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Everything posted by GAH1068

  1. Another small change to see if adding a delay in the way the enter key is sent helps to get the table to start. If you current version is working no need to replace, this is more a "test" build to see if this make any difference. Thanks to everyone helping test this!
  2. Very welcome, I can't answer why the settings.xml wouldn't exist on your system other than maybe something is corrupt or you are redirecting folders to a different drive. If you run Zaccaria and there is no Settings.XML it will create one automatically. Something to see would be if you change some settings, exit the software and then run it again. If the default settings remain changed then it has to be creating the file somewhere and it is just a question of finding it and then updating your Launch_Zaccaria script to use that folder instead of the the default location.
  3. A few questions: 1) What version of TPA are you trying to use? Did you buy a license for Arcooda (Cabinet Mode) or are you just running standard Pinball Arcade PinballArcade11 .exe)? Assuming you did buy the Arcooda license. Your DX11_settings.dat looked fine to me and your FCM settings.ini all look good so lets do the following: 1) Find the PinballArcadeCabinet.exe and PinballArcade11.exe in your Pinball Arcade folder. Right click each file, go to properties, Compatibility tab and check the box saying "Run as administrator" 2) Go to your FreeCamMod directory and set the TPAFreeCamMod.exe file to run as administrator as well. 3) Repeat the progress for Run_Arcooda.exe and Start_Arcooda.exe and make sure those run as Administrator. 2) Confirm you are running the latest version of FreeCamMod [ Current build : v2.01 working with game version TPA 1.71.8 / Arcooda 1.71.10 Cabinet ] Now lets try and launch a table from outside PBX You should be able to launch a table directly outside PinballX if things are configured ok. Open a command prompt and go to your FCM folder TPAFreeCamMod.exe -arcooda -table fnhouse TPAFreeCamMod.exe -arcooda -table whitewater ( FreeCamMod.exe should start, Launch 1.71.10 build of Cabinet Mode. The mod should then send the keys and take you to the table. )
  4. Do a search for display.exe screen rotate on Google. It is a free command line utility that I use using the run command from ahk. It will just be a single line command to use it. Very simple tool
  5. My playfield monitor is left in landscape mode. Before the new FCM I rotated the playfield 90 degrees using display.exe for both arcooda and normal PBA. Now FCM can do it for you. I do rotate it back via script when I exit. I run the rotate for zaccaria too and then rotate back at exit. .
  6. Yes, it is high scores. There is a menu screen to turn if off. I believe it was the same one screen where you could choose if you wanted commas or periods in the score seperatorm. There is also a good setting there to turn off a lot of the other onscreen menu items
  7. Final version for tonight. I really believe it is a timing issue with the way keypresses are being sent to Zacarria. This version has launched 10 tables from PBX in a row without getting stuck after the opening menu where the table is highlighted. Based on your computer you may need to change these but hopefully this cleans things up a bit more and makes it more stable. I am going to keep on seeing what else can be done.
  8. @hawkeyez88 I was seeing the same thing. I have made a few changes to the script so give this version a try. One is to make sure the Zaccaria window is active and then set the mouse cursor on top of the Zaccaria logo. Instead of sending an enter button press I have it send a left mouse click instead. I also changed some of the delays in sending keys using the sleep command. Things working reliably for me. I haven't had a table fail to start again now. I kept having problems today where I could hear the beeps (rem'd out in the script by putting ; in front) sending the keys but it wouldn't leave the opening menu. I finally figured out if the mouse cursor wasn't on the logo things were working sporadically. I am calling SetCursorPos to move the mouse to my playfield and then sending a mouse click instead of an Pressing enter. For the SetCursor position on MY cabinet. This puts the mouse clear in the Zaccaria logo. I am running 1080X1920 on my playfield and it is monitor 1. You may have to change this value to suit your system. You can easily create a new script with just the DLL("SetCursorPos..." line and test values and see where it goes on your system. Once you get it dialed in you can update your Launcher . The input is the X and Y coordinate. Sleep, 15000 DllCall("SetCursorPos", int, 560, int, 920) ; The first number is the X-coordinate and the second is the Y (relative to the screen). WinActivate, ahk_class GLFW30 ;SoundBeep, 440, 200 MouseClick , left Sleep, 600 ;SoundBeep, 400, 200 Send {Enter down}{Enter up} Sleep, 600 ;SoundBeep, 400, 200 Send {Enter down}{Enter up} ;SoundBeep, 500, 200
  9. @hawkeyez88 Sorry, just seeing this now. For your settings if you want to confirm you run PBAConfig.exe. Save your settings and then copy the DX11_settings.dat that greats created in the C:\Users\YourName\My Games\Pinball Arcade and name it arcooda_dx11.dat in that same folder. Config file you save and rename to Arcooda_dx11.dat would look something like this. I am not showing the cabinet mode tab as that will be specific Config file for standard TPA and with FCM needs to be close to this. Especially with bufffer settings and windows mode. Save and name fcm_dx11.dat or whatever name you are using. Run_Arcooda.ahk : You most likely have a single line to change. It wouldn't stop the table from launching but PBX won't save your last table launched which is a nice feature. Where it says system 9 - make sure you replace the number System_9 with with whatever system number you have arcooda under in your setup other OTHER systems. You might be using 9 but I doubt it. IniWrite, %description%%1%System_9, C:\Pinballx\Config\PinballX.ini, Internal, lastselected Start_Arcooda.ahk looks fine to me as long as you have confirmed your paths. FCM Please send your Settings.ini from the TPACamMod folder. This is an important part of the configuration. I am posting the contents of mine, I will Bold/Underline the parts that you should look at closely. I am not using the FCM part at all, I am Just using the table launch feature. The major ones are LauchGame, GamePath, CabinetMode, PFMonitor, BGMonitor,DMDMonitor There are other ones that depending on how you want to run can be configured but the 6 above are most critical for table launching. [Settings] ; Auto launch the game when the mod starts. LaunchGame=1 ; Path to the game folder. GamePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\PinballArcade\ ; Overlay is hidden when the game starts. StartHidden=1 ; Opacity of the overlay (0 -> 1.0 / 0.1 range). Opacity=1 ; Enable/disable the mod. FreeCameraMode=0 ; Auto hide the ingame HUD when you click START button. AutoHideHUD=1 ; The cam values are applied to the sliders when you click START button, otherwise sliders value are applied to the cam. AutoCamToSliders=1 ; Check if a *.cam file exists for the current table and automatically loads it. AutoLoadCamFile=0 ; Enable/disable Hotkeys. HotKeys=0 ; The key (constant) defined in the game to manually hide the ingame HUD (default key: H) ; Keyboard scan code constants list: http://goo.gl/rvrMS9 ; Take the hex value in the table (0x48) and convert it to an integer (72); HideHUDKey=72 ; Auto rotate the playfield screen when the mod starts. AutoRotateScreen=1 ; Playfield monitor number (as displayed in Windows/Nvidia/Ati display settings). PFMonitor=1 [Cabinet] ; Enable cabinet mode, dual monitor display with backglass & DMD. CabinetMode=1 ; Backglass monitor number (as displayed in Windows/Nvidia/Ati display settings). BGMonitor=2 ; Enable/disable 4K resolution support. HighRes4K=0 [DMD] ; ### DMD Settings (position is ignored when a table specific DMD file exists) ### ; DMD monitor number (as displayed in Windows/Nvidia/Ati display settings). DMDMonitor=2 ; DMD Default X Position. DMDXPos=0 ; DMD Default Y Position. DMDYPos=0 ; DMD always on top of all windows. DMDTopMost=1 ; DMD position is locked by default. DMDLockedPos=0 ; DMD size is locked by default. DMDLockedSize=0 ; ############################# HOTKEYS NOTE ############################### ; # For a complete list of usable keys, please visit: http://goo.gl/0blPF6 # ; # NumLock key should be ON to use NumPad keys. # ; # 'PageUp' key is also known as 'Prior' for backwards compatibility. # ; # 'PageDown' key is also known as 'Next' for backwards compatibility. # ; ########################################################################## [HotKeys] HideShowOverlay=NumPad0 XTranslation+=Right XTranslation-=Left YTranslation+=Up YTranslation-=Down ZTranslation+=Home ZTranslation-=End XRotation+=NumPad2 XRotation-=NumPad5 YRotation+=Numpad6 YRotation-=Numpad4 ZRotation+=NumPad1 ZRotation-=NumPad3 FOV+=Insert FOV-=Delete CamSpeed+=Add CamSpeed-=Subtract SetCamView1=F1 SetCamView2=F2 SetCamView3=F3 CycleViews=F4
  10. That's the actual zaccaria game file that saves its Config and the file my script modifies to launch the table directly . By default it is created in the documents folder in a directory called zaccaria_pinball. Not sure why yours would not be there. You can see if you can locate it elsewhere on your system and update the path here to point to it instead of it using the variable name.
  11. Hmmmm, the error about the invalid type means that it isn't parsing out your zacarria PBX database to get the type. Two more things to try wouid be to make sure to run the launcher as Administrator. Another is to delete you database file and create it again in game list manager. You should be able to run the launcher right from a command prompt too just to make sure it isn't something in PBX. Example: LaunchZacaaria.Exe timemachine
  12. @JammitNothing is jumping out at me on your Settings.Ini file or your Databse.XML. I have a feeling it is probably because it can't find your PBX Zaccaria.XML file Did you edit your LaunchZaccaria.AHK and confirm you are pointing to where it is stored on your system? See underlined text below. Look at line 17 and confirm that the script is pointing to the right directory/filename for your system. That is the only line everyone will have to update for their system. If not, edit the file and update the directory, recompile the file and I bet you will be good to go. ; Updated launcher for Zaccarai by GAH1068 10/16/18. ; Modified from original Gigalula ; Tested with PBX V3.29 ; Update path to your Zaccaria XML file as needed. No other modification should be needed by default ;--------Run Before (Need to be compiled)----Start------ #SingleInstance force SetTitleMatchMode 2 DetectHiddenWindows On DetectHiddenText, On ; User inputs SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% table = %1% xml_table = %1% FileRead, xmldata, C:\Pinball\PinballX\Databases\Zaccaria\Zaccaria.xml ;change to your zaccaria PBX database
  13. Upload your pinballx.ini and database file and zaccaria settings. Xml file. Sounds like you config is off somehow. If you mean Zacacaris in game backglass there isn't anything I can really do script wise. I have a three monitors plus a real dmd on my system. I only use 2 monitors for my cabinet but I have a 27" 4K monitor that I use on the PC for other stuff as a 3rd screen. The 4K monitor would always set itself as monitor 1 and my playfield and backglass were 2 and 3. With monitor 2 set as primary display. This made the zaccaria backglass always display on monitor 1 no matter where I set the monitor positions in windows. Unfortunately there is no options in zaccaria to define your second screen so your at windows mercy. It took me about 2 hours but after moving display cables around, deleting registry settings multiple times and countless reboots I finally got this problem fixed by getting the 4K playfield set to monitor 3. Now my backglass works in zaccaria and I just had to quickly go back and change display settings for all VPX, VP9, TPA, etc
  14. Awesome, glad people are giving it a try. It's working great and I hacd a few others who said they are up and running.
  15. Do you have a cabinet unlock key from Zen? You need it to launch table from PBX now from what I have read.
  16. Here are all the Zaccaria table descriptions, names and types to add to Game list in PBX. There is one award table that is locked still on my Steam so I am not sure about the name. Zaccaria_Tables.csv Enjoy!
  17. Success! - I have Zaccaria tables launching from PinballX. I have tested about 20 different tables and things are working great for me. I will probably do some more cleanup and improvements down the road but for now I am content. My sample shows how to launch a table from each Zaccaria pinball table type. They have EM, SS, Retro, Remake and Award and Deluxe I still need to go through and confirm all the table names for each and every table but I wanted to get this script out there for others to test so please as you add to PBX lets keep a running list of all the table names with the "group" they are under. The key to using the script is in game manager make sure to put the correct table name in and most importantly the Type. My scripts looks for EM,SS,RT,RM and AW. The script will exit if you do not put the type in Game manager correctly. ( I am converting the case to upper so EM, em, Em, eM are all valid) EM=Electro Mag, SS=Solid State, RT=Retro, RM=Remake, AW=Award,DX=Deluxe Update: 11/21/19 - Modified script to handle new Deluxe table types. Ust DX as Type in game manager to use. Update: 12/20/18 - Added latest PinballX Zaccaria Database file Update: 12/1/18 - There is a optional change you can make to your script if you normally leave your playfield in landscape mode and then rotate to portrait when playing Zacarria. If your playfield is already in portrait then you will not need to modify this. There is a parameter to Zaccaria to automatically rotate the screen. (Stopping the need to rotate it via a launch before/after script) Original line: Run, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 Change to: Run, "%SteamDirPath%\Steam.exe" -applaunch 444930 -rotate right (Or -rotate left depending on your configuration) Note: There will be one thing that needs to be changed in the LaunchZaccaria.ahk script. On Line 17 you will need to update the directory/filename of your Zaccaria PBX database file. Make sure to save your changes and compile again. Line to edit: FileRead, xmldata, C:\Pinball\PinballX\Databases\Zaccaria\Zaccaria.xml ;change to your zaccaria PBX database PBX config for Zaccaria: A single table from each "group" configured. LaunchZaccaria.ahk Zaccaria.xml
  18. @pindapoe Success, I have it working with PinballX. It takes the table name Game Manager and then as long as you set the Table type properly it works. Posting script and instructions in the general group in a few minutes.
  19. @pindapoe - More progress made, I have it launching tables including the Remake and Retro ones now. I want to clean up that part that writes the settings.xml and then I just need to parse out the PBX XML file to get the type of table to to write to the Settings.XML when it loads the table. This weekend turned out to be closing down my RV for the approaching winter and then raking and mowing my lawn so I didn't get much time to play with Zaccaria. Now that I have a working launcher I don't see any issues getting this to work from PBX.
  20. I am only using FCM to launch the table. I have the HUD turned off and do not use tit for any cameras. The FCM settings.ini just needs to be updated for this
  21. The way I posted works great so it isn't really a big deal to me if I can't get it to launch with 1 script only. When I get some time I'll give the 1-script way a few more shots but I am just happy that table can be launched directly and not have to go through the god awful TPA menu.
  22. I am going to play around more and see if I can get FCM running directly from PBX without the one AHK script still. It was close but the key presses that FCM was sending were not registering so I reverted back to what works for me now. When things slow down I will play with it more. I quickly tried putting some delays in to give FCM time to lauch TPA and then try and bring the window to the foreground quicker. I have a feeling it is just a timing issue and need to make sure TPA has focus so FCM can do it's thing.
  23. No, If you are not running both Arcooda and standard TPA using FCM you wouldn't need to worry about the DX11_settings.dat. When you run FCM for standard TPA you have to modify your DX11 settings and set: Back Buffer Width: 1080 Back Buffer Height 2200 Window Mode to: Window I own all the content for Pinball Arcade so now I am launching the 76 Arcooda tables using FCM and then the rest (Stern, etc) are running normal DX11 mode with FCM.
  24. I tried running TPAFreeCamMod from PBX but wasn't having much luck. I think it is a focus issue of some sort but it looked like it was close. I switched back to my old method which works 100%. I made a new post on how to set it up.
  25. Here is my working compiled AHK script that I use to launch Arcooda tables directly. You will need to alter your paths depending on where things install but this is working 100% for me I am running two scripts from PBX. On startup the one named Start_Arcooda.exe is doing two basic things. It copies a specific saved settings file I created for both Arcooda and for standard TPA to the C:\Users\YourName\My Games\Pinball Arcade directory\DX11_Settings.dat. DX11_Settings.Dat are where your screen settings are stored and there will be two different ones if you are running both Arcooda and standard TPA. Creating a saved .Dat file allows me to switch between the two system without having to run PBAConfig.exe each time. I can launch either tables this way.. I have a copy called Arcooda_Dx11.dat and fcm_dx11.dat that I configued for each system by running the PBAConfig.exe located in the Pinball Arcade directory. I then copied the DX11_settings.Dat to the Arcooda_Dx11.dat and FCM_Dx11.dat. The script on startup copied either the FCM_DX11.dat or Arcooda_DX11.dat prior to starting TPAFreeCamMod.exe Here is the PBX system config: Start_Arcooda.ahk Run_Arcooda.ahk
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