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Everything posted by BrandonLaw

  1. This guy.
  2. Yep, that bronzeness get's me goin.
  3. But...I know in my heart they are pretty and that is priceless. (if I knew what a crf or qp was, I'd have a better answer)
  4. After making FX3 a permanent staple in my line-up as I'm seemingly enjoying it more and more, I realized none of you savages have 4k table videos recorded...and if you do, they aren't on the FTP. FINE...I guess I'll do it I've recorded all 80 whatever tables are current through William's Vol 2. I was shooting for the 30 second mark to keep them around 200mb apiece, but I have been drunking. ....Seriously...you're savages. /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/BrandonLaw Also to note....it's 13ish GB. It's still uploading at 10+mbit. Hold yer horses.
  5. LOL! I wish I would have seen you post. I whipped these up too! PSD shared. BallyWilliamsVPtemplate.psd
  6. Very nice!! When I was home with our newborn at the start of the year, I purchased all FX3 tables for the switch and really enjoyed myself. I plugged myself into the daily tourney's and had a ton-o-fun. They have made it a fun experience and really welcome anyone to give it a shot.
  7. Worked like a goddammed champion. Thanks, sir. Let me tell you how out of the loop I am on FX3...which btw...I truly do like the physics...I still haven't updated my SOLO tables' art. So slack.
  8. So...funny you mention that. I've been on easily a week plus hiatus from pinball altogether (not by choice mind you) and have a good bit 'completed?' and I say that with a question mark, because I am having second thoughts on my process. What I was doing was of course cutting and cleaning the text/logo, but for the inner image, I was sort of using some of the images from the theme and some from the tables and It didn't make sense. What I think I am going to do in continuing is to use the 'theme' in the original and show a portion of the table for the retro and restyled ones (2016-18' verisions.) That way you know what the 'original' was by the themed icon. I just haven't found the time. I am sorry. Happy to share what I have so far? I can make a dir on the FTP and as they are named what the tables are...just overwrite them with the new ones? How about that.
  9. GAH...you've always got the answer I'm lookin' for:) I did manage to grab a new(er) dmdext back in OCT 1.72, I think. It does give the 'orange,' when playing so I'll have to see if he updated the beta.
  10. Maybe I'm out of the loop, but what's with the DMDext issues on the new tables? Works fine with others tables, but only the View shows up if you change your cam ('View 1W' for example shows,) but then nothing and the cam view stays stuck. Also, can't use the 4160 4k option? The view get's all overstretched. I assume these are known issues, just want to confirm because the non WMS tables are still fine.
  11. I haven't looked through the xml, but I have 85 tables in my collection after the vol. 2 purchase?
  12. Absolutely. I can create them if needed. Cardnal sin on my part...I haven't even turned on my cab in like 2 weeks. End of the year push for work I have slacked on everything and I'm the worst. Let me know if you want me to throw a couple together. Hell, I didn't even know Vol 2 went live! Ugh! Here is the template. Bonus...has the VP image I personally use on a layer FX3DockletTemplate.psd
  13. I am for this as well. I had suggested even adding the 'lists' to the 'exit' menu as I like to only have one menu. I could just hit my esc button, and boom, FX3, Zaccaria, Arcooda, and Visual PB are all there. I don't care for them being all jumbled up.
  14. This is something I've used in the past on my MAME cabs even though I've never owned an x-gaming product...seems to do the trick. I use the standalone version rather than the online tool, but to each his own. Joystick Button Press Utility
  15. Those look great! TIL www.flamingtext.com I work from home, and today I have virtually zero on my plate. Let's see if I can stay focused on knocking some of these out.
  16. Beastmaster for example...Totally needed to recreated and touched. I even horizontally squish some images a bit as old art is 'plumpy' making noses stretch and people look goofy. I'm not delighted by it, but working with what I've got. I'm just going to do each one new as I've been doing if that's cool with everyone? Here is a before and after of some sharpening. I'm sure it would be tough to notice on a cab, but I would know:)
  17. Tossed the Retrolablel.png for you in /-PinballX-/Other Uploads/BrandonLaw/Zaccaria Keep in mind I just created that...it's not perfect, but gets the job done when zipping through the wheel. So, my hard drive hates me as I save everything in it's own file, so if I am cutting out and re-imaging the text logos for the bottom of the docklets, the cutout is saved within the photoshop file for that docklet. If you want the PS files, no prob. I can upload them as I go along? I would rather finish and dump the pngs and provide the PS files at request as they can chew up space.
  18. Ok, here's what I'm finding out quickly as I like to work in higher resolutions: 1. Artwork on the web is basically non-existent, so I am using the in-game screenshots to gather art. 2. It needs A LOT of cleanup. This process takes the most time. 3. Some concepts for the docklet, just aren't great or fit correctly from old table-art like this. So what I am doing is taking the art from the table itself instead of the backglass. Check the image below. This particular piece took around an hour altogether and is completely from high-res screen grabs and touch-ups. Let me know what you think about having a bit of table in some of these if needed. As far as the naming conventions...when I finish, which may be 2023:) I am going to have all .PNG's named as they are in the xml. I am going in alphabetical order of xml for peace of mind.
  19. Proof of concept (Which correlates to Draco's already put together Docklets) for cutting and cleaning text, recoloring images, and sharpening if needed in which there will be a regular, and a 'Retro' tag that was recreated from the in-game tags to look similar. They will be much larger as these were sized down for the post.
  20. Also in current news...anyone else see the 99 cent 27 table drop on Steam? Don't mind if I do.
  21. Work has been really taxing lately, but I will try to spare some time to this. I of course own Zaccaria, and I think I am up to date with the tables and the artwork needed. I'll check the FTP and see what Draco's put down and see if I can collab the already completed works. I realistically have made a template for myself in PS and just slap a cut/colored/touched snip into a layer.
  22. You get me a list and I'll get crackin'. Or, I can just start from scratch and make the docklets the way I do them, because of course they look best haaaaaaa. Happy to help.
  23. Using 3.29 (says 3.28 on the info bar which is known,) but it did work in 3.26? I think. I was a couple versions behind.
  24. It was supported last version and busted in the current version. Might come back? I created a similar thread not long ago.
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