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Everything posted by BrandonLaw

  1. No prob. I'll wait for Tom to scope it out before I start tearing into it.
  2. Appreciate you gents looking! I've always displayed the b2s and VP real roms and again, this actually works as intended. I can't display FX3 DMD videos or VP color images only in PBX. Freezy's inside of FX3 works great. Here is another observation, when I fire up my cab, the pindmdv3 just shows the logo for itself and normally PBX will show that it's trying to display something...either turning it dark or showing frontend media...it does not do this any longer. Like it's not trying to initialize a driver or looking for the directory where the media is located or even looking for the media at all? Until I scroll to a tabl with VP ROM the DMD is otherwise unacknowledged. @Tom SpeirsWhat driver is used to output images and video to the dmd in the frontend and does PBX create registry entries for the media directories? When I fired up 'systems' it did not want to revert no matter where I edited the feature so I reinstalled, but I feel some of it's settings are residual somewhere.
  3. Tried a fresh install with a fresh .ini. Posted the updated log/ini, but still nothing on the DMD. Doesn't see Real Color DMD videos for FX3 and Real Color DMD Images for VP. Almost like it doesn't see the DMD media folders at all via the front-end outside of b2s? Worked before I did all this 'systems' stuff.
  4. Looks like we (I?) lost the Real DMD Color Images and Videos for the tables that I do not display the DMD. In front-end and in-game. B2s stuff works fine in front end. Posting my .log and .ini to make sure I ain't crazy. I could be. log.txtPinballX.ini
  5. @Mike_da_Spike you da man. Working well..although my system is quick enough to slop through the tables rapidly..I instantly missed the simplicity of going to what I want and just pushing once. Went back hehe. Also, @Tom Speirs good work on the current release. You work hard. It shows. We appreciate you.
  6. I had to redo my machine as my SSD grenaded last week, but I want to setup the systems. I only have fx3 and VP setup currently, and I can see the systems when I first startup as I have that enabled, otherwise, how the nuts do I get back to see the systems? My exit button only shows 'return' and 'exit.' I tried to disable the 'simple' menu...didn't seem to show any other options.
  7. Hey Tom. Did we remove the .gif loading image ability by accident again?
  8. Ha! I want a clock option as well! I don't have a clock (other than my PC) in my office, oddly. I dig it.
  9. Got it. Clocked the ol' Ryzen back to stock. PBXrecorder really didn't like Overclocking today.
  10. Can someone help me out and record a table vid (.mp4) of the new TOTAN. PBXrecorder for whatever reason just does NOT like recording this table. Has odd errors and dumps the program when I record. Only table out of 163 I've had do this. Just toss it on the FTP if you could?
  11. Oddly, I didn't get 'into' pinball until I mastered a pincab. I play VPX and FX3 and clearly know their differences. This has led me into the real world of pinball and I have to say...really no comparison. This THEN led me into purchasing my first pincab and doing a restore. Enjoying all facets!
  12. I take another route to this....FX3 is a video game. We have VP for realistic-pinball'n. I play FX3 as a video game and treat all aspects as such. I leave all that wacky bullshit on and even play in the tournaments and match-ups with it on because...it's a video game. If I want to to back to Party Zone where my man isn't zooming around on his rocket, or the scores aren't popping up in my face I just fire up VP. I absolutely think FX3 has a place on the cab, especially if you have children.
  13. I just use the one that says 'TILT'....throws everyone who's new to the machine off. They are like 'what did I do wrong??' I take a drink of beer and stare before I answer them.... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  14. Some quick-whatevers for the new Vol3.
  15. Just wanted to say thanks for bringing back animated .gif use in the loading screens. You're the man.
  16. Answer I was looking for. TY, Sir!
  17. Alrighty...full disclosure here....I do NOT remember how I encoded the last set in December! The file properties are blank with what was used to encode those things. (Nvidia states "shadowplay" if you use that. I feel I used BandiCam, but had lossless chosen instead of literally ANY compression.) Anyhow, I've gotten a hold of bandicam again (new PC since then) and that seems to have done the trick a bit better. Files are about half the size with better compression and still 4k. I can't see any difference between the files other than the size with the nekkid eye. Separate the BrandonLaw/FX3 4k Table Videos directory by date modified to see the three newbies as they are already properly named. Also, how can we get access to delete files as some jakko plopped a couple of files in my dirs that are not meant to be there.
  18. Hey! I haven't even installed the new pack. Kids, life, work, drinking...you know...the common stuff that gets in the way. I'll get to it this weekend as I wanna play, but we all know can't play unless it looks good getting there first!
  19. I've noticed 'some' tables do it? Freddy's Nightmare table does it off the top of my head... Not sure if this hurts or helps, but that's what I've got.
  20. Well saddle my back and call me a horse. This shit worked. I did zero other than eliminating the call for the .bat. I assume the time it takes to call the .bat was JUSTTTTTT enough to override the call for the game and null'd the frame output. With this assumption you could say the data was then cached going forward so the 'pause' was lessened? Whofknknows. Anyhow... Super happy. Powered on/off 5 times...different zen titles, and all are working at initial launch. Brilliant. Moral of the story: LESS IS MORE, MY FRIENDS. Thanks again!
  21. Hey all didn't mean to go dark as work took me away for a day. Cab is powered down and kiddos are sleeping (can't get the pbx.ini,) but the rundmd.bat was a quick bat I threw together in my early days of cab ownership to have dmdext be called with it's parameters 'easier' than I understood PBX to work:) It's just always worked and hadn't touched it. Might be time to do that and just run the parameters from PBX see how that goes. Just weird the call will work every time AFTER the first time. As far as the screens go, as you can see they power up all at once and run in PBX so no power issues there. Again, ran not long ago and fairly certain the issue started after updating DMDext for FX3 williams' tables. Can you run all the volumes of Williams' with your release? Btw, I think 1.7.2 is the newest which is what I'm running. Can't go back to 1.7.1 as the aforementioned table series will not output to the dmd. I'll report back after letting PBX do the work on those parameter calls...cross your whatevers.
  22. Hey All! Been annoyed with this for a bit, and frankly it's a bit embarrassing when you have folks over and you have to start a table, back out and restart again to get the DMD to work going forward in PBFX3 so figured i'd see if y'all have any ideas. The gist of what is happening: Start cab directly into PBX Find FX3 table Start Table loads and ready to rip EXCEPT FOR THE DMD. Exit table back to PBX Start table again DMD is there going forward for any table. Here is the log: (start at line 45 for FX3...thought I opened FX3 Getaway) Also: Here's a Video of the issue I may need to post this on GitHub page for ol' Freezy, but figured I'd try here in case it's an I-D-10-T error. log.txt
  23. You try to reassign the USB port? Just swap the IPAC to another port...oddly enough will take steps to assign the IRQ as 'new' re-validating the hardware. Does a regular keyboard work?
  24. All the years of photoshopping and I still can't wrap my head around when deleting selections...there's a bit of overlapping and or dirty deletion. JUST DELETE WHAT I TOLD YOU TO DELETE.
  25. You know I did. Sadly I had already combined the black/yellow layers. You may need to cut out the yellow (just use magic wand at like 80) if you don't prefer the black. SoloTexts.psd
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