
    These are visible on my desktop once I close PBX and I then have to close all the notepad boxes on by one.
    Any help would be appreciated.....thanks.

    In settings.exe make sure you have the launch before and after set to no for whatever systems you're using where the executable is Notepad.exe;


    • Like 1
  13. I think this has come up before and may be a limitation in PinballX and would need a new feature request if it is.

    Generally, launch audio files are used in conjunction with muted loading videos. 

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