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Posts posted by scutters

  1. You can use the built in functionality in Game Manager or PBX Recorder 


    By the way, it looks like you have 64bit pinballx installed - the 32bit version won't have the compatibility issues you're getting running B2S in the front end now, but i'd 3rd the view that videos are definitely the way to  go for a smooth front end.

  2. Came across this in an older post 

    Doesn't show thumbnails straight off, but the html report it generates does have hyperlinks to open them and it highlights very quickly tables with missing media, if you ask nicely over at vpuniverse they might update it to show thumbnails.

    Looks look i now need to check media for a few tables i have loaded..

    • Thanks 2
  3. Good thinking, I've always imported in Game Manager from another location (USB stick as the cabs offline) so never tried it that way. If you're already copying the files to DMD videos folder manually then you could probably rename them at the same time to match the table and not use game manager at all.

    The only other problem i've had is with some table names with strange characters like Motörhead where i had to change the ö to an o in the name and the media files. Which files/tables do you still have issues with?

  4. I have a mixture of mp4 & f4v dmd videos and both formats work fine for me on lcd dmd. I'll try your airbourne f4v later on..

    Edit- Gave your airbourne f4v file a go and it worked for me. I use the lav filters from the pinballx homepage, although i have since installed vlc player 2.2.8 32bit as well which maybe changed some stuff(?) . I'm on win10 64bit.

  5. I don't know of anything. Game Manager does list what media is missing but only previews the wheel image, if you don't find anything then maybe a feature request to have optional media preview in game manager?

    Edit: Had a thought and this sounds a bit messy (because it is) but you might be able to create a new pinballx.ini file  (backup current one 1st!) that shows pinball x playfield, dmd & backglass on one screen and then have game manager open on another at the same time. Then restore original pinballx.ini after. Just a thought... and i did say messy didn't i?!

  6. I use company logo's on the 3rd screen for non dmd tables, import via game manager from the pinballx\media\company logos folder. Then uncheck hide dmd in game manager for that table so the image still shows after opening the game. I think if you've recorded a blank dmd video with pbx recorder that the video will take precedence over the image though so make sure you delete that in the dmd videos folder for that system if that is the case.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Depending what you see in the event log it might also be worth temporarily  disabling any antivirus / Defender you have running and trying pinballx again, probably not a factor but worth ruling out. If event log clear and not related to anti virus then back up your pinballx media, database & config folders and uninstall / delete current installation completely. Reinstall the 32bit version and test, then copy your config, databases and media folders back across and retest.

  8. The last entry in your log file is "Loading Game Statistics and Scores", in mine the line i have after that is "Main display running full screen windowed." so issue seems to have something to do with one of those lines activities. In your pinballx.ini file you don't have a line like "FullScreenWindowed=False" under the [Display] section which could relate to the info from the log files (there's actually a few lines missing when compared to mine).

    Do you have a backup copy of the pinballx.ini file from when it was known to be working for comparison purposes?. If not try adding that line to the end of the [Display] section.

    Also, please confirm  pinballx install location/path , if running as admin or not (via right click on pinballx.exe, properties, compatibility, run as administrator), and the exact error message that says unable to load (or screenshot it)

  9. On 3/9/2015 at 12:05 PM, MisterB said:

    Hi Adultery,

    I have been running into multiple issues using the plugin for PinballX. I am using the latest PBX (1.97), and the latest version of your plugin from the first post (1.0.3).

    First off, I seem to be having the issue where using the Plugin Manager erases the command arguments. When I launch a batch file, I get a message indicating I have no args. Sure enough, if I look at the XML, they have been removed. So I have also tried editing the XML directly.

    When I modify the XML and try to launch a table , I get a "Could not start process" error. I get this when running batch files. I also also tried running a python script, with similar results (I pass the path to the Python interpreter as a process, and the name of the file as an argument).

    I have uploaded a zip of the DLL, XML, and a simple batch file to Dropbox to illustrate this. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ari7x81x9dl8s0e/QLError.zip?dl=0

    Any help you can provide is much appreciated!

    Was this fixed?.. i'm guessing not because using quicklaunch 1.0.4 with pbx 3.28 32bit on win10 64bit  i'm getting the same issues - arguments get removed unless added to settings.xml directly and also get the "could not start process!" error when launching a table. Or is a there a later version somewhere?. 


  10. On 1/3/2019 at 3:15 PM, cherga said:

    Hi all,

    I'd like to submit a feature request to add custom loading images by system to PinballX. An example of what I'm requesting is below. Thanks!

    I run MAME and a Jukebox on my backbox screen. When using either system, the playfield displays the usual "LOADING" image. I'd like to be able to display something other than the default loading image... Perhaps a MAME logo, or the logo of the game being played.

    +1 from me!, by table and or system would be good. Default to the current loading screen if no image found. I did try changing  the loading.png image via a launch before bat file, but it seems the loading image is loaded before that fires (or at least doesn't honour the wait for exit flag), which i suppose makes sense as you'd want the loading screen there for any long running launch before activities,

    Edit: 25/02/19 functionality now added via plugin. Would still like 'native' support in pinballx though

  11. 8 hours ago, DaBanan said:

    I can not see the BG while scrolling through the tables

    Are you using the 64bit version? You have UseB2S=True in the ini file, B2S is 32bit so that could be a problem. If not try turning that feature off and using backglass videos instead.

  12. On 12/31/2018 at 5:16 PM, Mike_da_Spike said:

    3. "I normally shut down with power switch and have no problem when booting up again? " Do you mean that you don't give a graceful shutdown, but just power off your machine?

    Yeah, that would be a problem. I've inadvertently shut down power without shutting down windows before, and yes it did corrupt/reset the pinballx config.ini.

    Don't do it, always shutdown windows first! - you're asking for problems if you don't, even hardware issues.

  13. Ok, so it is a focus thing. Have a look at this thread as option 1...

    (I would rename vpauto.exe rather than delete it so you have a backup).

    If that doesn't work i'b be tempted to try a batch file in your pinballx Run Program on Startup settings as option 2, something like the below pasted in notepad and saved as a .bat file (amend the tablename to something you have) that will hopefully preload/cache anything in the same way as when you start a game and have the focus issue now before restarting pbx.

    START /MIN /HIGH "loadvpx" "c:\visual pinball\Tables\tablename.vpx" 
    TIMEOUT /T 10
    TASKKILL /F /IM "VPinballX.exe" /T

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