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Posts posted by scutters

  1. It might be worth changing the visual pinball launch parameters in PinballX to;

    -DisableTrueFullScreen -minimized -play "[TABLEPATH]\[TABLEFILE]"

    .. so that it matches the default popper parameters. As you don't get the issue with the current launch parameters from a command line it shouldn't really change anything as the command line is doing exactly the same as PinballX is now (so i don't know what the issue/difference is). Alternative may just have be to save the table with 10.7 and then use the alternate exe flag in PinballX to launch with 10.7 for this table.

    • Like 1
  2. If the cmd prompt is now ok using the same launch parameters as Pinballx (and pretty much the same as popper from what i can tell from this post https://vpuniverse.com/forums/topic/9212-pinup-popper-will-no-longer-open-vpx-since-check-for-valid-command-line-parameters-1942-was-released-solved/?do=findComment&comment=74876) then it may also be worth checking you haven't at some time enabled some windows compatibility mode for the PinballX executable as they can have some strange side effects.

  3. 5 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

    What are the command line parameters from Popper to launch this file?

    Agree. There must be difference in the launch parameters, possibly using a different VPX executable (the DX, or a 10.7 version)?

    • Like 2
  4. Might not be the issue but your log shows the table launch as;

    13:44:56.45  7/7/2024:  C:\Visual Pinball\C:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX_GL64.exe /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Batman 66 (Stern 2016).vpx"

    Which has 'C:\Visual Pinball\' twice. This is because you have included the path to Visual Pinball in the executable entry. Can you change that to include the executable name only and try again (go to settings.exe, Visual Pinball system and set the executable entry to just 'VPinballX_GL64.exe')

    If the issue is still present please open a cmd prompt and paste this line in (which is the same as PinballX launching the table), does the issue exist then?

    "C:\Visual Pinball\VPinballX_GL64.exe" /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\Batman 66 (Stern 2016).vpx"


    • Like 2
  5. 11 hours ago, Fiery Phoenix said:

    Log shows this...problem?

    23:27:56.29 03/07/2024: Please try deleting flash.ocx in the installation folder and then reininstall PinballX.

    Flash is used to display old flash format flyers, so probably not a factor in your issue. @Mike_da_Spikedid make some notes a while back about to correct it though https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/27599-guidehow-to-remove-flashocx/

    Looking at your logs there doesn't seem to be much of a pattern to the issue - Creature from the Black Lagoon has launched and exited ok in one log but failed in another;


    23:28:06.70  03/07/2024:  C:\Visual Pinball\VPX 3D\VPinballX_GL64.exe /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\3D Tables\Creature From The Black Lagoon (Bally 1992).vpx" -minimized -ini "C:\Users\Pinball\AppData\Roaming\VPinballX\VPX3D.ini"
    23:28:06.75  03/07/2024:  C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 
    23:28:15.09  03/07/2024:  Visual Pinball Player window foreground: 8
    23:28:30.45  03/07/2024:  Exit System Control Pressed


    08:55:02.75  04/07/2024:  C:\Visual Pinball\VPX 3D\VPinballX_GL64.exe /play -"C:\Visual Pinball\Tables\3D Tables\Creature From The Black Lagoon (Bally 1992).vpx" -minimized -ini "C:\Users\Pinball\AppData\Roaming\VPinballX\VPX3D.ini"
    08:55:02.76  04/07/2024:  C:\PinballX\vpauto.exe 


    So for some reason PinballX isn't recognising that VPX has successfully launched when you see the issue (as there's no 'Visual Pinball Player window foreground' line in the log), and nor does that monitoring process timeout either (no 'Visual Pinball Foreground Timout' message in the log) - but only sometimes(?)

    Can you try something Mike suggested, for the VPX 3D system in settings change the system type from 'Visual Pinball' to 'Custom' just as a test (which should stop PinballX checking for the Visual Pinball windows becoming active), and let us know if that makes any difference (and attach a new log copy!).

    Also, please confirm that you have exceptions set in antivirus / defender for anything & everything Pinball related and let us know general system health status (plenty of free space on C drive, no other crashes or random error messages popping up, games always launch ok outside PinballX etc)

    • Like 1
  6. Looks like you're on PinballX V6.02 so you may as well update to the latest version.

    After the update can you post pinballx log files after the issue for the regular VP system for Big Bang Bar and for the 3D system so they can be compared (might be different issues). Ideally open a 'working' table in the VP system that exits normally before opening and attempting to exit Big Bang Bar so that is in the log too.

    When the hang occurs, is VPX still open or does it fully exit (with no left over visual pinball processes in task manager [details tab])?

    • Like 1
  7. @robertms It looks like you have the form maximised, is that on the backglass monitor in the screenshot, and do you have any scaling set in windows for the screens, or all at 100%?

    Edit - a bit of late idea on this (and it might sound a little crazy :lol:), but can you run dbm unmaximised, then drag the bottom right corner to shrink the form size down as far as possible, then close dbm and reopen it.  Any change?

  8. 2 hours ago, Mike_da_Spike said:

    Even though everything remains the same as you mentioned, PinballX seems to believe that the displays are changing. I know that @scutters uses many screens in his setup and I haven't heard him complain about screens moving

    Indeed, i have a six screen setup (3 small apron screens). Haven't had any issue with screens changing or moving (except after some windows updates 🤬). 

    @2huwman instead of screen numbers, you can instead adjust the X & Y offsets as relative values from the leftmost screen. That may work better for you if you don't want to clean up the monitor number entries in the registry.

    On 6/7/2024 at 1:53 PM, 2huwman said:

    I've got an ultrawide apron monitor where I display instruction cards. They are displayed in the correct aspect ratio when I'm browsing games in PinballX, but as soon as I play the game the instruction card gets stretched to the full width of the monitor. Can I retain the aspect ratio of the card in game?

    On 6/7/2024 at 1:53 PM, 2huwman said:

    The video playing in my topper always freezes on the first game I play after powering on. If I exit out of the game and go back in it plays fine (and for any other game it's fine after that too). Is there a way to stop that happening?

    Can't really comment on these as i use images rather than videos for the topper screen but make sure you have the latest LAV codecs installed , and my instruction card screen is 4:3 so wouldn't stretch in game as you see, would probably need @Tom Speirs to investigate that anyway.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    The default freezy for labyrinth is vintage standard led type with just score and credit and balls, so pretty useless.

    That's all that most of the segment to flex dmd display conversions show ;), just with a more custom font and colour.

    I think you're looking for a fully animated flex dmd.

    18 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    There is a table that uses it, like stranger thing (without pup pack) or Twin Peaks. I need to check the script of this table to see how's done.

    Those tables are originals, labyrinth is a reskin of a rom based table. The difference is that for original tables the table script controls the table and what is displayed and when, for rom based tables the rom is in control so you can only respond to rom events (switch hits, lamp on/off changes etc) as well as the whatever the segment display is showing etc, this makes adding a flex dmd with animations more complex for rom tables (still possible, but may be easier with alhanumeric displays as you can respond to text displayed in game as well for game status clues which isn't an option with a numeric only segment display).

    Hope that makes sense.

  10. I don't have that table so not sure what rom it uses.

    Assuming it's a reskin of a rom table using segment scoring then have a look at this thread - https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=47807&hl= if you want to do a custom flexdmd (easiest if you can find a table in there that uses the same rom/system type as the mapping to convert the lit segment combinations to characters will be the same)...   or you could just enable the default freezy external dmd in vpinmame for that rom (can also be done in table script if you also run the original version of the table with the same rom), probably not as pretty but it'll work.

    Might be worth asking in that thread on vpforums with a link to the table you're using if you get stuck going down the custom route - if you're lucky @endeemillr might see it and help out before i get chance to.

  11. You can use pinemhi leaderboard (http://pinemhi.com/vp.php) outside PinballX to view your hi scores for rom tables online, but it does require registering for (free) and setting up (https://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=44580&hl=)

    However if all you want is to occasionally view your most played tables then you'd have to create some kind of parser for the PinballX statistics.ini file to dump out that data into a text file (and then run it on PinballX exit to update the file), the plugin could do this but not much time at the moment for me to look at that - but maybe in the future i'll add it.

    • Like 1
  12. 52 minutes ago, killa7977 said:

    Somebody still here? I Need a Little help with this plugin

    Still here!

    Let me know what the problem is.

    From the first post;


    If you have any issues then please attach the PinballX.ini, Log.txt & statistics.ini files as well as the all the plugins PBXStatsDisplay.ini & PBXStatsDisplay_log.txt files along with a description of the problem.

  13. 2 hours ago, u-man said:

    I would really like to know, how to enable the ping-pong feature with .apng files.

    As far as i know there is no magic flag to enable a ping-pong / forward then reverse loop / patrol cycle style animation. I think the frames are just duplicated in reverse, happy to be corrected though!

    For apngs my tip to keep file size down would be to minimize the change area between frames (only the rectangle of changed area of each frame is stored in the apng file- see http://littlesvr.ca/apng/inter-frame.html, which probably explains why a ping-pong loop without frame duplication wouldn't work) - and using something like pingo/pinga for compression (https://css-ig.net/)

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, VPA35BKSOR said:

    Hello Mike!!!

    You also need to attach 'your dof log file from the plugins directory and check dor dof.log from the dof directory', most of the information needed for your issue will be in those.

    Mike did release an update to the DOF plugin though (https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/26999-plugin-pinballx-dof-14-swisslizard-modified/), i don't know if it'll fix your issue.


  15. 4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    click F1 to choose flexdmd on/off (always set show dmd off)

    If you run vpinmame\setup.exe -> Setup Defaults you can set show dmd off as the default (for any new roms)

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    then move and resize dmd to my backglass, right click save for rom

    Probably worth doing a 'save position globally' when you right click to get a default position set for the 9 out of 10 128x32 dmd's. Then you'd just need to adjust for the 192x64 sega roms etc.

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    Is this enough to register table for Pinballx,

    Yes, get the game running and configured how you want then add to PinballX and add / record media then.

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    I only need to save table when I change script right?

    Also save if you change anything in sound or image manager etc (most edits are in script, but occasionally you may need to move sound playback location from playfield to backglass or change a image in the table file)

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    At the moment I don't use pup videos but I'd like some for original tables, I've tried goonies, I can hear audio but no video playing...

    Did you install pinup player? (see https://nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=install_guide#installing_pinup_player_step_one)

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    Elvira and the Party Monsters

    With this table i have a problem : no matter if i set flexdmd off or show, the visual dmd is always behind (already set true in device dmd.ini for dmd to show at top of other windows).

    Behind the backglass? In the old days you'd right click the backglass and select bring forms -> form to back (i'd still do it this way), or the new way is to 'punch' a hole in the backglass with a tool included in more recent B2S backglass server releases (see https://github.com/vpinball/b2s-backglass/wiki/B2SWindowPunch)

  16. 4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    Yeah thanks! 2nd option can work, it depends where the overlay is positioned, if i can set to the location like in the picture would be perfect!

    Not at the moment. But might be enough to get you by, i see you've raised the a feature request too 👍

    4 hours ago, Pinballgab said:

    The image it's just photoshop, not my cab :)

    Thank the lord, that would've been one messed up setup!! :lol:

    • Like 1
  17. On 5/7/2024 at 8:15 AM, Pinballgab said:

    Another problem I have is related with joytokey which I'm using with Pinball Arcade game. It seems that joytokey is interfering with PinballX if it's running and I need to manually close with an autoscript (planning to delete Pinball Arcade anyway). Have you had the same problem using joytokey or similar?

    It shouldn't interfere with PinballX, if it is it's probably a double key mapping issue somewhere with joytokey sending a key that is used in PinballX. If you only use buttons in PinballX and don't pick up a keyboard sometimes then clear the key mappings in PinballX.

  18. Not sure what's going on in that image with the two wheel types overlayed -  so i'll assume it's being hacked together for demonstration of where you want the manufacturer logo & year.

    As it stands, no you can't have the logo & year where you have the in your image.

    Best you can do is one of three things;

    • Show the additional detail pane in the top of the screen (you've already ruled that out)
    • Show wheel overlay images (can show manufacturer but not year - although manufacturer logos can be customised by date range, so you could create logo files including years. Looks like you've tried logo overlays in the background wheels of your image)
    • Add manufacturer & year to the wheel images (could be a lot of work if you have a lot of tables)

    But none of the above will provide a result with the manufacturer & year shown in your preferred location, for that you'd need a feature request - https://forums.gameex.com/forums/topic/22259-pinballx-enhancementsfeatures-requests/


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