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Everything posted by fRequEnCy

  1. Happy B-day!
  2. Ok. I've seen this before. The reason is because GameEx changes the rom names from the rom name to the rom number for handling of this particular emulator. But the problem is that it also is looking for the numbered videos to match. This was a flaw in this particular setup which has been brought up before but was never addressed. Solutions would be to use GameEx's integration for this emulator, rename your videos to the numbered roms, or to not use the map file but use a loader for the handling of using the rom number in command-line.
  3. Happy late bday!
  4. What are the details of the map file you're using? Can you post one line of it or post the whole thing if you want so that we can see what's going on?
  5. Thanks for the news Tom!
  6. Thanks guys!
  7. Thanks for the share.
  8. Happy late b-day. Sorry i missed it.
  9. Sorry I missed it. Hope you had a great one.
  10. Yeah. Sure is a great guy. Great friend! We need to all meet up for sure. Would be fun to have a meeting. It's cool how close some of us are in chat and yet have never met in person. Having a GameEx convention has always crossed my mind.
  11. Probably has to do with the headers of that romset. Also watch your wording of how roms are obtained.
  12. Or also use the most underused feature of all, "debug". Which pretty much has the same affect.
  13. Thanks Tom!
  14. As far as it not exiting the editor, it's cuz it you need to use the advanced config included with the loader and point to it in Setup Wizard. What it does is send the necessary keys to exit the emulator.
  15. Try adding "exit" to the end of the bat file. I don't use emulators so not sure. I'd have to do some testing.
  16. Try: Start "" "C:\GameEx\Emulators\Visual Pinball\taskbat.bat"
  17. What do you have in the launch after to run this? Please post the command-line used.
  18. In Nestopia..... Options >>> Preferences... >>> Check Switch to fullscreen on startup.
  19. Update directx. As far as the runitgame.bat window being to quick, add a PAUSE at the end as per the instructions given from the How To Ask For Help thread.
  20. Search! Search!! Search!!!
  21. I also have an app tool that I created which is how I submit the ones that are on my thread. I don't have it for release but if am available for requests. It only takes me seconds to generate one. Don't ever do them by hand!
  22. If you want a complete arcade experience, maybe just build your romset with the games that MAME doesn't emulate well. That way there's less space to be needed. The source I use and always recommend is NonMAME.
  23. Thanks Tom!
  24. Yeah it does have a learning curve but is very powerful once learned. May want to check out Rom Center as it's a little more user friendly. Wiki is a way to go. Another would be to check out the emulator itself. Sometimes a list can be generated or usually already exists.
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